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Girls 7th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2008 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 21, 2008
Girls 7th Grade     
1.5 miles  

Course record is 0:09:15.5 by Lydia Simanek of Madison on Oct. 17, 2000

Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Lincoln                    Allie Ciha (7)             0:09:44.1
  2     2  Hill                       Amy Hennessy (7)           0:09:52.0
  3     3  Kennedy                    Meghan McHugh (7)          0:10:12.3
  4     4  Jefferson                  Lilly Butler (7)           0:10:12.9
  5     5  Jefferson                  Maria McDaniel (7)         0:10:14.2
  6     6  Kennedy                    Emma Loritz (7)            0:10:20.9
  7     7  Lincoln                    Madison Conroy (7)         0:10:21.1
  8     8  Gregory                    Megan Tagler (7)           0:10:27.5
  9     9  Washington                 Jamie Cernek (7)           0:10:29.5
 10    10  Jefferson                  Stephanie Mueller (7)      0:10:34.4
 11    11  Kennedy                    Kyra Hartley (7)           0:10:35.0
 12    12  Scullen                    Kristen Schneider (7)      0:10:35.4
 13    13  Jefferson                  Alex Richardson (7)        0:10:42.7
 14    14  Madison                    Aija Williams (7)          0:10:50.4
 15    15  Kennedy                    Megan Henderson (7)        0:10:51.9
 16    16  Kennedy                    Laura Houston (7)          0:10:52.4
 17    17  Kennedy                    Natalie Seeden (7)         0:10:52.9
 18    18  Madison                    Anna McClowry (7)          0:10:53.7
 19    19  Still                      Taylor Majher (7)          0:10:54.1
 20    20  Lincoln                    Marybeth Blank (7)         0:10:56.7
 21    21  Jefferson                  Elizabeth Holada (7)       0:10:58.1
 22    22  Kennedy                    Yvonne Speck (7)           0:10:58.4
 23    23  Jefferson                  Katie Williams (7)         0:10:58.8
 24    24  Washington                 Brooke Cerne (7)           0:11:00.8
 25    25  Gregory                    Paige Passaro (7)          0:11:01.2
 26        Kennedy                    Amy Price (7)              0:11:01.6
 27    26  Scullen                    Kylie Harnen (7)           0:11:02.0
 28    27  Crone                      Alexandra Drechsler (7)    0:11:02.3
 29    28  Jefferson                  Abby Zielinski (7)         0:11:02.7
 30        Kennedy                    Hannah Bates (7)           0:11:03.1
 31    29  Hill                       Rachel Harris (7)          0:11:03.4
 32    30  Gregory                    Grace Soltys (7)           0:11:06.3
 33        Jefferson                  Ashrita Rau (7)            0:11:07.1
 34    31  Hill                       Tyler Proszowski (7)       0:11:07.8
 35        Kennedy                    Emily White (7)            0:11:08.9
 36    32  Lincoln                    Vanessa Guerra (7)         0:11:11.8
 37    33  Washington                 Maggie Johnson (7)         0:11:15.4
 38        Granger                    Katie Lawrence (7)         0:11:18.1
 39    34  Hill                       Lillia Amor (7)            0:11:19.6
 40        Kennedy                    Courtney Giebel (7)        0:11:20.2
 41        Granger                    Tracey McCoy (7)           0:11:20.7
 42    35  Lincoln                    Sarah Spencer (7)          0:11:21.0
 43        Kennedy                    Priyesha Bijlani (7)       0:11:21.3
 44    36  Washington                 Rachel Kennedy (7)         0:11:21.9
 45        Granger                    Kendall Cast (7)           0:11:22.6
 46        Jefferson                  Anna Moore (7)             0:11:23.5
 47        Jefferson                  Caroline Saxon (7)         0:11:25.2
 48    37  Lincoln                    Jenna Hampton (7)          0:11:26.8
 49        Kennedy                    Sheel Vasavada (7)         0:11:27.5
 50    38  Scullen                    Stephanie Kulczycki (7)    0:11:28.0
 51    39  Madison                    Erin Stevens (7)           0:11:28.7
 52    40  Scullen                    Komal Sharma (7)           0:11:29.7
 53        Kennedy                    Kristen French (7)         0:11:30.2
 54    41  Lincoln                    Karen McCowin (7)          0:11:30.7
 55    42  Washington                 Mackenzie Mondek (7)       0:11:31.1
 56    43  Scullen                    Molly Devine (7)           0:11:31.7
 57    44  Scullen                    Jaya Prakash (7)           0:11:32.0
 58    45  Scullen                    Maddie Hunt (7)            0:11:32.4
 59    46  Gregory                    Kristen Kukla (7)          0:11:32.9
 60    47  Madison                    Ruta Raulickis (7)         0:11:33.5
 61        Scullen                    Victoria Scutti (7)        0:11:35.2
 62    48  Crone                      Claire Costelloe (7)       0:11:36.0
 63    49  Madison                    Isabel McCormick (7)       0:11:37.0
 64        Kennedy                    Julie Lang (7)             0:11:38.3
 65        Jefferson                  Jeenel Mehta (7)           0:11:40.7
 66    50  Hill                       Annalise Carmona (7)       0:11:41.5
 67    51  Gregory                    Logan White (7)            0:11:42.8
 68        Jefferson                  Kim Nunez (7)              0:11:43.7
 69        Scullen                    Eileen Skowronski (7)      0:11:44.4
 70        Jefferson                  Kayla Cantu (7)            0:11:46.8
 71        Lincoln                    Emily Zhen (7)             0:11:49.2
 72    52  Washington                 Kaile Fallon (7)           0:11:50.1
 73    53  Washington                 Kelly Phares (7)           0:11:50.5
 74        Washington                 Grace Risden (7)           0:11:51.8
 75        Lincoln                    Nellie Barry (7)           0:11:52.2
 76        Washington                 Madeline Palombo (7)       0:11:52.9
 77    54  Gregory                    Delaney Gallagher (7)      0:11:54.4
 78    55  Crone                      Shelby Pemberton (7)       0:11:56.4
 79    56  Madison                    Megan O'Grady (7)          0:11:59.1
 80    57  Gregory                    Morgan Doherty (7)         0:12:00.5
 81        Kennedy                    Alexa Cotton (7)           0:12:01.2
 82    58  Madison                    Anna Norman (7)            0:12:02.3
 83        Jefferson                  Aria Kennedy (7)           0:12:02.8
 84        Madison                    Sarah Crotty (7)           0:12:04.4
 85        Madison                    Nora Vandemar (7)          0:12:06.6
 86        Lincoln                    Betsi Terpin (7)           0:12:08.2
 87        Lincoln                    Kaavya Poola (7)           0:12:08.8
 88    59  Hill                       Megan Drilling (7)         0:12:09.6
 89        Kennedy                    Annie Gassner (7)          0:12:11.7
 90    60  Still                      Allison Wilson (7)         0:12:11.9
 91        Gregory                    Genevieve Macdonald (7)    0:12:12.5
 92        Lincoln                    Jennifer Cushing (7)       0:12:14.7
 93        Washington                 Julianna Dupuy (7)         0:12:15.5
 94    61  Hill                       Madeline Mosso (7)         0:12:15.9
 95        Scullen                    Evelyn Hayhurst (7)        0:12:16.3
 96        Jefferson                  Amanda Bushnell (7)        0:12:16.9
 97        Scullen                    Lauren Wesolowski (7)      0:12:17.8
 98        Jefferson                  Kathrine McCulloch (7)     0:12:20.8
 99    62  Crone                      Rebecca Klimczak (7)       0:12:22.2
100        Gregory                    Becca Wolfe (7)            0:12:24.9
101    63  Still                      Katie Benson (7)           0:12:27.1
102        Washington                 Paige Varda (7)            0:12:28.9
103        Jefferson                  Madison Barefield (7)      0:12:31.0
104        Scullen                    Riley Wagner (7)           0:12:32.2
105    64  Still                      Christina Gualano (7)      0:12:32.9
106    65  Still                      Brittany Halliday (7)      0:12:33.5
107        Scullen                    Clari De la Cruz (7)       0:12:35.0
108    66  Crone                      Ann Gilbert (7)            0:12:35.9
109        Lincoln                    Cynthia Sciabica (7)       0:12:36.4
110        Hill                       Tianna White (7)           0:12:38.1
111        Kennedy                    Katie Xie (7)              0:12:39.0
112        Lincoln                    Jessica Sitton (7)         0:12:39.5
113        Kennedy                    Baasma Khan (7)            0:12:39.9
114        Gregory                    Maddy Ose (7)              0:12:42.2
115    67  Crone                      Isabelle Glimco (7)        0:12:42.8
116        Washington                 Grace Carlston (7)         0:12:43.9
117        Jefferson                  Jessie Jankoski (7)        0:12:44.8
118        Gregory                    Alessia Gjini (7)          0:12:45.4
119        Hill                       Sally Kim (7)              0:12:45.9
120        Kennedy                    Brittany Mitchell (7)      0:12:47.1
121        Jefferson                  Leah Daugherty (7)         0:12:47.5
122        Kennedy                    Bridget Naughton (7)       0:12:48.1
123        Madison                    Jessica Kim (7)            0:12:50.5
124    68  Crone                      Megan Hiss (7)             0:12:53.3
125        Crone                      Katie Mullen (7)           0:12:54.8
126        Jefferson                  Brigit Dunne (7)           0:12:55.3
127        Gregory                    Kelsey Binkus (7)          0:12:56.3
128        Madison                    Amber DeGroote (7)         0:12:57.1
129        Crone                      Andrea Perry (7)           0:12:57.5
130        Kennedy                    Maria Rousonelos (7)       0:12:58.4
131        Gregory                    Darilyn Romanowski (7)     0:12:58.8
132        Kennedy                    Kayla Longacre (7)         0:13:01.2
133        Jefferson                  Nova Sturchio (7)          0:13:02.4
134        Scullen                    Priscilla Ike (7)          0:13:03.0
135        Scullen                    Morgan Schmitz (7)         0:13:03.6
136        Jefferson                  Abby Pettinger (7)         0:13:07.9
137        Gregory                    Caroline Durkin (7)        0:13:09.3
138        Kennedy                    Sarah Moore (7)            0:13:10.7
139        Crone                      Dunja Zhou (7)             0:13:12.2
140        Kennedy                    Maddi Jordan (7)           0:13:16.2
141        Crone                      Jessica Giudice (7)        0:13:18.0
142        Kennedy                    Hiba Khan (7)              0:13:20.7
143        Jefferson                  Amber Evens (7)            0:13:21.2
144        Crone                      Eleanor Cahill (7)         0:13:21.5
145        Crone                      Marissa Kulak (7)          0:13:21.9
146        Madison                    Klay Cole (7)              0:13:22.8
147        Scullen                    Olivia Parker (7)          0:13:24.8
148        Crone                      Andrea Nagy (7)            0:13:25.4
149        Scullen                    Melissa Wasson (7)         0:13:28.4
150        Scullen                    Madhu Manivannan (7)       0:13:29.0
151        Crone                      Tabitha Wheeler (7)        0:13:31.5
152        Scullen                    Madhura Ramakrishnan (7)   0:13:42.1
153        Scullen                    Naomi Kibler (7)           0:13:42.8
154    69  Still                      Maria Kuznetsor (7)        0:13:43.2
155        Crone                      Emma Harman (7)            0:14:01.9
156        Jefferson                  Anu Karan (7)              0:14:04.8
157        Hill                       Sydney Roberts (7)         0:14:07.4
158        Hill                       Madison Messer (7)         0:14:26.4
159        Crone                      Alyssa Tijerina (7)        0:14:33.5
160        Crone                      Dana Mullen (7)            0:14:42.4
161        Jefferson                  Donna Youssefnia (7)       0:14:45.7
162        Crone                      Sarah Kozy (7)             0:14:54.8
163        Hill                       Mercedes Salsberry (7)     0:14:57.7
164        Kennedy                    Lyndsey Field (7)          0:15:02.8
165        Washington                 Claire Witkovich (7)       0:15:13.3
166        Kennedy                    Katie Hernadez (7)         0:15:22.6
167    70  Still                      Shalini Chandra (7)        0:15:48.1
168        Still                      Payton Woolwine (7)        0:16:46.2
169        Hill                       Sally Yui (7)              0:16:59.4
170        Hill                       Arielle Dennis (7)         0:17:22.2
Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Kennedy                       51        3,   6,  11,  15,  16,  17,  22
  2   Jefferson                     53        4,   5,  10,  13,  21,  23,  28
  3   Lincoln                       95        1,   7,  20,  32,  35,  37,  41
  4   Washington                   144        9,  24,  33,  36,  42,  52,  53
  5   Hill                         146        2,  29,  31,  34,  50,  59,  61
  6   Scullen                      159       12,  26,  38,  40,  43,  44,  45
  7   Gregory                      160        8,  25,  30,  46,  51,  54,  57
  8   Madison                      167       14,  18,  39,  47,  49,  56,  58
  9   Crone                        258       27,  48,  55,  62,  66,  67,  68
 10   Still                        271       19,  60,  63,  64,  65,  69,  70
 11   Granger                    No Score - Had only 3 finishers
Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Jefferson                  52:44   10:33   0:45   10:13, 10:15, 10:35, 10:43, 10:58, 10:59
  2  Kennedy                    52:54   10:35   0:40   10:13, 10:21, 10:35, 10:52, 10:53, 10:53
  3  Lincoln                    53:35   10:43   1:37    9:44, 10:21, 10:57, 11:12, 11:21, 11:27
  4  Hill                       55:06   11:01   1:50    9:52, 11:04, 11:08, 11:20, 11:42, 12:10
  5  Washington                 55:40   11:08   1:01   10:30, 11:01, 11:16, 11:22, 11:31, 11:50
  6  Gregory                    55:53   11:11   1:15   10:28, 11:02, 11:07, 11:33, 11:43, 11:55
  7  Scullen                    56:08   11:14   0:56   10:36, 11:02, 11:28, 11:30, 11:32, 11:32
  8  Madison                    56:25   11:17   0:46   10:51, 10:54, 11:29, 11:34, 11:37, 11:59
  9  Crone                      59:35   11:55   1:33   11:03, 11:36, 11:57, 12:23, 12:36, 12:43
 10  Still                      60:42   12:08   1:39   10:55, 12:12, 12:28, 12:33, 12:34, 13:44
 11  Granger                   No Score                11:18, 11:21, 11:23
Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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