Individual Results
31st Annual Larry Eddington InvitationalSeptember 16, 2000 Girls Frosh/Soph 2.4 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 DeKalb 123 Anna Booten (So) 0:16:36.7 2 2 Benet 91 Ruth Swedler (Fr) 0:16:37.4 3 3 Benet 87 Lisa Schroeck (Fr) 0:16:39.3 4 4 Glenbard North 234 Nicole Veverka (Fr) 0:16:41.0 5 Sycamore 347 Liz Neukirch (So) 0:16:58.6 6 Sycamore 351 Genny Turner (So) 0:17:01.1 7 5 Glenbard North 219 Kourtnie Vandersnick (Fr) 0:17:02.1 8 6 Benet 94 Juliann Szablewski (So) 0:17:06.7 9 7 Benet 77 Jill Murphy (Fr) 0:17:15.9 10 8 West Chicago 407 Kristin Wolfe (Fr) 0:17:16.8 11 9 Benet 60 Carly Duff (So) 0:17:21.1 12 10 West Chicago 405 Carmen Saucedo (So) 0:17:21.4 13 11 Dundee-Crown 156 Kaylin Rowland (Fr) 0:17:24.9 14 12 DeKalb 127 Katelyn Fox (So) 0:17:26.3 15 13 Glenbard North 220 Katie Gillies (So) 0:17:30.4 16 14 Benet 90 Anne Stava (Fr) 0:17:31.2 17 15 DeKalb 131 Emily McLinden (So) 0:17:42.0 18 16 Neuqua Valley 289 Ashley Aurand (So) 0:17:45.9 19 17 Benet 75 Maria McCullough (Fr) 0:17:49.8 20 18 Burlington Central 106 Christina Brown (So) 0:17:52.2 21 19 Kaneland 281 Brianna Musser (So) 0:18:00.0 22 20 Waubonsie Valley 372 Jen Clouthier (Fr) 0:18:00.3 23 21 Glenbard North 214 Sarah Bryers (Fr) 0:18:05.6 24 22 Waubonsie Valley 366 Lauren Bezdek (So) 0:18:07.6 25 23 Dundee-Crown 148 Amanda Havis (Fr) 0:18:08.2 26 24 Rosary 330 Caitlin Feehan (So) 0:18:10.1 27 25 West Chicago 403 Krystal Muhlberger (So) 0:18:12.3 28 26 Neuqua Valley 299 Alyssa Heyden (So) 0:18:22.1 29 27 Burlington Central 115 Nadine Krantz (So) 0:18:24.5 30 28 Neuqua Valley 301 Elizabeth Hubbard (So) 0:18:26.4 31 29 Glenbard North 211 Laura Armenta (Fr) 0:18:27.4 32 30 Kaneland 287 MaryChris Zielinski (So) 0:18:28.5 33 31 Rosary 339 Bridget Treccia (So) 0:18:31.6 34 32 Glenbard East 191 Erin Dexi (Fr) 0:18:33.0 35 33 Glenbard East 186 Dena Baldauf (Fr) 0:18:35.3 36 34 Glenbard East 193 Katriona Elmer (Fr) 0:18:45.2 37 Illinois Math & Science 238 Becky Arundale (So) 0:18:45.9 38 35 Geneva 177 Heather Smudde (So) 0:18:46.3 39 36 Waubonsie Valley 394 Amanda Wybolt (Fr) 0:18:50.2 40 37 Dundee-Crown 152 Allison Komaromy (Fr) 0:18:55.1 41 38 Rosary 331 Ashley Gravovec (Fr) 0:19:01.3 42 39 Dundee-Crown 155 Ashley Nickels (Fr) 0:19:01.5 43 Illinois Math & Science 247 Julie Lauffenburger (So) 0:19:02.2 44 40 Burlington Central 104 Shay Batcheller (So) 0:19:05.7 45 41 Bartlett 30 Krystle Joerg (So) 0:19:07.5 46 42 Waubonsie Valley 376 Emily Dewees (Fr) 0:19:08.1 47 43 Glenbard East 207 Jessica Saunders (Fr) 0:19:09.3 48 44 Dundee-Crown 141 Angela Cirrito (So) 0:19:10.2 49 45 Waubonsie Valley 363 Stephanie Anderson (So) 0:19:10.7 50 46 Neuqua Valley 322 Nora Shawki (So) 0:19:12.1 51 47 DeKalb 124 Leah Brown (So) 0:19:13.9 52 48 Glenbard East 198 Karina Granados (So) 0:19:17.2 53 49 Waubonsie Valley 389 Suma Parvathaneni (So) 0:19:19.4 54 50 Kaneland 274 Lindsey Cotton (So) 0:19:22.1 55 51 West Chicago 406 Kristy Skogsberg (Fr) 0:19:25.8 56 52 Neuqua Valley 321 Genevieve Roberts (Fr) 0:19:30.0 57 53 West Chicago 400 Stephanie Geissman (Fr) 0:19:32.9 58 54 DeKalb 133 Allison Rimmer (Fr) 0:19:39.0 59 Sycamore 345 Beth Kempton (So) 0:19:39.5 60 55 Glenbard North 228 Nadia Martinez (So) 0:19:42.9 61 56 West Chicago 395 Lauren Anders (Fr) 0:19:45.0 62 57 Dundee-Crown 138 Holly Bertram (Fr) 0:19:48.3 63 58 Burlington Central 116 Briana Nightengale (So) 0:19:55.6 64 59 Kaneland 269 Sadie Anderson (So) 0:19:56.9 65 60 Kaneland 271 Amanda Bas (So) 0:19:59.3 66 61 Glenbard North 236 Stephanie Wolgat (So) 0:19:59.7 67 Timothy Christian 358 Kristin Raley (Fr) 0:20:05.6 68 62 Neuqua Valley 326 Lauren Wilson (So) 0:20:09.0 69 63 Burlington Central 109 Heidi Finegan (So) 0:20:10.9 70 64 Burlington Central 103 Susan Ally (So) 0:20:14.4 71 65 Geneva 173 Inger Lund (So) 0:20:16.0 72 66 Bartlett 26 Autumn Durias (So) 0:20:20.5 73 67 Bartlett 23 Alison Cebulko (So) 0:20:22.1 74 68 Waubonsie Valley 365 Courtney Bates (So) 0:20:24.9 75 69 Glenbard East 187 Aija Blanken (Fr) 0:20:29.2 76 70 Geneva 167 Kara Donash (Fr) 0:20:35.9 77 71 Bartlett 32 Laura Miron (Fr) 0:20:38.2 78 72 Rosary 333 Megan Hartrongraft (Fr) 0:21:00.0 79 Illinois Math & Science 250 Anna Peralta (So) 0:21:01.2 80 73 Glenbard East 210 Samantha Wittenberg (Fr) 0:21:04.7 81 74 Bartlett 20 Amanda Adeleye (Fr) 0:21:14.7 82 75 Dundee-Crown 139 Pamela Bittler (So) 0:21:19.2 83 76 Kaneland 276 Margo Griffin (So) 0:21:27.7 84 77 Geneva 168 Katelyn Amenta Fr) 0:21:36.2 85 78 Rosary 337 Laura Metz (Fr) 0:21:44.7 86 79 Geneva 175 Courtenay Moran (Fr) 0:21:49.5 87 80 Bartlett 22 Bev Bautista (So) 0:22:17.4 88 81 Bartlett 25 Stephanie Delarosa (So) 0:22:29.3 89 Sycamore 341 Ashleigh Brann (So) 0:24:08.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Benet 27 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 17 2 Glenbard North 72 4, 5, 13, 21, 29, 55, 61 3 DeKalb 129 1, 12, 15, 47, 54 4 West Chicago 147 8, 10, 25, 51, 53, 56 5 Dundee-Crown 154 11, 23, 37, 39, 44, 57, 75 6 Waubonsie Valley 165 20, 22, 36, 42, 45, 49, 68 7 Neuqua Valley 168 16, 26, 28, 46, 52, 62 8 Glenbard East 190 32, 33, 34, 43, 48, 69, 73 9 Burlington Central 206 18, 27, 40, 58, 63, 64 10 Kaneland 218 19, 30, 50, 59, 60, 76 11 Rosary 243 24, 31, 38, 72, 78 12 Bartlett 319 41, 66, 67, 71, 74, 80, 81 13 Geneva 326 35, 65, 70, 77, 79 14 Batavia No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 Coal City No Score - Had only 0 finishers 16 Genoa-Kingston No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Illinois Math & Science No Score - Had only 3 finishers 18 Jacobs No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Sycamore No Score - Had only 4 finishers 20 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 1 finisher 21 Westmont No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Benet 85:02 17:00 0:43 16:38, 16:40, 17:07, 17:16, 17:21, 17:32 2 Glenbard North 87:48 17:34 1:47 16:41, 17:02, 17:31, 18:06, 18:28, 19:43 3 DeKalb 90:39 18:08 3:02 16:37, 17:27, 17:42, 19:14, 19:39 4 West Chicago 91:51 18:22 2:16 17:17, 17:22, 18:13, 19:26, 19:33, 19:45 5 Dundee-Crown 92:42 18:32 1:46 17:25, 18:09, 18:55, 19:02, 19:11, 19:49 6 Neuqua Valley 93:17 18:39 1:44 17:46, 18:22, 18:27, 19:12, 19:30, 20:09 7 Waubonsie Valley 93:19 18:40 1:10 18:01, 18:08, 18:51, 19:08, 19:11, 19:20 8 Glenbard East 94:23 18:53 0:45 18:33, 18:36, 18:46, 19:10, 19:18, 20:30 9 Burlington Central 95:31 19:06 2:18 17:53, 18:25, 19:06, 19:56, 20:11, 20:15 10 Kaneland 95:48 19:10 2:00 18:00, 18:29, 19:22, 19:57, 20:00, 21:28 11 Rosary 98:29 19:42 3:35 18:10, 18:32, 19:02, 21:00, 21:45 12 Bartlett 101:45 20:21 2:07 19:08, 20:21, 20:22, 20:39, 21:15, 22:18 13 Geneva 103:06 20:37 3:03 18:47, 20:16, 20:36, 21:37, 21:50 14 Batavia No Score 15 Coal City No Score 16 Genoa-Kingston No Score 17 Illinois Math & Science No Score 18:46, 19:03, 21:02 18 Jacobs No Score 19 Sycamore No Score 16:59, 17:01, 19:40, 24:08 20 Timothy Christian No Score 20:06 21 Westmont No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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