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Boys 7th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2006 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 24, 2006
Boys 7th Grade      
1.5 miles  

Course record is 0:08:33.7 by Danny Harper of Washington on Oct. 22, 2002

Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Hill                       Michael Hennesy (7)        0:09:04.2
  2     2  Kennedy                    Vincent Chiappetta (7)     0:09:05.2
  3     3  Scullen                    Eric Pembrook (7)          0:09:09.0
  4     4  Kennedy                    Chris Coyne (7)            0:09:13.9
  5     5  Kennedy                    Brad Kouchoukos (7)        0:09:16.0
  6     6  Scullen                    Mark Derrick (7)           0:09:17.0
  7     7  Hill                       Dan Shea (7)               0:09:18.3
  8     8  Scullen                    Josh Davis (7)             0:09:20.4
  9     9  Kennedy                    Nate Weeks (7)             0:09:23.0
 10    10  Kennedy                    Danny Couch (7)            0:09:28.1
 11    11  Kennedy                    Eric Spieglan (7)          0:09:29.1
 12    12  Jefferson                  Robbie Jusino (7)          0:09:30.0
 13    13  Madison                    Ross Summers (7)           0:09:32.0
 14    14  Jefferson                  Kevin Butz (7)             0:09:39.3
 15    15  Madison                    Blake Beehler (7)          0:09:40.8
 16    16  Kennedy                    Peter Stachowicz (7)       0:09:41.7
 17    17  Washington                 Michael Keane (7)          0:09:47.6
 18        Kennedy                    Peter Shyu (7)             0:09:48.0
 19        Kennedy                    John Auden (7)             0:09:50.6
 20    18  Jefferson                  David Kaminky (7)          0:09:54.6
 21    19  Hill                       Ryan Smyth (7)             0:09:55.0
 22    20  Lincoln                    Christian Efken (7)        0:09:55.3
 23    21  Scullen                    Kevin Cheng (7)            0:09:55.7
 24    22  Scullen                    Dj Rosal (7)               0:09:56.1
 25    23  Lincoln                    Ren Rooney (7)             0:09:56.5
 26    24  Scullen                    Zack Geppert (7)           0:09:59.1
 27    25  Still                      Vikram Chandra (7)         0:09:59.6
 28    26  Gregory                    Dan Brinker (7)            0:10:03.0
 29    27  Scullen                    Kevin Heo (7)              0:10:07.2
 30    28  Hill                       Jack Moore (7)             0:10:08.3
 31        Kennedy                    Max Svarz (7)              0:10:10.9
 32    29  Lincoln                    Larry Spencer (7)          0:10:11.4
 33    30  Jefferson                  David Sedath (7)           0:10:12.2
 34    31  Still                      Connor Olsen (7)           0:10:13.7
 35    32  Madison                    Jason Gaca (7)             0:10:14.1
 36    33  Granger                    Tyler Neenan (7)           0:10:15.0
 37    34  Gregory                    Alex Vanags (7)            0:10:15.9
 38    35  Crone                      Kyle Blacker (7)           0:10:16.6
 39        Scullen                    Emilio Jimenez (7)         0:10:17.3
 40        Scullen                    Nick Donivan (7)           0:10:17.9
 41    36  Hill                       Ryan Heun (7)              0:10:18.6
 42        Kennedy                    Stanley Yuan (7)           0:10:19.3
 43    37  Washington                 Nick Drendal (7)           0:10:19.8
 44    38  Crone                      Eric Bacon (7)             0:10:20.7
 45    39  Jefferson                  Kent Williams (7)          0:10:21.5
 46        Scullen                    Zachary Jacobson (7)       0:10:22.9
 47        Kennedy                    Peter Savage (7)           0:10:23.4
 48        Scullen                    Matt Meifert (7)           0:10:24.2
 49        Scullen                    Xander Jacobson (7)        0:10:26.4
 50    40  Lincoln                    Tyler Betts (7)            0:10:28.5
 51    41  Hill                       Paul Lindholm (7)          0:10:28.8
 52    42  Lincoln                    Max Weber (7)              0:10:31.3
 53        Scullen                    Danny Costigan (7)         0:10:32.4
 54        Kennedy                    Max Kimmet (7)             0:10:32.9
 55    43  Crone                      Geoffrey Miller (7)        0:10:33.4
 56    44  Gregory                    Troy Kendryna (7)          0:10:35.2
 57    45  Jefferson                  Dan Hill (7)               0:10:36.9
 58        Scullen                    Colin Teng (7)             0:10:37.3
 59    46  Madison                    Sol Ayoub (7)              0:10:38.2
 60    47  Lincoln                    Tom Struett (7)            0:10:38.7
 61        Kennedy                    Eric Zhang (7)             0:10:39.4
 62        Scullen                    David Lee (7)              0:10:41.2
 63    48  Granger                    Shane Conlin (7)           0:10:43.2
 64    49  Granger                    Bill Finnerty (7)          0:10:44.8
 65        Kennedy                    Charlie Dunk (7)           0:10:45.5
 66    50  Crone                      Shelton Boclair (7)        0:10:46.9
 67        Scullen                    Nick Hensley (7)           0:10:47.8
 68    51  Lincoln                    Ian Braun (7)              0:10:48.4
 69    52  Gregory                    Jaehoon Safavi (7)         0:10:48.8
 70        Lincoln                    Mike Juretschke (7)        0:10:51.2
 71    53  Hill                       Mitch Miller (7)           0:10:52.5
 72    54  Still                      DeVon Benard (7)           0:10:52.9
 73    55  Jefferson                  Krill Kushnir (7)          0:10:53.4
 74    56  Gregory                    Taylor Soltys (7)          0:10:54.0
 75        Kennedy                    Daniel Large (7)           0:10:54.7
 76        Lincoln                    Jason Lin (7)              0:10:57.4
 77    57  Still                      Michael Steele (7)         0:10:59.1
 78    58  Still                      Kyle Cluver (7)            0:10:59.5
 79        Kennedy                    Drew Margulis (7)          0:11:00.0
 80        Scullen                    Kyle Stumpe (7)            0:11:00.5
 81        Scullen                    Cameron Bunce (7)          0:11:00.8
 82        Kennedy                    Manish Goomar (7)          0:11:01.1
 83        Lincoln                    Jelle Streefkerk (7)       0:11:02.7
 84    59  Crone                      Jonathan Hynes (7)         0:11:03.7
 85        Jefferson                  Hunter Marrazzo (7)        0:11:07.5
 86        Kennedy                    Ryan Cuellar (7)           0:11:14.6
 87        Kennedy                    Michael Lynch (7)          0:11:16.8
 88    60  Gregory                    Zac Broad (7)              0:11:17.5
 89        Lincoln                    Carter Patton (7)          0:11:18.3
 90        Kennedy                    Jon Korsgard (7)           0:11:18.9
 91    61  Gregory                    Kevin Jensen (7)           0:11:19.3
 92        Scullen                    Dario Rovito (7)           0:11:19.7
 93        Scullen                    Channell Kershaw (7)       0:11:22.3
 94        Scullen                    Tyler Carrico (7)          0:11:24.2
 95        Kennedy                    Matt Kulling (7)           0:11:26.4
 96        Jefferson                  Joey Belmonte (7)          0:11:27.5
 97        Kennedy                    John Edmunds (7)           0:11:28.1
 98        Scullen                    Conor Ryan (7)             0:11:29.3
 99    62  Washington                 Grant Grajek (7)           0:11:31.0
100        Kennedy                    Mohammed Farhan (7)        0:11:34.2
101        Kennedy                    Varun Latamba (7)          0:11:35.9
102    63  Granger                    Johnathan Lee (7)          0:11:37.0
103    64  Still                      Tyler Josupait (7)         0:11:39.7
104        Scullen                    Mahir Dalwani (7)          0:11:40.6
105    65  Granger                    Cole Drake (7)             0:11:45.1
106        Scullen                    Tommy Campbell (7)         0:11:45.9
107        Kennedy                    Mark Latto (7)             0:11:46.4
108    66  Granger                    Alex Foote (7)             0:11:47.0
109        Scullen                    Trevor Hubler (7)          0:11:48.9
110        Jefferson                  David Healy (7)            0:11:50.7
111        Hill                       Neal Patel (7)             0:11:51.6
112        Jefferson                  Max Lewis (7)              0:11:53.3
113        Scullen                    Brandon McKiddy (7)        0:11:56.8
114        Lincoln                    Will Donahue (7)           0:11:57.3
115        Lincoln                    Jeremy Kuhn (7)            0:11:58.5
116        Kennedy                    Keenan Walsh (7)           0:11:59.4
117        Scullen                    Shamil Shafi (7)           0:11:59.8
118        Jefferson                  Michael Donovan (7)        0:12:01.8
119        Gregory                    Evan Garrett (7)           0:12:09.1
120    67  Washington                 Dan Burkhardt (7)          0:12:13.0
121    68  Crone                      Tyler Wieland (7)          0:12:14.5
122        Jefferson                  Konrad Genser (7)          0:12:15.0
123        Scullen                    Ethan Thomas (7)           0:12:16.3
124        Scullen                    Shane Shafi (7)            0:12:17.5
125        Hill                       Anmul Bajwa (7)            0:12:21.0
126    69  Crone                      Dan Vida (7)               0:12:23.1
127    70  Madison                    Michael McCarthy (7)       0:12:25.4
128        Kennedy                    Matt Wenzel (7)            0:12:27.1
129    71  Still                      Jacob Patrey (7)           0:12:29.8
130        Hill                       James Dillmann (7)         0:12:31.8
131        Still                      Joe Klecker (7)            0:12:32.5
132        Scullen                    Nilesh Kavthekar (7)       0:12:34.5
133        Jefferson                  Robbie McMillen (7)        0:12:35.1
134        Jefferson                  Keith Claeys (7)           0:12:38.7
135        Gregory                    Nick Jacobs (7)            0:12:45.3
136        Gregory                    Nikesh Shah (7)            0:12:45.7
137        Hill                       Tyler Merriweather (7)     0:12:51.1
138        Kennedy                    Sorab Arora (7)            0:12:53.7
139        Gregory                    Lj Pavlicek (7)            0:12:56.5
140        Scullen                    Austin Jacobson (7)        0:12:57.1
141        Gregory                    Eric Littler (7)           0:12:57.6
142    72  Granger                    David Titiner (7)          0:12:58.2
143        Gregory                    Eric Brown (7)             0:12:58.8
144        Scullen                    Abhi Singh (7)             0:12:59.5
145        Crone                      Andrew Peterson (7)        0:12:59.9
146        Crone                      Austin Green (7)           0:13:00.3
147        Crone                      Michael Cosmos (7)         0:13:01.0
148        Crone                      Michael Martenas (7)       0:13:03.7
149        Gregory                    Justin Kripalani (7)       0:13:04.6
150        Scullen                    Chris Park (7)             0:13:04.9
151        Jefferson                  Cole Martin (7)            0:13:07.2
152        Kennedy                    Andrew Ta (7)              0:13:16.0
153    73  Madison                    Austin Kelsch (7)          0:13:26.4
154        Crone                      Nick Donnantuono (7)       0:13:36.0
155        Scullen                    Harrison Fandl (7)         0:13:37.2
156        Kennedy                    Joe Ruan (7)               0:13:38.6
157        Kennedy                    David Hung (7)             0:13:40.1
158        Kennedy                    Donald Lei (7)             0:13:47.0
159        Scullen                    Jonah Levy (7)             0:13:48.6
160        Kennedy                    Mohammed Kamran (7)        0:13:50.8
161    74  Washington                 Mark Andreoni (7)          0:13:54.4
162    75  Washington                 Michael Brotzman (7)       0:14:13.1
163        Crone                      Alex Skov (7)              0:14:19.2
164        Hill                       Dennis Lieteldt (7)        0:14:24.3
165        Jefferson                  Adrian Rodriguez (7)       0:14:47.2
166        Scullen                    George Beshara (7)         0:15:29.5
167        Jefferson                  Jacob Klaich (7)           0:15:45.3
168        Gregory                    Christian Kurfirst (7)     0:16:41.4
169        Hill                       Matt Fenwick (7)           0:17:53.4
Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Kennedy                       30        2,   4,   5,   9,  10,  11,  16
  2   Scullen                       60        3,   6,   8,  21,  22,  24,  27
  3   Hill                          91        1,   7,  19,  28,  36,  41,  53
  4   Jefferson                    113       12,  14,  18,  30,  39,  45,  55
  5   Lincoln                      154       20,  23,  29,  40,  42,  47,  51
  6   Madison                      176       13,  15,  32,  46,  70,  73
  7   Gregory                      212       26,  34,  44,  52,  56,  60,  61
  8   Still                        225       25,  31,  54,  57,  58,  64,  71
  9   Crone                        225       35,  38,  43,  50,  59,  68,  69
 10   Washington                   257       17,  37,  62,  67,  74,  75
 11   Granger                      258       33,  48,  49,  63,  65,  66,  72
Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Kennedy                    46:27    9:17   0:22    9:06,  9:14,  9:16,  9:23,  9:28,  9:30
  2  Scullen                    47:39    9:32   0:47    9:09,  9:17,  9:21,  9:56,  9:56,  9:59
  3  Hill                       48:47    9:45   1:14    9:05,  9:19,  9:55, 10:09, 10:19, 10:29
  4  Jefferson                  49:40    9:56   0:52    9:30,  9:40,  9:55, 10:13, 10:22, 10:37
  5  Lincoln                    51:06   10:13   0:36    9:56,  9:57, 10:12, 10:29, 10:32, 10:39
  6  Madison                    52:32   10:30   2:54    9:32,  9:41, 10:14, 10:39, 12:26, 13:27
  7  Gregory                    52:38   10:32   0:51   10:03, 10:16, 10:36, 10:49, 10:54, 11:18
  8  Crone                      53:03   10:37   0:47   10:17, 10:21, 10:34, 10:47, 11:04, 12:15
  9  Still                      53:06   10:37   1:00   10:00, 10:14, 10:53, 10:59, 11:00, 11:40
 10  Granger                    55:06   11:01   1:30   10:15, 10:44, 10:45, 11:37, 11:45, 11:47
 11  Washington                 57:47   11:33   4:07    9:48, 10:20, 11:31, 12:13, 13:55, 14:13
Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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