Individual Results
36th Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalSeptember 30, 2006 Boys Fr (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Fenwick Bill Toohey (Fr) 0:10:53.2 2 2 Deerfield (WI) Jenkins Patrick (Fr) 0:11:01.9 3 3 Leyden Herald Alvarez (Fr) 0:11:11.2 4 4 Lake Park Luke Nally (Fr) 0:11:14.1 5 5 Fenwick Martin Grady (Fr) 0:11:19.6 6 6 Argo Charles Murray (Fr) 0:11:28.8 7 7 Fenwick Matt Shannon (Fr) 0:11:31.7 8 8 Lake Park Kevin Miller (Fr) 0:11:36.6 9 9 Argo Adam Sukennik (Fr) 0:11:38.1 10 10 Evanston Alex Finnegan (Fr) 0:11:38.9 11 11 Evanston Brian Bastain (Fr) 0:11:39.5 12 12 Evanston Colin White (Fr) 0:11:41.2 13 13 Lake Park Tim Layer (Fr) 0:11:48.0 14 14 Leyden Fernando Ramirez (Fr) 0:11:49.1 15 15 Glenbrook North Graham Pipenhagen (Fr) 0:11:50.0 16 16 Lake Park Trevor Murphy (Fr) 0:11:50.8 17 17 Lake Park Tim Fergus (Fr) 0:11:53.8 18 18 Evanston Ben Lev (Fr) 0:11:54.5 19 19 Glenbrook South Zach Avila (Fr) 0:11:58.7 20 20 Mather Stephan Morris (Fr) 0:12:05.7 21 21 Highland Park Josh Mintzer (Fr) 0:12:07.1 22 22 Fenwick Brett Sassetti (Fr) 0:12:10.5 23 23 Deerfield (WI) Roberts Ben (Fr) 0:12:14.7 24 24 Evanston Joshua Martin (Fr) 0:12:18.7 25 25 Fenwick Dan Yerkes (Fr) 0:12:26.4 26 26 Leyden Bryan Fernandez (Fr) 0:12:27.3 27 27 Evanston Colin Williamson (Fr) 0:12:31.0 28 28 Mather Mikey Torres (Fr) 0:12:31.6 29 29 Fenwick Dan Kelly (Fr) 0:12:36.6 30 30 Glenbrook South Sean Freeman (Fr) 0:12:39.5 31 31 Lake Park Jerred Cook (Fr) 0:12:45.8 32 32 Glenbrook South Max Hilton (Fr) 0:12:46.5 33 33 Argo Colin Erklin (Fr) 0:12:47.2 34 34 Highland Park Garrett Smith (Fr) 0:12:50.7 35 35 Grayslake Ryan Sieffert (Fr) 0:12:51.3 36 36 Glenbrook South Matt Flaga (Fr) 0:12:53.5 37 37 Glenbrook South Bobby Mette (Fr) 0:12:59.0 38 38 Evanston James Wenzel (Fr) 0:13:00.7 39 39 Glenbrook South David Salk (Fr) 0:13:01.3 40 40 Grayslake Scott Carpenter (Fr) 0:13:02.9 41 41 Lake Park Patrick Boehne (Fr) 0:13:06.4 42 42 Glenbrook South Sam Gabuzzi (Fr) 0:13:06.9 43 Glenbrook South Cody Theriault (Fr) 0:13:07.6 44 43 Leyden Jonny Stanciu (Fr) 0:13:08.1 45 44 Glenbrook North Kyle Carey (Fr) 0:13:09.0 46 Glenbrook South Mike Halfen (Fr) 0:13:10.4 47 Lake Park A.J. Fisher (Fr) 0:13:12.0 48 Evanston Keenan Langston (Fr) 0:13:14.4 49 Lake Park Chris Warmann (Fr) 0:13:28.2 50 45 Mather George Young (Fr) 0:13:29.9 51 46 Glenbrook North Bill Jeon (Fr) 0:13:30.9 52 47 Glenbrook North Nelson Osacky (Fr) 0:13:35.5 53 Glenbrook South Arun Kousik (Fr) 0:13:42.3 54 48 Leyden Eddie Victoria (Fr) 0:13:51.5 55 49 Leyden Donny Gisseler (Fr) 0:13:52.9 56 50 Leyden Arthur Williams (Fr) 0:13:56.0 57 51 Glenbrook North Aaron Brill (Fr) 0:13:57.9 58 52 Mather Lawrence Hendrick (Fr) 0:13:58.8 59 53 Grayslake Ben Pavlovich (Fr) 0:13:59.6 60 54 Mather Gino Divittorio (Fr) 0:14:01.0 61 55 Mather Eddie Seda (Fr) 0:14:07.6 62 56 (Sr) Hyung Kyun Kwon 0:14:09.7 63 Leyden Aurelio Nunez (Fr) 0:14:12.6 64 57 Glenbrook North Ryan Reid (Fr) 0:14:14.7 65 Evanston Matt Felvey (Fr) 0:14:19.4 66 Evanston Nick Strom (Fr) 0:14:20.1 67 Lake Park Mike Kouba (Fr) 0:14:21.0 68 58 Mather Ernest Hayes (Fr) 0:14:30.2 69 Evanston Chris Medard (Fr) 0:14:31.3 70 Lake Park Leland Kaplan (Fr) 0:14:32.5 71 Leyden Amaury Michel (Fr) 0:14:40.1 72 59 Glenbrook North Jake Seiden (Fr) 0:14:41.4 73 Mather Phumin Satornkich (Fr) 0:14:44.3 74 Glenbrook North Kenny Ning (Fr) 0:14:52.2 75 Mather Carlos Garavito (Fr) 0:14:57.8 76 Glenbrook South Jeremiah Choi (Fr) 0:15:03.3 77 Glenbrook North Yoav Azaria (Fr) 0:15:09.1 78 Glenbrook North Sam Rubin (Fr) 0:15:09.6 79 Glenbrook North Michael O'Brien (Fr) 0:15:17.6 80 60 Highland Park Keith Jacobson (Fr) 0:15:19.1 81 Glenbrook North Ari Widen (Fr) 0:15:19.8 82 Glenbrook North David Sa (Fr) 0:15:22.3 83 Evanston Clifton Nelson (Fr) 0:15:26.3 84 Glenbrook North Jeff Brzozowski (Fr) 0:15:34.1 85 61 Argo Carlos Vargas (Fr) 0:15:38.2 86 Glenbrook South Ben Iorio (Fr) 0:15:39.7 87 Glenbrook South Julian Franczyk (Fr) 0:15:43.4 88 Glenbrook North David Linder (Fr) 0:15:46.3 89 62 Argo Justin Welch (Fr) 0:16:02.1 90 Glenbrook South Isac Lim (Fr) 0:16:02.8 91 63 Argo Fernando Reyes (Fr) 0:16:03.5 92 Glenbrook North Danny Margolis (Fr) 0:16:07.8 93 Glenbrook North Jason Gaines (Fr) 0:16:08.4 94 Mather Simeon Mihov (Fr) 0:16:11.4 95 Glenbrook South Isaac Lee (Fr) 0:17:10.3 96 Glenbrook North Anthony Volk (Fr) 0:17:11.3 97 64 Kelvyn Park Peter Arzate (Fr) 0:18:28.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lake Park 58 4, 8, 13, 16, 17, 31, 41 2 Fenwick 60 1, 5, 7, 22, 25, 29 3 Evanston 75 10, 11, 12, 18, 24, 27, 38 4 Leyden 134 3, 14, 26, 43, 48, 49, 50 5 Glenbrook South 154 19, 30, 32, 36, 37, 39, 42 6 Argo 171 6, 9, 33, 61, 62, 63 7 Mather 199 20, 28, 45, 52, 54, 55, 58 8 Glenbrook North 203 15, 44, 46, 47, 51, 57, 59 9 Deerfield (WI) 220 2, 23, 65, 65, 65 10 Highland Park 245 21, 34, 60, 65, 65 11 Grayslake 258 35, 40, 53, 65, 65 12 Kelvyn Park 324 64, 65, 65, 65, 65 13 Barrington No Score - Had only 0 finishers 14 Bartlett No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 Chicago Vocational No Score - Had only 0 finishers 16 Hinsdale Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Hubbard No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Jones No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Kenwood No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Lake Forest Academy No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Leo No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 New Trier No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Niles North No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Unknown School No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 58:19 11:40 1:33 10:53, 11:19, 11:31, 12:10, 12:26, 12:36 2 Lake Park 58:21 11:40 0:39 11:14, 11:36, 11:48, 11:50, 11:53, 12:45 3 Evanston 59:10 11:50 0:40 11:38, 11:39, 11:41, 11:54, 12:18, 12:31 4 Leyden 62:26 12:29 2:40 11:11, 11:49, 12:27, 13:08, 13:51, 13:52 5 Glenbrook South 63:15 12:39 1:01 11:58, 12:39, 12:46, 12:53, 12:59, 13:01 6 Glenbrook North 66:01 13:12 2:07 11:50, 13:09, 13:30, 13:35, 13:57, 14:14 7 Mather 66:04 13:13 1:56 12:05, 12:31, 13:29, 13:58, 14:01, 14:07 8 Argo 67:33 13:31 4:34 11:28, 11:38, 12:47, 15:38, 16:02, 16:03 9 Barrington No Score 10 Bartlett No Score 11 Chicago Vocational No Score 12 Deerfield (WI) No Score 11:01, 12:14 13 Grayslake No Score 12:51, 13:02, 13:59 14 Highland Park No Score 12:07, 12:50, 15:19 15 Hinsdale Central No Score 16 Hubbard No Score 17 Jones No Score 18 Kelvyn Park No Score 18:28 19 Kenwood No Score 20 Lake Forest Academy No Score 21 Leo No Score 22 New Trier No Score 23 Niles North No Score 24 Unknown School No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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