Individual Results
34rd Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 2, 2004 Boys Sophmore (Wht) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Waubonsie Valley Alan Krol (So) 0:10:56.5 2 2 Prospect Keith Renaud (So) 0:11:09.2 3 3 Northside Prep Frank Pushautz (Fr) 0:11:17.4 4 4 Prospect Krystian Ciolek (So) 0:11:23.6 5 5 Prospect kevin Hayek (So) 0:11:25.7 6 6 Niles West David Elster (So) 0:11:29.7 7 7 Waubonsie Valley Jared Kolinek (So) 0:11:33.0 8 8 Waubonsie Valley Adam Craig (So) 0:11:33.9 9 9 Woodstock Ricky Hildreth (So) 0:11:37.9 10 10 Prospect David Petlicki (So) 0:11:41.3 11 11 Northside Prep Steven Lechner (So) 0:11:42.2 12 12 Prospect Alex Manaois (So) 0:11:42.6 13 13 Northside Prep Peter Serb (So) 0:11:44.2 14 14 Prospect Kyle Doran (So) 0:11:47.4 15 15 Prospect Brendan Haas (So) 0:11:47.7 16 16 Warren Ben Brandes (So) 0:11:54.0 17 17 Woodstock Andrew Jacobs (Fr) 0:11:54.4 18 18 Niles North Erik Raith (So) 0:11:54.8 19 19 Woodstock Ben Oaks (So) 0:11:55.4 20 20 Oak Lawn Craig Maher (So) 0:11:56.5 21 21 Zion Benton Woody Schultz (So) 0:11:57.7 22 22 Niles North Albert Dennison (So) 0:11:58.9 23 23 Niles West Aaron Rosenbush (So) 0:11:59.8 24 24 Oak Lawn Will Stanko (So) 0:12:00.4 25 Prospect Kevin VanEgeren (So) 0:12:02.2 26 25 Notre Dame - Niles Brain Pelrine (So) 0:12:02.7 27 26 St. Viator Andrew Murphy (So) 0:12:05.3 28 27 Waubonsie Valley Matthew Formoso (So) 0:12:06.8 29 28 Warren Tim Park (So) 0:12:07.6 30 29 Warren Paul Brandes (So) 0:12:11.2 31 30 St. Viator Christian Rooney (So) 0:12:12.0 32 31 Zion Benton Emanuel Turcu (So) 0:12:12.9 33 32 Niles West Abin Palamkunnel (So) 0:12:13.5 34 33 Waubonsie Valley Josue' Palmerin (So) 0:12:15.1 35 34 Niles North Pablo Murillo (Fr) 0:12:17.3 36 35 Niles North Philbert Lin (So) 0:12:19.8 37 Prospect Sam Detch (So) 0:12:22.1 38 36 Waubonsie Valley Mustafa Alavi (So) 0:12:22.6 39 37 Niles West Mike Czajkowski (So) 0:12:23.4 40 38 Northside Prep George Holohan (Fr) 0:12:23.7 41 39 Waubonsie Valley Joseph LaMartina (So) 0:12:28.4 42 40 St. Viator Chris Bunda (So) 0:12:30.0 43 41 Notre Dame - Niles John Pflaumer (Fr) 0:12:30.5 44 42 Niles North Behrang Khoshnood (So) 0:12:32.0 45 43 Woodstock Geoff Vetter (So) 0:12:32.9 46 Waubonsie Valley Ben Davidson (So) 0:12:33.3 47 44 Zion Benton Tim Mitten (So) 0:12:34.3 48 45 Notre Dame - Niles Jon Keifer (Fr) 0:12:36.5 49 46 Notre Dame - Niles Zak Wiatr (So) 0:12:38.0 50 Prospect Paul Berauer (So) 0:12:38.6 51 47 St. Viator Frank Urbanus (Fr) 0:12:42.0 52 48 St. Viator Tony Marino (So) 0:12:43.2 53 49 Niles West Matt Ploszynski (So) 0:12:44.2 54 50 Woodstock Adam Lagerhausen (Fr) 0:12:44.7 55 51 St. Viator Nate Mack (So) 0:12:45.1 56 52 Warren Matt Jaderston (So) 0:12:45.5 57 53 Niles West John Cagadas (So) 0:12:47.5 58 Waubonsie Valley Alex Isabel (So) 0:12:48.0 59 Prospect Taylor Smith (So) 0:12:48.6 60 Prospect EJ Horstman (So) 0:12:49.2 61 54 Warren Matt Grant (So) 0:12:50.3 62 55 Niles West Nick Saelim (So) 0:12:51.6 63 56 Northside Prep Patrick Walsh (Fr) 0:12:53.5 64 57 Taft Jeremy Sabbath (Fr) 0:12:58.5 65 58 St. Viator Brian Hubick (So) 0:13:00.0 66 59 Notre Dame - Niles Eric Boksa (Fr) 0:13:01.9 67 60 Zion Benton Robert Danson (So) 0:13:05.6 68 61 Zion Benton Brad Fink (So) 0:13:07.3 69 62 Warren John Shaffstall (So) 0:13:10.2 70 Niles West Walter Villanueva (Jr) 0:13:17.1 71 63 Oak Lawn Francisco Carraslo (So) 0:13:39.1 72 64 Zion Benton Zane Mager (So) 0:13:42.0 73 Waubonsie Valley Ian Hartin (So) 0:13:43.8 74 St. Viator Dylan Grassl (Fr) 0:13:47.6 75 65 Taft Sasa Lalic (So) 0:13:48.7 76 66 Walter Payton Ben Brown (So) 0:14:06.0 77 67 Woodstock Adam Schoolcraft (Fr) 0:14:08.9 78 68 Oak Lawn Keith Vandewerken (So) 0:14:14.4 79 St. Viator Joe Parise (Fr) 0:14:20.0 80 Prospect David Back (So) 0:14:26.1 81 69 Notre Dame - Niles Erik Waring (So) 0:14:33.8 82 St. Viator Matt Kinsella (So) 0:14:37.6 83 Niles West Ben Eng (So) 0:14:41.1 84 St. Viator Mark Levin (So) 0:14:56.7 85 70 Woodstock Chris Malo (So) 0:15:01.1 86 Waubonsie Valley Daniel Lund (So) 0:15:05.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prospect 33 2, 4, 5, 10, 12, 14, 15 2 Waubonsie Valley 76 1, 7, 8, 27, 33, 36, 39 3 Northside Prep 121 3, 11, 13, 38, 56 4 Woodstock 138 9, 17, 19, 43, 50, 67, 70 5 Niles West 147 6, 23, 32, 37, 49, 53, 55 6 Niles North 151 18, 22, 34, 35, 42 7 Warren 179 16, 28, 29, 52, 54, 62 8 St. Viator 191 26, 30, 40, 47, 48, 51, 58 9 Notre Dame - Niles 216 25, 41, 45, 46, 59, 69 10 Zion Benton 217 21, 31, 44, 60, 61, 64 11 Oak Lawn 246 20, 24, 63, 68, 71 12 Taft 335 57, 65, 71, 71, 71 13 Walter Payton 350 66, 71, 71, 71, 71 14 Peoria Manuel No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 Providence St. Mel No Score - Had only 0 finishers 16 Richards No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Round Lake No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 South Shore No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 St. Laurence No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Steinmetz No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Stevenson No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Wauconda No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Whitney Young No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Willowbrook No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prospect 57:20 11:28 0:33 11:09, 11:23, 11:25, 11:41, 11:42, 11:47 2 Waubonsie Valley 58:23 11:41 1:19 10:56, 11:33, 11:33, 12:06, 12:15, 12:22 3 Northside Prep 59:59 11:60 1:36 11:17, 11:42, 11:44, 12:23, 12:53 4 Woodstock 60:42 12:08 1:07 11:37, 11:54, 11:55, 12:32, 12:44, 14:08 5 Niles West 60:48 12:10 1:15 11:29, 11:59, 12:13, 12:23, 12:44, 12:47 6 Niles North 61:00 12:12 0:38 11:54, 11:58, 12:17, 12:19, 12:32 7 Warren 61:47 12:21 0:56 11:54, 12:07, 12:11, 12:45, 12:50, 13:10 8 St. Viator 62:12 12:26 0:38 12:05, 12:12, 12:30, 12:42, 12:43, 12:45 9 Notre Dame - Niles 62:47 12:33 0:59 12:02, 12:30, 12:36, 12:38, 13:01, 14:33 10 Zion Benton 62:55 12:35 1:10 11:57, 12:12, 12:34, 13:05, 13:07, 13:42 11 Oak Lawn No Score 11:56, 12:00, 13:39, 14:14 12 Peoria Manuel No Score 13 Providence St. Mel No Score 14 Richards No Score 15 Round Lake No Score 16 South Shore No Score 17 St. Laurence No Score 18 Steinmetz No Score 19 Stevenson No Score 20 Taft No Score 12:58, 13:48 21 Walter Payton No Score 14:06 22 Wauconda No Score 23 Whitney Young No Score 24 Willowbrook No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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