Individual Results
2007 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 23, 2007 Boys 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:08:33.7 by Danny Harper of Washington on Oct. 22, 2002 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Hill Matt Karlins (7) 0:08:58.8 2 2 Lincoln Noah Wood (7) 0:09:08.8 3 3 Madison Matt Stern (7) 0:09:19.6 4 4 Jefferson Scott Boswell (7) 0:09:22.1 5 5 Madison Andrew Feightner (7) 0:09:24.7 6 6 Scullen Mitch Lewis (7) 0:09:25.5 7 7 Gregory Nick Rouches (7) 0:09:36.0 8 8 Gregory John Michael McMahon (7) 0:09:36.3 9 9 Kennedy Jimmy Qiao (7) 0:09:43.3 10 10 Washington Sam Ceruti (7) 0:09:45.7 11 11 Lincoln Chris Chong (7) 0:09:48.1 12 12 Kennedy Chris Hui (7) 0:09:49.4 13 13 Kennedy Anthony Matar (7) 0:09:51.3 14 14 Kennedy Will Klausler (7) 0:09:56.3 15 15 Kennedy Wayne Yuan (7) 0:10:00.5 16 16 Lincoln Chris Weiland (7) 0:10:01.4 17 17 Kennedy Joshua Ahn (7) 0:10:02.6 18 18 Lincoln Jacob Johnson (7) 0:10:03.5 19 19 Scullen Connor Zimmerman (7) 0:10:06.2 20 20 Gregory Danny Kotowski (7) 0:10:08.0 21 21 Madison Andrew Barrett (7) 0:10:08.5 22 22 Washington Kevin Kielma (7) 0:10:09.5 23 23 Still Sebastian Talbot (7) 0:10:10.7 24 24 Kennedy Patrick Lewellyan (7) 0:10:11.4 25 25 Gregory Kevin Seyller (7) 0:10:11.7 26 26 Jefferson Paul Hunter (7) 0:10:12.0 27 27 Jefferson Austin Dorr (7) 0:10:12.3 28 28 Gregory Bill Donovan (7) 0:10:16.2 29 29 Washington Will Storc (7) 0:10:17.7 30 30 Scullen Srjan Sreepathy (7) 0:10:19.7 31 31 Granger Spencer Rhodes (7) 0:10:29.9 32 32 Jefferson Tyler Woodward (7) 0:10:31.7 33 33 Madison Michael O'Donnell (7) 0:10:33.1 34 34 Hill Andrew Kolak (7) 0:10:34.0 35 35 Hill Frank Lin (7) 0:10:34.8 36 36 Jefferson Collin Ash (7) 0:10:37.6 37 37 Scullen Aaron Jung (7) 0:10:41.2 38 38 Lincoln J.J. Needham (7) 0:10:41.8 39 Kennedy Rishi Partha (7) 0:10:43.1 40 39 Gregory Trent Wracker (7) 0:10:44.2 41 40 Scullen Henry Traverso (7) 0:10:44.7 42 41 Scullen Christian Carvallo (7) 0:10:46.2 43 42 Madison Kevin Child (7) 0:10:47.9 44 43 Scullen Pat Torrey (7) 0:10:49.4 45 44 Jefferson Rafee Mahmud (7) 0:10:50.0 46 45 Jefferson Ryan Krause (7) 0:10:52.2 47 Jefferson Braden Klaisle (7) 0:10:53.5 48 46 Lincoln Mitch Lee (7) 0:10:54.0 49 47 Washington Graham Dern (7) 0:10:56.6 50 48 Lincoln Christian Zuno (7) 0:10:57.2 51 49 Madison Jimmy Schelli (7) 0:10:58.2 52 50 Gregory Matt Reynolds (7) 0:10:59.8 53 51 Madison Ryan Maher (7) 0:11:00.6 54 52 Granger Matt Marsh (7) 0:11:01.4 55 Madison Chris Jordan (7) 0:11:02.2 56 Lincoln Kyle Bricker (7) 0:11:02.5 57 Kennedy David Wang (7) 0:11:03.1 58 Gregory Ben Yep (7) 0:11:03.7 59 Madison Daniel Shen (7) 0:11:04.6 60 Lincoln Joshua Pevitz (7) 0:11:05.9 61 Gregory Luke Reichert (7) 0:11:07.0 62 Kennedy Edward Tir (7) 0:11:07.9 63 Kennedy John Anderson (7) 0:11:08.6 64 53 Hill Tyler Henderson (7) 0:11:08.8 65 Kennedy Ryan O'shaughnessy (7) 0:11:09.6 66 Scullen Peyton Gillespie (7) 0:11:10.3 67 Crone Mike Whaley (7) 0:11:10.8 68 Kennedy Chris Li (7) 0:11:11.3 69 Jefferson Konrad Hausman (7) 0:11:11.6 70 Kennedy Gabriel Carrier (7) 0:11:11.9 71 Scullen Trevor Butts (7) 0:11:12.4 72 Lincoln Mark Irion (7) 0:11:13.1 73 Kennedy Jacob Simerel (7) 0:11:14.9 74 Lincoln Nathan Atkins (7) 0:11:16.2 75 54 Washington Pat Henderickson (7) 0:11:17.5 76 Kennedy Steven Nguyen (7) 0:11:19.4 77 Jefferson Erik Leonard (7) 0:11:19.9 78 Gregory Riley Morrison (7) 0:11:20.7 79 Gregory Danny Perez (7) 0:11:24.1 80 Gregory Ben Lin (7) 0:11:24.4 81 Crone Craig Halicki (7) 0:11:26.9 82 Scullen Adam Teller (7) 0:11:28.6 83 Kennedy Lucas Hsu (7) 0:11:29.3 84 Kennedy Devin Stompanato (7) 0:11:30.5 85 Madison Keith Meyers (7) 0:11:33.1 86 Madison Ben Meyer (7) 0:11:35.3 87 Jefferson Sunny Duan (7) 0:11:36.7 88 Madison Jack Banser (7) 0:11:37.9 89 Kennedy John Zackey (7) 0:11:41.1 90 Kennedy Carter Bell (7) 0:11:42.3 91 Scullen Samuel Seol (7) 0:11:42.8 92 Kennedy Peter Song (7) 0:11:43.5 93 Scullen Mike Fitzpatrick (7) 0:11:44.3 94 55 Still Jake Nowarzyk (7) 0:11:45.1 95 Jefferson Reno Brown (7) 0:11:47.5 96 Scullen Jacob Nowaczyk (7) 0:11:47.7 97 56 Granger Patrick Martin (7) 0:11:50.9 98 Jefferson Sriram Rajaram (7) 0:11:53.2 99 Madison Grant Wu (7) 0:11:57.0 100 57 Washington Josh Hilman (7) 0:11:59.9 101 Madison Nick Peterson (7) 0:12:00.8 102 Kennedy Nick Chandler (7) 0:12:02.5 103 58 Granger Sujoy Sarkar (7) 0:12:03.2 104 Lincoln Joey Fong (7) 0:12:03.6 105 Scullen Fahad Khan (7) 0:12:07.4 106 Madison Kyle Endicott (7) 0:12:11.1 107 Kennedy Logan McCue (7) 0:12:11.6 108 59 Hill Nick Reinke (7) 0:12:15.6 109 60 Still Connor Whitney (7) 0:12:19.8 110 Kennedy Trevor Griffin (7) 0:12:21.2 111 Jefferson Rohil Tekriwal (7) 0:12:26.6 112 Madison Max Steiner (7) 0:12:27.9 113 61 Washington Trent Thomas (7) 0:12:29.0 114 62 Hill Ryan Fox (7) 0:12:35.8 115 Gregory Jack Piazza (7) 0:12:36.2 116 63 Still Elijah Herron (7) 0:12:36.6 117 Gregory Colin Higgins (7) 0:12:40.5 118 64 Hill Cameron Whittaker (7) 0:12:43.5 119 65 Granger Austin Johnson (7) 0:12:46.2 120 Lincoln Pablo Perez-Romo (7) 0:12:47.3 121 66 Granger Nachiket Joshi (7) 0:12:50.6 122 Kennedy Scott Prinz (7) 0:12:51.6 123 Scullen Drew Dailey (7) 0:12:54.0 124 Scullen Muhammed Alikhan (7) 0:12:56.3 125 Jefferson Caleb Luk (7) 0:13:00.7 126 Crone Tanner Weiland (7) 0:13:14.6 127 67 Still Rayed Zafar (7) 0:13:15.8 128 Kennedy Sam Goltermann (7) 0:13:16.6 129 Jefferson Joey Hook (7) 0:13:20.1 130 68 Granger Michael Tiscareno (7) 0:13:26.5 131 Gregory Nick Niekra (7) 0:13:28.5 132 69 Still Liam Callaham (7) 0:13:31.8 133 Jefferson Harsh Sharma (7) 0:13:34.0 134 Jefferson Tommy Lusk (7) 0:13:36.6 135 Jefferson Ryan Castleberry (7) 0:13:36.9 136 Gregory Max Boone (7) 0:13:48.9 137 Gregory Sagar Shah (7) 0:13:50.0 138 Washington Karthik Bala (7) 0:13:55.4 139 Madison Nathan Alex (7) 0:14:03.9 140 70 Still Jesse Vyhnawek (7) 0:14:12.8 141 Gregory Anant Gupta (7) 0:14:30.6 142 Still Brian Barger (7) 0:14:32.9 143 Gregory Brian Depuy (7) 0:14:52.6 144 Granger Kaushik Arukonda (7) 0:16:13.5 145 Scullen Karan Aggarwal (7) 0:16:24.1 146 Gregory Venkata Surapaneni (7) 0:16:26.9 147 Still Marco Habib (7) 0:16:49.5 148 Still Ricky Manthei (7) 0:16:50.9 149 Granger Ben Fields (7) 0:16:51.7 150 Granger Krishna Bathina (7) 0:17:12.5 151 Washington Mikel Stricker (7) 0:19:00.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 63 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 24 2 Lincoln 85 2, 11, 16, 18, 38, 46, 48 3 Gregory 88 7, 8, 20, 25, 28, 39, 50 4 Madison 104 3, 5, 21, 33, 42, 49, 51 5 Jefferson 125 4, 26, 27, 32, 36, 44, 45 6 Scullen 132 6, 19, 30, 37, 40, 41, 43 7 Washington 162 10, 22, 29, 47, 54, 57, 61 8 Hill 182 1, 34, 35, 53, 59, 62, 64 9 Granger 262 31, 52, 56, 58, 65, 66, 68 10 Still 268 23, 55, 60, 63, 67, 69, 70 11 Crone No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 49:24 9:53 0:17 9:44, 9:50, 9:52, 9:57, 10:01, 10:03 2 Lincoln 49:46 9:57 1:33 9:09, 9:49, 10:02, 10:04, 10:42, 10:54 3 Gregory 49:50 9:58 0:41 9:36, 9:37, 10:08, 10:12, 10:17, 10:45 4 Madison 50:15 10:03 1:28 9:20, 9:25, 10:09, 10:33, 10:48, 10:59 5 Jefferson 50:57 10:11 1:16 9:22, 10:12, 10:13, 10:32, 10:38, 10:50 6 Scullen 51:20 10:16 1:19 9:26, 10:07, 10:20, 10:42, 10:45, 10:47 7 Washington 52:29 10:30 1:32 9:46, 10:10, 10:18, 10:57, 11:18, 12:00 8 Hill 53:33 10:43 3:17 8:59, 10:34, 10:35, 11:09, 12:16, 12:36 9 Granger 58:14 11:39 2:17 10:30, 11:02, 11:51, 12:04, 12:47, 12:51 10 Still 60:09 12:02 3:05 10:11, 11:45, 12:20, 12:37, 13:16, 13:32 11 Crone No Score 11:11, 11:27, 13:15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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