Individual Results
2006 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 24, 2006 Girls 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:12:55.6 by Vanessa DiBernardo of Hill on Oct. 18, 2005 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Kennedy Alex Wernette (8) 0:13:15.9 2 2 Madison Claire Wirtz (8) 0:13:30.0 3 3 Lincoln Hannah Wood (8) 0:13:35.8 4 4 Madison Colleen Stern (8) 0:13:52.8 5 5 Madison Jenny Alberts (8) 0:13:54.6 6 6 Kennedy Nicole Jakobsze (8) 0:13:58.5 7 7 Jefferson Alex Jacobson (8) 0:13:59.7 8 8 Madison Anna Kaspar (8) 0:14:03.4 9 9 Kennedy Jennifer Chan (8) 0:14:05.9 10 10 Kennedy Irina Pushel (8) 0:14:08.0 11 11 Kennedy Katie Field (8) 0:14:08.8 12 12 Jefferson Vi Freeman (8) 0:14:15.1 13 13 Madison Alex Cushing (8) 0:14:16.8 14 14 Washington Ann Herbert (8) 0:14:18.6 15 15 Jefferson Lauren Jacobson (8) 0:14:20.0 16 16 Jefferson Katie Zielinski (8) 0:14:22.2 17 17 Jefferson Marly May (8) 0:14:23.0 18 18 Kennedy Lasharon Bankhead (8) 0:14:28.5 19 19 Scullen Chloe Hubler (8) 0:14:31.3 20 20 Kennedy Emily Renn (8) 0:14:31.7 21 21 Scullen Lisa Raaf (8) 0:14:32.2 22 22 Scullen Paige Burgin (8) 0:14:33.0 23 23 Scullen Martha Sliva (8) 0:14:33.7 24 Kennedy Katie Cook (8) 0:14:34.4 25 24 Washington Beth White (8) 0:14:37.4 26 25 Crone Colleen Murphy (8) 0:14:38.0 27 26 Madison Stevie Wanecke (8) 0:14:39.1 28 27 Jefferson Rebecca Weng (8) 0:14:39.4 29 28 Lincoln Lina Alvino (8) 0:14:46.4 30 29 Madison Rachel Lanzon (8) 0:14:48.1 31 30 Lincoln Hannah Brophy (8) 0:14:49.9 32 Kennedy Erin Ley (8) 0:14:52.1 33 31 Granger Katie Klaus (8) 0:14:56.0 34 32 Gregory Elizabeth Grastorf (8) 0:14:57.0 35 33 Hill Kiki Wilson (8) 0:14:58.5 36 34 Gregory Nicole Sparbanie (8) 0:14:59.9 37 35 Jefferson Sara Akgul (8) 0:15:01.5 38 Jefferson Brie Siebert (8) 0:15:10.6 39 Jefferson Kelly Yndestad (8) 0:15:17.5 40 36 Washington Hannah Reedy (8) 0:15:18.5 41 37 Crone Marissa Schneider (8) 0:15:24.7 42 38 Crone Kayla Vargas (8) 0:15:25.3 43 Madison Sarah Halweg (8) 0:15:25.7 44 39 Crone Tala Gallaga (8) 0:15:27.2 45 Jefferson Jane Chang (8) 0:15:28.2 46 40 Crone Alexis Smith (8) 0:15:29.0 47 Kennedy Claire Milldrum (8) 0:15:29.5 48 41 Lincoln Madeleine Behr (8) 0:15:32.8 49 42 Gregory Angela Wang (8) 0:15:33.3 50 Kennedy Samantha Foster (8) 0:15:34.3 51 Kennedy Deepthi Ramachandran (8) 0:15:34.7 52 Jefferson Emily Johnson (8) 0:15:35.4 53 43 Granger Rebecca Dirmeikis (8) 0:15:43.1 54 Kennedy Nikki Stanley (8) 0:15:45.2 55 44 Hill Hillary Harris (8) 0:15:45.8 56 Kennedy Molly Cahill (8) 0:15:46.8 57 45 Still Mikayla Panko (8) 0:15:48.9 58 Madison Ali Cashill (8) 0:15:51.8 59 Madison Kelsey Pruim (8) 0:15:53.1 60 46 Hill Jackie Scroggs (8) 0:15:54.3 61 Jefferson Wendy Tian (8) 0:15:56.0 62 47 Gregory Catherine Augustine (8) 0:15:56.6 63 Jefferson Jennifer Tomashek (8) 0:15:57.2 64 Jefferson Rabeya Mallick (8) 0:15:59.4 65 Kennedy Shreya Vasavada (8) 0:16:01.7 66 48 Scullen Emily Vernon (8) 0:16:03.2 67 Kennedy Tricia Thomas (8) 0:16:03.6 68 Jefferson Natalie Harrison (8) 0:16:03.9 69 49 Hill Heather Julifs (8) 0:16:04.4 70 Kennedy Lyndsi Hausmann (8) 0:16:04.9 71 Jefferson Melissa Crawford (8) 0:16:05.6 72 50 Crone Jaclyn Iantria (8) 0:16:06.2 73 Jefferson Zoe Krzywda (8) 0:16:07.0 74 51 Granger Allison Ha (8) 0:16:10.7 75 52 Washington Emily Beckman (8) 0:16:11.1 76 53 Hill Jenny Ostberg (8) 0:16:11.7 77 54 Washington Julie Marchese (8) 0:16:12.2 78 Kennedy Jenna Jatczak (8) 0:16:14.1 79 Kennedy Miriam Remmers (8) 0:16:16.4 80 55 Lincoln Taylor Snyder (8) 0:16:21.5 81 56 Gregory Lindsey Bertram (8) 0:16:22.5 82 57 Washington Jacque Brinkman (8) 0:16:26.0 83 58 Still Mary Stephens (8) 0:16:26.6 84 59 Granger Elizabeth Dupuis (8) 0:16:27.8 85 60 Washington Maggie Parta (8) 0:16:28.5 86 Washington Malory Hakes (8) 0:16:30.8 87 Washington Helen Vu (8) 0:16:34.1 88 Kennedy Megan Wu (8) 0:16:34.9 89 Kennedy Kathleen Burfield (8) 0:16:35.6 90 Jefferson Kayla Ryan (8) 0:16:38.0 91 Kennedy Betsy Guthrie (8) 0:16:41.0 92 61 Gregory Rocio Valencia (8) 0:16:42.1 93 Madison Kristen Jones (8) 0:16:43.5 94 Jefferson Lauren Taft (8) 0:16:44.1 95 Madison Trishna Singh (8) 0:16:46.8 96 Jefferson Jessica Rehs (8) 0:16:47.4 97 Kennedy Mairi Philp (8) 0:16:48.4 98 Jefferson Danielle Magniza (8) 0:16:49.0 99 62 Lincoln Rebecca Siambekos (8) 0:16:50.4 100 Jefferson Maggie Bossingham (8) 0:16:52.4 101 Kennedy Kirthi Nunna (8) 0:16:53.0 102 Jefferson Bukky Adesanya (8) 0:16:58.4 103 Kennedy Lauren Vahldick (8) 0:16:59.3 104 63 Gregory Lisa Lyons (8) 0:17:00.3 105 Madison Dana McLain (8) 0:17:01.6 106 64 Hill Abby Snow (8) 0:17:06.8 107 65 Granger Cathy Lee (8) 0:17:11.2 108 66 Scullen Melissa Wang (8) 0:17:11.9 109 Washington Ashley Singh (8) 0:17:12.3 110 Jefferson Katie Hupp (8) 0:17:21.0 111 Gregory Karlie Jager (8) 0:17:22.3 112 67 Crone Courtney Sumida (8) 0:17:23.8 113 68 Granger Victoria Rollins (8) 0:17:26.2 114 69 Still Laura Horan (8) 0:17:27.4 115 Jefferson Grace Yao (8) 0:17:32.6 116 70 Lincoln Hanna Ralson (8) 0:17:34.4 117 Washington Kendra Benner (8) 0:17:35.5 118 Washington Natalie Kappele-Miller(8) 0:17:35.9 119 71 Scullen Janet Chen (8) 0:17:43.6 120 Jefferson Rosey Denton (8) 0:17:55.7 121 Lincoln Carolyn Susa (8) 0:18:00.7 122 Scullen Lisa Short (8) 0:18:06.9 123 Washington Elicia Iozzo (8) 0:18:12.7 124 72 Granger Alexis Putz (8) 0:18:16.2 125 Washington Rachel Biegalski (8) 0:18:17.1 126 Scullen Hyunsoo Jin (8) 0:18:18.1 127 Crone Megan Russell (8) 0:18:18.7 128 Gregory Laura Seeberg (8) 0:18:21.2 129 Washington Olivia Bagan (8) 0:18:21.8 130 Gregory Kayleigh Hood (8) 0:18:22.7 131 Jefferson Megan Salkeld (8) 0:18:26.2 132 Lincoln Kristen Smith (8) 0:18:38.1 133 Kennedy Kaitlin Meyer (8) 0:18:41.5 134 Crone Claire Perna (8) 0:18:47.6 135 Crone Mary Evak (8) 0:18:48.0 136 73 Still Alex Nitschke (8) 0:18:48.4 137 Gregory Anna Buchanan (8) 0:18:49.1 138 Washington Rachel Forsyth (8) 0:18:55.0 139 Washington Justice Rioux (8) 0:18:55.6 140 Crone Taylor Gushurst (8) 0:18:58.0 141 Jefferson Brittney Beck (8) 0:19:14.1 142 Gregory Brittany Knapp (8) 0:19:28.5 143 74 Still Charlisa Ratliff (8) 0:19:46.1 144 Kennedy Mitali Thanawala (8) 0:19:50.6 145 Jefferson Stephanie Mersman (8) 0:19:51.5 146 75 Still Cassidy Medzunas (8) 0:19:55.9 147 Jefferson Natalie Carrera (8) 0:20:03.1 148 Scullen Danielle Kagan (8) 0:20:05.0 149 Kennedy Jenny Petterec (8) 0:20:10.2 150 Granger Morgan Neihardt (8) 0:20:14.8 151 Granger Bria Stephens (8) 0:20:15.5 152 Gregory Meredith Farray (8) 0:20:57.0 153 Jefferson Gina Santucci (8) 0:21:07.8 154 Jefferson Emily Kopp (8) 0:21:09.6 155 Jefferson Emma Ryan (8) 0:21:32.5 156 Crone Hiba Jalloui (8) 0:21:56.5 157 Jefferson Kelly Lin (8) 0:24:17.5 158 Gregory Emily Adams (8) 0:24:18.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Madison 32 2, 4, 5, 8, 13, 26, 29 2 Kennedy 37 1, 6, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20 3 Jefferson 67 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 27, 35 4 Scullen 133 19, 21, 22, 23, 48, 66, 71 5 Lincoln 157 3, 28, 30, 41, 55, 62, 70 6 Crone 179 25, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 67 7 Washington 180 14, 24, 36, 52, 54, 57, 60 8 Gregory 211 32, 34, 42, 47, 56, 61, 63 9 Hill 225 33, 44, 46, 49, 53, 64 10 Granger 249 31, 43, 51, 59, 65, 68, 72 11 Still 319 45, 58, 69, 73, 74, 75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 69:38 13:56 0:53 13:16, 13:59, 14:06, 14:08, 14:09, 14:29 2 Madison 69:39 13:56 0:47 13:30, 13:53, 13:55, 14:04, 14:17, 14:39 3 Jefferson 71:21 14:16 0:23 14:00, 14:15, 14:20, 14:23, 14:23, 14:40 4 Scullen 74:16 14:51 1:32 14:32, 14:33, 14:33, 14:34, 16:04, 17:12 5 Lincoln 75:08 15:02 2:46 13:36, 14:47, 14:50, 15:33, 16:22, 16:51 6 Crone 76:26 15:17 0:51 14:38, 15:25, 15:26, 15:28, 15:29, 16:07 7 Washington 76:40 15:20 1:54 14:19, 14:38, 15:19, 16:11, 16:13, 16:26 8 Gregory 77:51 15:34 1:26 14:57, 15:00, 15:34, 15:57, 16:23, 16:42 9 Hill 78:57 15:47 1:13 14:59, 15:46, 15:55, 16:05, 16:12, 17:07 10 Granger 80:30 16:06 2:16 14:56, 15:43, 16:11, 16:28, 17:12, 17:27 11 Still 88:19 17:40 3:57 15:49, 16:27, 17:28, 18:49, 19:46, 19:56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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