Individual Results
34rd Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 2, 2004 Boys Fr (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Lake Park Austin Greidlish (Fr) 0:11:06.6 2 2 Barrington Dan Quarfoot (Fr) 0:11:11.8 3 3 Barrington Matt Barnes (Fr) 0:11:16.2 4 4 Fenwick Ryan Shannon (Fr) 0:11:19.8 5 5 Hinsdale Central Thomas Fielder (Fr) 0:11:31.8 6 6 Lake Park Mike DellaPenna (Fr) 0:11:33.9 7 7 Barrington Chris Samp (Fr) 0:11:36.5 8 8 Hinsdale South Brian Denk (Fr) 0:11:40.5 9 9 Hinsdale Central Brock Piche (Fr) 0:11:41.5 10 10 Fenwick Patrick McGillen (Fr) 0:11:42.5 11 11 Evanston Andy Hopple (Fr) 0:11:43.8 12 12 Hinsdale Central Robin Kalsbeek (Fr) 0:11:44.9 13 13 Fenwick Jack Gancer (Fr) 0:11:45.4 14 14 Fenwick Matt Connelly (Fr) 0:11:52.6 15 15 Evanston Lars Kohlman (Fr) 0:11:59.8 16 16 Evanston Sam Levon (Fr) 0:12:01.1 17 17 Lake Park Tim Griffiths (Fr) 0:12:02.4 18 18 Evanston Nick Boyer (Fr) 0:12:05.3 19 19 Fenwick George Groen (Fr) 0:12:06.6 20 20 Hinsdale Central Nick Miller (Fr) 0:12:12.8 21 21 Fenwick Brad Krebs (Fr) 0:12:17.9 22 22 Glenbrook South Tom Krolikowski (Fr) 0:12:18.6 23 23 Glenbrook South Luis Nasiff (Fr) 0:12:19.5 24 24 Glenbrook North Matt Ricco (Fr) 0:12:20.0 25 25 Argo Gabriel Torres (Fr) 0:12:23.8 26 26 Fenwick Gene Halleran (Fr) 0:12:32.6 27 27 Glenbrook South Artem Genchanok (Fr) 0:12:33.9 28 28 Glenbrook North Mike Kirby (Fr) 0:12:35.2 29 29 Glenbrook South Billy Cowhey (Fr) 0:12:36.3 30 30 Barrington Mike Pfifer (Fr) 0:12:38.8 31 31 Leyden Russell Scheiden (Fr) 0:12:40.4 32 32 Lake Park Mike Ostrowski (Fr) 0:12:41.3 33 33 Evanston Sam Cejtin 0:12:44.9 34 34 Lake Park Casy Fergus (Fr) 0:12:47.7 35 Fenwick Nick Bortolotti (Fr) 0:12:48.1 36 Fenwick Kyle Henderson (Fr) 0:12:48.5 37 Fenwick Mark Drago (Fr) 0:12:49.8 38 35 Evanston John Wagner (Fr) 0:12:51.0 39 36 Leyden Kevin Carrera (Fr) 0:12:53.4 40 37 Grayslake Nick Nowak (Fr) 0:12:55.7 41 38 Lake Park Julian Rios (Fr) 0:12:57.3 42 39 Lake Park Adam Cook (Fr) 0:12:57.7 43 Fenwick Chris Marosi (Fr) 0:12:58.4 44 40 Highland Park Tanner Buel (Fr) 0:12:58.9 45 41 Highland Park Joe Sussman (Fr) 0:13:01.3 46 42 Argo Enrigue Cammacho (Fr) 0:13:03.5 47 43 Highland Park Jeff Atkins (Fr) 0:13:04.8 48 44 Lake Forest Academy Ryan Pesch (Fr) 0:13:05.3 49 45 Glenbrook North Steve Ioannou (Fr) 0:13:05.7 50 46 Deerfield/Cambridge, WI Andy Kornelsen (Fr) 0:13:06.1 51 47 Mather Jeremy Webber (Fr) 0:13:07.8 52 48 Hinsdale Central Peter Richard (Fr) 0:13:08.8 53 49 Lake Forest Academy Brad Heinz (Fr) 0:13:10.7 54 50 Lake Forest Academy Drew Johnson (Fr) 0:13:12.9 55 51 Glenbrook South Jeff Benjamin (Fr) 0:13:15.8 56 52 Glenbrook South Kyle Hammond (Fr) 0:13:16.4 57 53 Leyden Toby Hwang (Fr) 0:13:16.9 58 54 Evanston Christopher Metz (Fr) 0:13:17.7 59 55 Mather Freddy Hernandez (Fr) 0:13:18.6 60 56 Mather Gustavo Martinez (Fr) 0:13:19.2 61 Fenwick Ian Toupin (Fr) 0:13:19.7 62 57 Glenbrook South Damir Svraka (Fr) 0:13:20.7 63 Evanston Will Rejtin (Fr) 0:13:21.0 64 Fenwick Tim Gazdziak (Fr) 0:13:23.6 65 58 Mather Sam Vidol (Fr) 0:13:26.2 66 Glenbrook South Ari Spector (Fr) 0:13:28.4 67 Fenwick Anthony Crawford (Fr) 0:13:28.9 68 59 Lake Forest Academy Kyle Sandgate-Blix (Fr) 0:13:29.6 69 60 Grayslake Brendon Cerk (Fr) 0:13:31.4 70 Glenbrook South Naoki Izumo (Fr) 0:13:32.8 71 61 Mather William Hernandez (Fr) 0:13:33.3 72 Glenbrook South Mike Alpern (Fr) 0:13:36.4 73 62 Argo Steven Lesniak (Fr) 0:13:40.0 74 63 Highland Park Peter Berger (Fr) 0:13:42.1 75 64 Hinsdale South Eric Jachimiec (Fr) 0:13:42.7 76 65 Mather Mirza Berberkic (Fr) 0:13:43.4 77 66 Glenbrook North Mike Ibarra (Fr) 0:13:44.2 78 67 Grayslake Jeff Zhang (Fr) 0:13:44.9 79 Lake Park Tim McDonough (Fr) 0:13:45.3 80 68 Glenbrook North Jason Ffield (Fr) 0:13:51.1 81 69 Hinsdale Central Kyle Truedson (Fr) 0:13:54.9 82 70 Grayslake David Pickerall (Fr) 0:13:57.2 83 71 Leo John Sellers (Fr) 0:13:58.5 84 72 Lockport Matt Lavelle (Fr) 0:13:59.7 85 73 Hinsdale Central Frank Zorgas (Fr) 0:14:00.8 86 74 Mather John Hamamoto (Fr) 0:14:02.3 87 75 Highland Park Jeremy Hersh (Fr) 0:14:03.0 88 Mather Mahmoud Adugom (Fr) 0:14:04.5 89 76 Lake Forest Academy Ron Sutton (Fr) 0:14:05.5 90 Glenbrook South Pat Snediker (Fr) 0:14:08.1 91 77 Glenbrook North Ned McElvain (Fr) 0:14:11.8 92 78 Grayslake Roman Zalov (Fr) 0:14:13.1 93 Glenbrook South Vince Almeroth (Fr) 0:14:19.1 94 79 Glenbrook North Peter Bermes (Fr) 0:14:22.9 95 Fenwick James Dudek (Fr) 0:14:23.5 96 80 Grayslake Kevin Aukee (Fr) 0:14:29.0 97 81 Leyden Josh Kalbach (Fr) 0:14:31.1 98 82 Highland Park Nick Yohanna (Fr) 0:14:35.2 99 Evanston MJ Mulika (Fr) 0:14:40.7 100 83 Lockport Eric Pozdal (Fr) 0:14:41.3 101 84 Barrington Ricky Johnson (Fr) 0:14:46.0 102 Evanston Noah Lieberfman (Fr) 0:14:59.2 103 Glenbrook South Austin Kim (Fr) 0:15:04.7 104 85 Barrington Mike DeStefano (Fr) 0:15:18.6 105 Glenbrook North John Karalis (Fr) 0:15:20.1 106 Glenbrook North Aaron Goldstein (Fr) 0:15:21.1 107 86 Argo Adrian Flores (Fr) 0:15:25.4 108 Glenbrook South Robby Schiele (Fr) 0:15:26.0 109 87 Highland Park Jake Schneider (Fr) 0:15:40.7 110 Lake Park Dan Riek (Fr) 0:16:07.7 111 Hinsdale Central John Hillegass (Fr) 0:16:18.1 112 88 Leo John Baker (Fr) 0:17:53.9 113 89 Argo Alfredo Rodriguez (Fr) 0:18:17.0 114 Glenbrook South Zach Herman (Fr) 0:20:04.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 60 4, 10, 13, 14, 19, 21, 26 2 Lake Park 90 1, 6, 17, 32, 34, 38, 39 3 Evanston 93 11, 15, 16, 18, 33, 35, 54 4 Hinsdale Central 94 5, 9, 12, 20, 48, 69, 73 5 Barrington 126 2, 3, 7, 30, 84, 85 6 Glenbrook South 152 22, 23, 27, 29, 51, 52, 57 7 Glenbrook North 231 24, 28, 45, 66, 68, 77, 79 8 Highland Park 262 40, 41, 43, 63, 75, 82, 87 9 Mather 277 47, 55, 56, 58, 61, 65, 74 10 Lake Forest Academy 278 44, 49, 50, 59, 76 11 Leyden 291 31, 36, 53, 81, 90 12 Argo 304 25, 42, 62, 86, 89 13 Grayslake 312 37, 60, 67, 70, 78, 80 14 Hinsdale South 342 8, 64, 90, 90, 90 15 Deerfield/Cambridge, WI 406 46, 90, 90, 90, 90 16 Lockport 425 72, 83, 90, 90, 90 17 Leo 429 71, 88, 90, 90, 90 18 Chicago Academy No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Chicago Int. Charter No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Greer, SC No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Guerin Prep No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Kelvyn Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Lincoln Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Marian Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Mt. Carmel No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 58:44 11:45 0:47 11:19, 11:42, 11:45, 11:52, 12:06, 12:17 2 Lake Park 60:09 12:02 1:41 11:06, 11:33, 12:02, 12:41, 12:47, 12:57 3 Hinsdale Central 60:16 12:03 1:37 11:31, 11:41, 11:44, 12:12, 13:08, 13:54 4 Evanston 60:32 12:06 1:01 11:43, 11:59, 12:01, 12:05, 12:44, 12:51 5 Barrington 61:27 12:17 3:35 11:11, 11:16, 11:36, 12:38, 14:46, 15:18 6 Glenbrook South 63:01 12:36 0:57 12:18, 12:19, 12:33, 12:36, 13:15, 13:16 7 Glenbrook North 65:35 13:07 1:31 12:20, 12:35, 13:05, 13:44, 13:51, 14:11 8 Mather 66:43 13:21 0:26 13:07, 13:18, 13:19, 13:26, 13:33, 13:43 9 Highland Park 66:48 13:22 1:05 12:58, 13:01, 13:04, 13:42, 14:03, 14:35 10 Lake Forest Academy 67:01 13:24 1:00 13:05, 13:10, 13:12, 13:29, 14:05 11 Grayslake 68:20 13:40 1:18 12:55, 13:31, 13:44, 13:57, 14:13, 14:29 12 Argo 72:48 14:34 5:54 12:23, 13:03, 13:40, 15:25, 18:17 13 Chicago Academy No Score 14 Chicago Int. Charter No Score 15 Deerfield/Cambridge, WI No Score 13:06 16 Greer, SC No Score 17 Guerin Prep No Score 18 Hinsdale South No Score 11:40, 13:42 19 Kelvyn Park No Score 20 Leo No Score 13:58, 17:53 21 Leyden No Score 12:40, 12:53, 13:16, 14:31 22 Lincoln Park No Score 23 Lockport No Score 13:59, 14:41 24 Luther South No Score 25 Marian Central No Score 26 Mt. Carmel No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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