Individual Results
2008 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 21, 2008 Girls 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:12:48.3 by Britney Weizeorick of Kennedy on Oct. 23, 2007 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Lincoln Taylor Campbell (8) 0:13:08.2 2 2 Kennedy Nicole Latronica (8) 0:13:13.7 3 3 Kennedy Cassidy Hacker (8) 0:13:14.2 4 4 Kennedy Karen Yung (8) 0:13:27.3 5 5 Jefferson Megan Burton (8) 0:13:34.0 6 6 Lincoln Caroline Crissy (8) 0:13:34.4 7 7 Scullen Kristina Chapman (8) 0:13:35.0 8 8 Jefferson Maria Grygleski (8) 0:13:40.6 9 9 Kennedy Emily Smith (8) 0:13:43.0 10 10 Kennedy Lizzie Deely (8) 0:13:43.5 11 11 Granger Rachel Dorencz (8) 0:13:43.9 12 12 Scullen Ashley Bruner (8) 0:13:46.9 13 13 Kennedy Jenny Zhang (8) 0:13:52.8 14 14 Kennedy Ellie Gschwendtner (8) 0:13:57.6 15 15 Gregory Catriona Barr (8) 0:14:00.6 16 16 Lincoln Kayla Knoll (8) 0:14:04.3 17 17 Lincoln Erin Raegan (8) 0:14:06.4 18 18 Hill Kathleen Adolf (8) 0:14:07.9 19 19 Gregory Maggie O'Rourke (8) 0:14:13.1 20 Kennedy Kimber Meyer (8) 0:14:13.7 21 Kennedy Audrey Blazek (8) 0:14:14.3 22 20 Madison Ellie Hoffman (8) 0:14:14.9 23 21 Jefferson Lauren Wenig (8) 0:14:18.6 24 22 Hill Hannah Moore (8) 0:14:30.7 25 23 Scullen Kate Dannessa (8) 0:14:33.7 26 24 Madison Allie Peterson (8) 0:14:34.1 27 25 Lincoln Rebecca Schlesinger (8) 0:14:34.4 28 26 Jefferson Alexa Kurtides (8) 0:14:37.5 29 27 Jefferson Abby Petersen (8) 0:14:41.2 30 28 Hill Carolyn O'Neill (8) 0:14:42.9 31 Washington Kristen Herbert (8) 0:14:43.5 32 Kennedy Haley Channell (8) 0:14:44.3 33 29 Lincoln Hannah Metz (8) 0:14:46.8 34 30 Jefferson Tracy Korn (8) 0:14:51.2 35 31 Still Oksana Tupikov (8) 0:14:52.0 36 Kennedy Maddi O'Flynn (8) 0:14:53.5 37 32 Lincoln Hannah Curtis (8) 0:14:56.5 38 Kennedy Jordan Streeper (8) 0:15:01.9 39 Lincoln Stephanie Calero (8) 0:15:05.2 40 33 Madison Zoe Ebling (8) 0:15:05.9 41 34 Crone Alexandra Morenus (8) 0:15:06.6 42 35 Scullen Kayla Higley (8) 0:15:07.7 43 36 Jefferson Rachel Prorok (8) 0:15:08.6 44 37 Scullen Zi-ning Choo (8) 0:15:09.3 45 Kennedy Abigail Hudetz (8) 0:15:10.9 46 Kennedy Ashley Brown (8) 0:15:11.4 47 Jefferson Taylor Prazma (8) 0:15:11.9 48 38 Scullen Joline Chang (8) 0:15:12.4 49 39 Hill Zoe Krey (8) 0:15:12.9 50 40 Hill Amy Nealon (8) 0:15:14.4 51 Jefferson Jessica Ives (8) 0:15:17.4 52 41 Scullen Brooke Olenski (8) 0:15:19.4 53 42 Madison Allison Hinze (8) 0:15:20.1 54 Lincoln Catherine Villa (8) 0:15:23.9 55 Lincoln Kendall Willis (8) 0:15:25.4 56 Kennedy Meagan O'Hara (8) 0:15:25.8 57 43 Gregory Brooke Gauen (8) 0:15:26.2 58 Jefferson Samantha Kaplan (8) 0:15:26.7 59 44 Granger Lauren Newmyer (8) 0:15:30.1 60 45 Hill Joyce Lin (8) 0:15:34.3 61 46 Madison Maggie Lies (8) 0:15:35.1 62 47 Madison Rachel Valentine (8) 0:15:37.3 63 48 Hill Christie LaRocque (8) 0:15:37.8 64 Lincoln Georgia Stirtz (8) 0:15:38.6 65 49 Gregory Jessica Pena (8) 0:15:40.1 66 Kennedy Juhi Gupta (8) 0:15:44.5 67 Scullen Kayla Olson (8) 0:15:47.9 68 Kennedy Maria Olaru (8) 0:15:48.6 69 Jefferson Lisa Hong (8) 0:15:49.3 70 50 Gregory Katherine Sacks (8) 0:15:49.8 71 Lincoln Emily Goeden (8) 0:15:52.1 72 Scullen Kendall Gulliver (8) 0:15:53.4 73 Kennedy Logan Erickson (8) 0:15:54.5 74 51 Crone Amanda Forsgren (8) 0:15:56.0 75 Kennedy Lucia Korpas (8) 0:16:09.2 76 Kennedy Elyse Stompanato (8) 0:16:12.1 77 52 Gregory Andi Morales (8) 0:16:15.0 78 Lincoln Laura Garcia (8) 0:16:20.0 79 Kennedy Daphne Xu (8) 0:16:20.6 80 Jefferson Manisha Balakumar (8) 0:16:21.9 81 Lincoln Madison Nervig (8) 0:16:23.4 82 Lincoln Amelia Hauser (8) 0:16:23.8 83 Scullen Abby Petrella (8) 0:16:29.5 84 Kennedy Elaine Coppe (8) 0:16:32.9 85 53 Madison Mary Millar (8) 0:16:36.6 86 Scullen Carlie Scarpati (8) 0:16:38.6 87 54 Still Becky Steele (8) 0:16:39.8 88 55 Crone Alyssa Rodriguez (8) 0:16:45.7 89 Lincoln Bowen Bao (8) 0:16:49.3 90 Madison Claire Brenner (8) 0:16:50.9 91 Kennedy Meghann Jorstad (8) 0:16:54.3 92 Washington Nora Flynn (8) 0:16:56.6 93 Scullen Sarah Torrico (8) 0:16:57.4 94 Lincoln Erin Berry (8) 0:17:01.5 95 Lincoln Carly Liskey (8) 0:17:02.1 96 Kennedy Jaqueline Schlabach (8) 0:17:02.6 97 56 Gregory Shelby Bunge (8) 0:17:02.9 98 Gregory Allison Frost (8) 0:17:03.4 99 Gregory Ericka Niswander (8) 0:17:04.1 100 57 Crone Abby Hanneman (8) 0:17:04.5 101 Gregory Jennifer He (8) 0:17:06.8 102 Gregory Christie Jeung (8) 0:17:07.9 103 Gregory Maggy Schmidt (8) 0:17:10.9 104 Kennedy Marie Holzer (8) 0:17:12.4 105 Madison Genny Newkirk (8) 0:17:13.2 106 Kennedy Liz Weintraub (8) 0:17:21.7 107 Washington Hannah Goralski (8) 0:17:23.0 108 Kennedy Nikki Knott (8) 0:17:30.7 109 58 Granger Lauren Carlson (8) 0:17:31.2 110 59 Granger Tovah Raymond (8) 0:17:32.4 111 Lincoln Caitlin Ro (8) 0:17:35.9 112 60 Crone Christina Freiboth (8) 0:17:43.3 113 Jefferson Erin O'Connor (8) 0:17:46.1 114 Scullen Tanya Fee (8) 0:17:58.5 115 Jefferson Jackie Piekos (8) 0:18:00.3 116 Gregory Ashley Perez (8) 0:18:03.8 117 Washington Rachel Frankland (8) 0:18:10.6 118 Jefferson Zeiba Herd (8) 0:18:17.3 119 Jefferson Brittany Lane (8) 0:18:19.3 120 Jefferson Veronica Tischina (8) 0:18:23.7 121 Gregory Isha Varshney (8) 0:18:28.0 122 61 Granger Sam Steier (8) 0:18:28.6 123 Jefferson Anca Varvara (8) 0:18:29.0 124 62 Crone Erin Kelley (8) 0:18:32.7 125 Kennedy Hannah Hermick (8) 0:18:42.2 126 Gregory Alvina Mancha (8) 0:18:45.2 127 Madison Crystal Zhu (8) 0:18:48.6 128 63 Still Ally McElroy (8) 0:19:03.6 129 Scullen Katie Jensen (8) 0:19:08.1 130 64 Granger K.C. Campanano (8) 0:19:10.7 131 Jefferson Edith Rodriguez (8) 0:19:51.0 132 Kennedy Tina Kougias (8) 0:19:57.8 133 65 Granger Carrie Mueting (8) 0:20:24.9 134 Madison Adilia Sargsyn (8) 0:20:47.5 135 66 Still Roma Patel (8) 0:21:07.6 136 Gregory Manahil Ahmad (8) 0:21:13.2 137 Madison Maria Dainyte (8) 0:21:28.9 138 67 Still Desiree Crespo (8) 0:21:46.4 139 Gregory Annalise Brown (8) 0:22:04.2 140 Madison Pooja Shah (8) 0:26:20.0 141 Hill Kelly Federschmidt (8) 0:31:29.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 28 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14 2 Lincoln 65 1, 6, 16, 17, 25, 29, 32 3 Jefferson 87 5, 8, 21, 26, 27, 30, 36 4 Scullen 114 7, 12, 23, 35, 37, 38, 41 5 Hill 147 18, 22, 28, 39, 40, 45, 48 6 Madison 165 20, 24, 33, 42, 46, 47, 53 7 Gregory 176 15, 19, 43, 49, 50, 52, 56 8 Granger 233 11, 44, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65 9 Crone 257 34, 51, 55, 57, 60, 62 10 Still 281 31, 54, 63, 66, 67 11 Washington No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 67:24 13:29 0:30 13:14, 13:15, 13:28, 13:43, 13:44, 13:53 2 Lincoln 69:31 13:54 1:26 13:09, 13:35, 14:05, 14:07, 14:35, 14:47 3 Jefferson 70:54 14:11 1:08 13:34, 13:41, 14:19, 14:38, 14:42, 14:52 4 Scullen 72:14 14:27 1:35 13:35, 13:47, 14:34, 15:08, 15:10, 15:13 5 Hill 73:50 14:46 1:07 14:08, 14:31, 14:43, 15:13, 15:15, 15:35 6 Madison 74:50 14:58 1:20 14:15, 14:34, 15:06, 15:20, 15:35, 15:38 7 Gregory 75:12 15:02 1:49 14:01, 14:13, 15:27, 15:41, 15:50, 16:15 8 Crone 82:38 16:32 2:37 15:07, 15:56, 16:46, 17:05, 17:44, 18:33 9 Granger 82:48 16:34 4:45 13:44, 15:30, 17:32, 17:33, 18:29, 19:11 10 Still 93:31 18:42 6:55 14:52, 16:40, 19:04, 21:08, 21:47 11 Washington No Score 14:44, 16:57, 17:23, 18:11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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