Individual Results
36th Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalSeptember 30, 2006 Boys Sophmore (Red) 3 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Fenwick Jack Boyle (So) 0:10:49.3 2 2 Evanston Matt Moral (So) 0:10:53.4 3 3 Fenwick Brian Barron (So) 0:10:53.9 4 4 Fenwick Matt Miller (So) 0:10:59.9 5 5 Lake Park Nick Militello (So) 0:11:02.1 6 6 Barrington Justin Yu (So) 0:11:02.6 7 7 Leyden Rafeal Crisosto (So) 0:11:03.1 8 8 Glenbrook South Tim Zerwic (So) 0:11:09.5 9 9 Mather MIguel Medina (So) 0:11:12.3 10 10 Fenwick Mike Yerkes (So) 0:11:14.4 11 11 Glenbrook South Jon Misek (So) 0:11:18.6 12 12 Barrington Jeff Robinson (So) 0:11:19.3 13 13 Mather Terry Starnes (So) 0:11:20.1 14 14 Leyden Ethan Rivera (So) 0:11:23.1 15 15 Evanston Jamie Merdinger (So) 0:11:24.1 16 16 Mather Omar Caban (So) 0:11:24.8 17 17 Fenwick Andrew Barta (So) 0:11:33.1 18 18 Barrington Ricardo Hernandez (Fr) 0:11:33.9 19 19 Barrington Kyle Stanke (So) 0:11:36.5 20 20 Barrington Adam Maxfield (Fr) 0:11:37.1 21 21 Barrington Kurt Stanke (So) 0:11:38.6 22 22 Leyden Mazael Carrera (So) 0:11:39.8 23 23 Barrington John Cress (Fr) 0:11:43.2 24 24 Glenbrook South Alex Blair (So) 0:11:45.0 25 25 Mather Josh Rosales (So) 0:11:48.5 26 26 Deerfield (WI) Revels Jason (So) 0:11:50.6 27 27 Argo Israel Barakat (So) 0:11:52.9 28 Barrington Kevin Griffin (So) 0:11:53.9 29 Barrington Lincoln Schulte (So) 0:11:54.6 30 28 Fenwick Luke Herrmann (So) 0:11:58.3 31 29 Evanston Jon Morberly (So) 0:11:59.7 32 Barrington Steve Johnson (So) 0:12:02.3 33 Barrington Jimmy Kelley (So) 0:12:03.8 34 30 Glenbrook South Tom Sobczak (So) 0:12:04.5 35 31 Fenwick Vlad Iordache (So) 0:12:05.9 36 32 Mather Sheedy Victor (So) 0:12:07.1 37 Barrington Dj DeWitt (So) 0:12:07.5 38 Barrington Ben Altshuler (So) 0:12:11.4 39 33 Mather Eddie Torres (So) 0:12:13.1 40 Barrington Beau Conrad (So) 0:12:16.1 41 Barrington Trip Chandlor (So) 0:12:20.3 42 34 Lake Park Dan Peel (So) 0:12:21.4 43 35 Glenbrook South Will Davis (So) 0:12:23.3 44 36 Mather Alex Soraporu (So) 0:12:24.6 45 37 Grayslake Kyle Tellez (So) 0:12:25.2 46 Barrington Andrew Roth (So) 0:12:27.5 47 38 Lake Park Adam Rumbelhart (So) 0:12:29.7 48 39 Glenbrook South Ian Mooney (So) 0:12:31.1 49 Mather Eric Orrego (So) 0:12:31.8 50 Barrington Rj Arnold (So) 0:12:32.4 51 40 Evanston James Keeley (So) 0:12:35.9 52 41 Highland Park Matt Skolnick (So) 0:12:36.5 53 42 Evanston Brian Weisberg (So) 0:12:37.5 54 43 Highland Park Jordan Broutman (So) 0:12:42.1 55 44 Glenbrook North Nick Morley (So) 0:12:42.7 56 45 Argo Dominic Cialoni (So) 0:12:43.2 57 46 Argo Evan Nelson (So) 0:12:43.9 58 47 Lake Park Kenny Becker (So) 0:12:46.4 59 48 Grayslake Corey Leeper (So) 0:12:47.0 60 49 Leyden Kevin Kriston (So) 0:12:47.6 61 Mather Terrell Williams (So) 0:12:48.4 62 50 Deerfield (WI) Dedie Tony (So) 0:12:49.5 63 51 Glenbrook South Connor Hund (So) 0:12:51.4 64 Glenbrook South Mike Tarczon (So) 0:12:52.9 65 52 Glenbrook North Alan Lin (So) 0:12:56.0 66 53 Leyden Hernando Sevilla (So) 0:12:59.3 67 54 Evanston Matt Hill (So) 0:13:01.0 68 Barrington Mark Hendrickson (Fr) 0:13:06.0 69 Mather Anthony Vargas (So) 0:13:10.8 70 Barrington Andrew Larson (Fr) 0:13:14.4 71 Barrington Jon Burell (Fr) 0:13:16.2 72 55 Argo Jose Gonzalez (So) 0:13:17.8 73 Barrington Dan Arnold (So) 0:13:19.7 74 Glenbrook South Nick Szafranski (So) 0:13:20.2 75 Barrington Edward Quattrocchi (Fr) 0:13:21.1 76 56 Lake Forest Academy Ryan Cobbs (So) 0:13:21.6 77 57 Lake Forest Academy Donny Huang (So) 0:13:22.4 78 58 Leyden Eric Thomas (So) 0:13:25.0 79 59 Glenbrook North Grant Spathis (So) 0:13:31.2 80 60 Glenbrook North Kyle Moy (So) 0:13:31.9 81 61 Lake Park David Yochem (So) 0:13:34.3 82 62 Leyden Michael Machnick (So) 0:13:44.4 83 63 Glenbrook North Ben Gordon (So) 0:13:46.6 84 64 Lake Forest Academy Keegan Tague (So) 0:13:49.7 85 65 Deerfield (WI) Connor Kenny (Sr) 0:13:51.7 86 66 Lake Forest Academy Jonas Hwang (Fr) 0:13:52.5 87 67 Lake Forest Academy Keegan McDonald (Fr) 0:13:56.8 88 Barrington Eric Christensen (Fr) 0:14:01.4 89 68 Lake Forest Academy Nick Mudrick (So) 0:14:04.1 90 69 Highland Park Holden Sheftel (So) 0:14:07.1 91 Fenwick Pat Doherty (So) 0:14:11.9 92 70 Lake Forest Academy Justin Westre (So) 0:14:12.7 93 71 Deerfield (WI) Sanoy Cody (So) 0:14:13.9 94 Leyden John Roman (So) 0:14:16.1 95 72 Glenbrook North Aaron Starkston (So) 0:14:17.9 96 73 Glenbrook North Bill Buehler (So) 0:14:18.6 97 Lake Forest Academy Matt Davis (So) 0:14:19.6 98 Lake Forest Academy Mark Mesrobian (So) 0:14:23.0 99 Glenbrook North Ben Jacobs (So) 0:14:36.1 100 Leyden Raul Aponte (So) 0:14:38.5 101 Leyden Bill Vasquez (So) 0:14:42.1 102 Lake Forest Academy Sam Putnam (Fr) 0:14:47.5 103 74 Argo Christian Meza (Fr) 0:15:20.6 104 Glenbrook North Vlad Zayats (So) 0:15:30.0 105 Glenbrook North Steven Hesky (So) 0:15:31.7 106 Barrington Austin Denten (So) 0:15:42.5 107 Mather Jaron Vales (So) 0:16:49.8 108 Mather Divonte Miller (Fr) 0:16:50.4 109 Lake Forest Academy Bryan Chou (Fr) 0:17:35.1 110 Lake Forest Academy Aaron Bloom (Fr) 0:18:45.3 111 Lake Forest Academy Rory Higgins (Fr) 0:18:59.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 35 1, 3, 4, 10, 17, 28, 31 2 Barrington 75 6, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23 3 Mather 95 9, 13, 16, 25, 32, 33, 36 4 Glenbrook South 108 8, 11, 24, 30, 35, 39, 51 5 Evanston 128 2, 15, 29, 40, 42, 54 6 Leyden 145 7, 14, 22, 49, 53, 58, 62 7 Lake Park 185 5, 34, 38, 47, 61 8 Argo 247 27, 45, 46, 55, 74 9 Glenbrook North 278 44, 52, 59, 60, 63, 72, 73 10 Deerfield (WI) 287 26, 50, 65, 71, 75 11 Highland Park 303 41, 43, 69, 75, 75 12 Lake Forest Academy 310 56, 57, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70 13 Grayslake 310 37, 48, 75, 75, 75 14 Bartlett No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 Chicago Vocational No Score - Had only 0 finishers 16 Hinsdale Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Hubbard No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Jones No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Kelvyn Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Kenwood No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Leo No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 New Trier No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 New Trier * No Score - Team is not being scored 24 Niles North No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 55:28 11:06 0:44 10:49, 10:53, 10:59, 11:14, 11:33, 11:58 2 Barrington 57:07 11:25 0:35 11:02, 11:19, 11:33, 11:36, 11:37, 11:38 3 Mather 57:51 11:34 0:55 11:12, 11:20, 11:24, 11:48, 12:07, 12:13 4 Glenbrook South 58:39 11:44 1:14 11:09, 11:18, 11:45, 12:04, 12:23, 12:31 5 Evanston 59:28 11:54 1:44 10:53, 11:24, 11:59, 12:35, 12:37, 13:01 6 Leyden 59:51 11:58 1:56 11:03, 11:23, 11:39, 12:47, 12:59, 13:25 7 Lake Park 62:12 12:26 2:32 11:02, 12:21, 12:29, 12:46, 13:34 8 Argo 65:55 13:11 3:28 11:52, 12:43, 12:43, 13:17, 15:20 9 Glenbrook North 66:26 13:17 1:04 12:42, 12:56, 13:31, 13:31, 13:46, 14:17 10 Lake Forest Academy 68:20 13:40 0:35 13:21, 13:22, 13:49, 13:52, 13:56, 14:04 11 Bartlett No Score 12 Chicago Vocational No Score 13 Deerfield (WI) No Score 11:50, 12:49, 13:51, 14:13 14 Grayslake No Score 12:25, 12:47 15 Highland Park No Score 12:36, 12:42, 14:07 16 Hinsdale Central No Score 17 Hubbard No Score 18 Jones No Score 19 Kelvyn Park No Score 20 Kenwood No Score 21 Leo No Score 22 New Trier No Score 23 New Trier *No Score 24 Niles North No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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