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Girls 7th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2007 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 23, 2007
Girls 7th Grade     
1.5 miles  

Course record is 0:09:15.5 by Lydia Simanek of Madison on Oct. 17, 2000

Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Scullen                    Zoey Goralski (7)          0:09:21.8
  2     2  Lincoln                    Caroline Crissy (7)        0:09:40.1
  3     3  Kennedy                    Nicole Latronica (7)       0:09:47.4
  4     4  Lincoln                    Stefanie Calero (7)        0:09:50.0
  5     5  Lincoln                    Taylor Campbell (7)        0:09:53.4
  6     6  Scullen                    Kristina Chapman (7)       0:09:53.7
  7     7  Scullen                    Kelly Taylor (7)           0:09:55.2
  8     8  Kennedy                    Lizzie Deely (7)           0:09:56.8
  9     9  Granger                    Rachel Dorencz (7)         0:09:59.0
 10    10  Gregory                    Grace Brinker (7)          0:10:01.0
 11    11  Lincoln                    Veronica Frey (7)          0:10:06.1
 12    12  Kennedy                    Molly Schatz (7)           0:10:07.9
 13    13  Scullen                    Kayla Knoll (7)            0:10:08.6
 14    14  Kennedy                    Karen Yung (7)             0:10:09.2
 15    15  Kennedy                    Cassidy Hacker (7)         0:10:11.7
 16    16  Washington                 Angela Widlacki (7)        0:10:14.5
 17    17  Kennedy                    Ellie Gschwendner (7)      0:10:18.2
 18    18  Hill                       Kathleen Adolf (7)         0:10:27.3
 19    19  Jefferson                  Abby Petersen (7)          0:10:27.6
 20    20  Lincoln                    Erin Raegan (7)            0:10:27.9
 21    21  Gregory                    Catriona Barr (7)          0:10:29.5
 22    22  Crone                      Lexi Morenus (7)           0:10:31.1
 23    23  Scullen                    Ashley Bruner (7)          0:10:31.4
 24    24  Kennedy                    Emily Smith (7)            0:10:31.8
 25    25  Hill                       Hannah Moore (7)           0:10:33.2
 26    26  Jefferson                  Megan Burton (7)           0:10:36.6
 27        Kennedy                    Kimber Meyer (7)           0:10:38.2
 28    27  Crone                      Abby Turner (7)            0:10:39.9
 29    28  Jefferson                  Lauren Wenig (7)           0:10:43.6
 30    29  Madison                    Allie Peterson (7)         0:10:45.3
 31    30  Madison                    Kelsey Spriggs (7)         0:10:47.9
 32        Kennedy                    Jordan Streeper (7)        0:10:49.3
 33    31  Jefferson                  Gabby Magnuson (7)         0:10:51.4
 34    32  Gregory                    Ann-Kathrin Becker (7)     0:10:52.2
 35        Kennedy                    Maddi O'Flynn (7)          0:10:52.7
 36    33  Jefferson                  Jessie Wang (7)            0:10:55.1
 37        Kennedy                    Jenny Zhang (7)            0:10:57.7
 38    34  Gregory                    Anna Wildeman (7)          0:10:59.1
 39    35  Granger                    Karla DiJohn (7)           0:11:00.1
 40        Kennedy                    Jackie Stanley (7)         0:11:00.6
 41    36  Scullen                    Ali Michalik (7)           0:11:01.1
 42    37  Jefferson                  Samantha Kaplan (7)        0:11:01.9
 43    38  Gregory                    Katherine Sacks (7)        0:11:02.7
 44    39  Granger                    Lauren Newmyer (7)         0:11:08.2
 45    40  Gregory                    Erin Newman (7)            0:11:08.9
 46    41  Lincoln                    Georgia Stirtz (7)         0:11:10.3
 47    42  Scullen                    Yena Kil (7)               0:11:11.0
 48    43  Lincoln                    Hannah Curtis (7)          0:11:12.1
 49        Kennedy                    Meaghan O'Hara (7)         0:11:12.7
 50        Lincoln                    Laura Garcia (7)           0:11:15.1
 51    44  Jefferson                  Rachel Prorok (7)          0:11:16.4
 52    45  Washington                 Kristen Herbert (7)        0:11:16.7
 53    46  Washington                 Samantha Flerlage (7)      0:11:17.0
 54        Lincoln                    Amanda Hicks (7)           0:11:17.3
 55        Lincoln                    Kendall Willis (7)         0:11:17.8
 56        Lincoln                    Catherine Villa (7)        0:11:18.2
 57    47  Crone                      Madison Richmond (7)       0:11:18.9
 58        Scullen                    Kate Dannessa (7)          0:11:20.2
 59    48  Crone                      Kelsey Dominguez (7)       0:11:21.0
 60        Scullen                    Anna Kosyakova (7)         0:11:21.7
 61    49  Madison                    Rachel Valentine (7)       0:11:25.2
 62        Kennedy                    Marissa Autry (7)          0:11:28.6
 63    50  Crone                      Ali Gosselin (7)           0:11:30.1
 64        Scullen                    Kayla Olson (7)            0:11:30.6
 65    51  Granger                    Ana Woods (7)              0:11:32.7
 66        Kennedy                    Kelly Schatz (7)           0:11:33.9
 67        Jefferson                  Svaja Pakalnis (7)         0:11:36.0
 68        Scullen                    Abby Petrella (7)          0:11:36.9
 69    52  Gregory                    Shannon Price (7)          0:11:37.5
 70        Scullen                    Nadia Fayoumi (7)          0:11:38.2
 71        Kennedy                    Lucia Korpas (7)           0:11:40.0
 72    53  Madison                    Allison Hinze (7)          0:11:42.1
 73        Jefferson                  Manisha Balakumar (7)      0:11:43.7
 74        Gregory                    Emma Shanahan (7)          0:11:44.6
 75        Kennedy                    Josie Wood (7)             0:11:45.8
 76        Kennedy                    McKay Evans (7)            0:11:46.0
 77    54  Granger                    Jenica Arndorfer (7)       0:11:47.1
 78        Kennedy                    Maria Mihailescu (7)       0:11:47.6
 79    55  Madison                    Mary Millar (7)            0:11:48.2
 80        Kennedy                    Audry Blazek (7)           0:11:49.3
 81        Jefferson                  Tracy Korn (7)             0:11:50.1
 82        Gregory                    Jessica Pena (7)           0:11:50.9
 83    56  Crone                      Amanda Forsgren (7)        0:11:53.1
 84        Still                      Fudia Jalloh (7)           0:11:55.3
 85    57  Hill                       Joyce Lin (7)              0:11:56.1
 86        Gregory                    Christine Zhang (7)        0:11:56.8
 87    58  Madison                    Claire Brenner (7)         0:11:59.8
 88        Lincoln                    Amelia Hauser (7)          0:12:00.9
 89        Kennedy                    Christina Liu (7)          0:12:01.7
 90    59  Granger                    Elizabeth Sapoznik (7)     0:12:02.9
 91    60  Granger                    Erin York (7)              0:12:05.4
 92        Scullen                    Carlie Scarpati (7)        0:12:07.7
 93        Gregory                    Christi Mueller (7)        0:12:08.2
 94        Kennedy                    Molly Denton (7)           0:12:09.4
 95        Gregory                    Kayla Brown (7)            0:12:09.8
 96        Kennedy                    Abigail Hudetz (7)         0:12:11.2
 97        Kennedy                    Elyse Stompanato (7)       0:12:11.7
 98    61  Madison                    Maggie Lies (7)            0:12:12.3
 99    62  Hill                       Carolyn O'Neil (7)         0:12:13.1
100        Kennedy                    Alex Warren (7)            0:12:15.4
101        Kennedy                    Kelsey Torbick (7)         0:12:18.2
102    63  Washington                 Julie VanDewill (7)        0:12:24.5
103        Scullen                    Sophia Holland (7)         0:12:26.2
104        Kennedy                    Jaqueline Velasquez (7)    0:12:29.1
105        Madison                    Genevieve Newkirk (7)      0:12:29.8
106        Kennedy                    Jackie Schlabach (7)       0:12:30.5
107        Gregory                    Anna Golub (7)             0:12:32.3
108    64  Washington                 Jackie Olson (7)           0:12:33.9
109    65  Crone                      Kelly Leibovitz (7)        0:12:35.3
110        Scullen                    Michelle Mercado (7)       0:12:39.6
111        Lincoln                    Caitlin Ro (7)             0:12:41.8
112        Granger                    Madeline Zehnal (7)        0:12:42.5
113        Kennedy                    Lizzie Weintraub (7)       0:12:44.2
114        Crone                      Lizzy Godlewski (7)        0:12:45.8
115        Lincoln                    Erin Berry (7)             0:12:46.5
116        Kennedy                    Nikki Knott (7)            0:12:47.0
117        Lincoln                    Emily Goeden (7)           0:12:47.5
118        Granger                    Joanna Bentsen (7)         0:12:48.4
119        Lincoln                    Carly Liskey (7)           0:12:51.6
120        Crone                      Elle Wills (7)             0:12:52.6
121        Kennedy                    Henna Verma (7)            0:12:54.4
122    66  Hill                       Zoe Krey (7)               0:12:54.9
123        Crone                      Gina Santucci (7)          0:12:57.0
124        Gregory                    Gabby Szmanda (7)          0:12:57.8
125        Crone                      Emily Evans (7)            0:12:58.3
126        Kennedy                    Marie Holzer (7)           0:12:59.1
127        Kennedy                    Elaine Coppe (7)           0:12:59.9
128        Crone                      Shannon Smith (7)          0:13:06.0
129        Crone                      Ginny Randall (7)          0:13:13.6
130        Granger                    Kc Companano (7)           0:13:18.1
131        Kennedy                    Sarah DeBartolomeo (7)     0:13:20.2
132        Crone                      Alyssa Rodriguez (7)       0:13:20.8
133    67  Hill                       Michelle Wang (7)          0:13:21.1
134    68  Hill                       Amy Nealon (7)             0:13:22.0
135        Kennedy                    McKenna Meath (7)          0:13:23.4
136        Kennedy                    Meghann Jorstad (7)        0:13:25.0
137        Gregory                    Dominicka Lenart (7)       0:13:27.8
138        Kennedy                    Kangi Xiao (7)             0:13:28.2
139        Crone                      Rachelle Yang (7)          0:13:28.7
140        Crone                      Erin Kelley (7)            0:13:29.3
141        Gregory                    Meaghan Kelly (7)          0:13:29.5
142        Kennedy                    Hannah Hermick (7)         0:13:30.3
143        Still                      Becky Steele (7)           0:13:37.6
144        Jefferson                  Anca Varvara (7)           0:13:45.0
145        Gregory                    Julia Fermier (7)          0:13:51.3
146        Gregory                    Isha Varshney (7)          0:13:54.1
147        Scullen                    Amanda Feliciano (7)       0:13:57.7
148        Gregory                    Alvina Mancha (7)          0:14:01.5
149        Gregory                    Ashley Perez (7)           0:14:02.5
150        Gregory                    Megan Wolf (7)             0:14:04.0
151        Madison                    Crystal Zhu (7)            0:14:10.5
152        Crone                      Shannon Karas (7)          0:14:13.2
153    69  Washington                 Rachel Frankland (7)       0:14:26.1
154        Crone                      Alyssa Mazurek (7)         0:14:27.0
155        Granger                    Kaitlin Miller (7)         0:14:30.1
156        Hill                       Emma Herrick (7)           0:14:34.1
157        Kennedy                    Nikki Randall (7)          0:14:58.0
158    70  Washington                 Hannah Goralski (7)        0:14:59.7
159        Scullen                    Kaitlyn Mach (7)           0:15:09.9
160        Lincoln                    Cathy Blewitt (7)          0:15:15.4
161        Kennedy                    Claire Halfield (7)        0:16:25.7
162        Jefferson                  Dorcas Muzuma (7)          0:16:41.3
163        Washington                 Ashley Fitch (7)           0:17:02.3
164        Still                      Olivia Hernandez (7)       0:17:08.5
165        Washington                 Rebecca Guzior (7)         0:18:35.9
166        Still                      Hannah Heise (7)           0:18:55.5
Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Lincoln                       42        2,   4,   5,  11,  20,  41,  43
  2   Scullen                       50        1,   6,   7,  13,  23,  36,  42
  3   Kennedy                       52        3,   8,  12,  14,  15,  17,  24
  4   Gregory                      135       10,  21,  32,  34,  38,  40,  52
  5   Jefferson                    137       19,  26,  28,  31,  33,  37,  44
  6   Granger                      188        9,  35,  39,  51,  54,  59,  60
  7   Crone                        194       22,  27,  47,  48,  50,  56,  65
  8   Madison                      216       29,  30,  49,  53,  55,  58,  61
  9   Hill                         228       18,  25,  57,  62,  66,  67,  68
 10   Washington                   234       16,  45,  46,  63,  64,  69,  70
 11   Still                      No Score - Had only 4 finishers
Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Scullen                    49:53    9:59   1:10    9:22,  9:54,  9:56, 10:09, 10:32, 11:01
  2  Lincoln                    49:59    9:60   0:47    9:41,  9:50,  9:54, 10:06, 10:28, 11:11
  3  Kennedy                    50:15   10:03   0:24    9:48,  9:57, 10:08, 10:10, 10:12, 10:19
  4  Gregory                    53:26   10:41   1:02   10:01, 10:30, 10:53, 10:59, 11:03, 11:09
  5  Jefferson                  53:36   10:43   0:27   10:28, 10:37, 10:44, 10:52, 10:55, 11:02
  6  Crone                      55:22   11:04   1:00   10:31, 10:40, 11:19, 11:21, 11:31, 11:53
  7  Granger                    55:28   11:06   1:48    9:59, 11:00, 11:09, 11:33, 11:47, 12:03
  8  Madison                    56:31   11:18   1:03   10:46, 10:48, 11:26, 11:42, 11:49, 12:00
  9  Washington                 57:48   11:34   2:19   10:15, 11:17, 11:17, 12:25, 12:34, 14:26
 10  Hill                       58:06   11:37   2:27   10:28, 10:34, 11:56, 12:13, 12:55, 13:21
 11  Still                     No Score                11:56, 13:38, 17:09, 18:56
Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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