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2010 David Brady Cross Country InvitationalSeptember 18, 2010 Girls Fr/So 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Argo Alexandra Baczynski (So) 0:20:07.1 2 2 St. Ignatius Emily Bridges (So) 0:20:26.7 3 3 Mother McAuley Bridget McQuinn (So) 0:20:42.6 4 4 Lincoln-Way Central Amanda Peterson (So) 0:20:47.5 5 5 St. Ignatius Mary Kate Skalitzky (So) 0:21:04.9 6 6 Mother McAuley Courtney O'Malley (Fr) 0:21:13.5 7 7 Marian Catholic Jacqueline Silverman (So) 0:21:14.1 8 8 Fenwick Martha Murphy (Fr) 0:21:15.1 9 9 St. Ignatius Sarah Devitt (So) 0:21:16.8 10 Homewood-Flossmoor Cortney Cross (So) 0:21:17.4 11 10 Lincoln-Way Central Taylor Martinez (Fr) 0:21:17.7 12 11 Lincoln-Way Central Madison Kestel (Fr) 0:21:20.3 13 12 St. Ignatius Kirstyn Ruiz (Fr) 0:21:23.5 14 13 Lincoln-Way Central Molly Kenefick (So) 0:21:24.1 15 14 Mother McAuley Mary Kate Glavas (So) 0:21:25.9 16 15 Lincoln-Way Central Jenn Whitney (Fr) 0:21:27.5 17 16 Fenwick Anna Schierl (Fr) 0:21:39.6 18 17 Lyons Township Erin Fitzgerald (Fr) 0:21:42.6 19 18 St. Ignatius Mary McNulty (Fr) 0:21:49.3 20 19 St. Ignatius Julia Mangan (Fr) 0:21:49.5 21 20 Lincoln-Way Central Chelsey Grafrath (Fr) 0:21:50.3 22 21 Marian Catholic Kylee Strezo (So) 0:21:50.7 23 22 Argo Jocelyn Camacho (Fr) 0:21:51.6 24 23 Lyons Township Hannah Saggau (So) 0:21:51.8 25 24 Mother McAuley Molly McIneary (Fr) 0:21:57.2 26 25 Lincoln-Way Central Erin Peterson (Fr) 0:21:58.2 27 Richards Efthia Peroulas (So) 0:22:01.9 28 26 Andrew Jalyssa Rodriguez (Fr) 0:22:02.9 29 27 Mother McAuley Sydney Bonnett (Fr) 0:22:07.4 30 28 St. Ignatius Elly Hayn (So) 0:22:07.7 31 29 Plainfield Central Maddy Gorczak (So) 0:22:09.1 32 30 Marian Catholic Christina Moreno (So) 0:22:12.1 33 31 Mother McAuley Callie Janet (So) 0:22:15.2 34 32 Mother McAuley Briget Hynes (So) 0:22:16.7 35 33 Lyons Township Dana Heinz (So) 0:22:19.8 36 Homewood-Flossmoor Ilasha Middleton (Fr) 0:22:21.2 37 34 Plainfield Central Kristen Granata (So) 0:22:22.7 38 35 Andrew Francis Pacheco (So) 0:22:23.4 39 36 Queen of Peace Lauren Crotty (So) 0:22:25.1 40 37 Queen of Peace Cate Frech (So) 0:22:25.9 41 38 Joliet West Brianna Rivera (Fr) 0:22:26.2 42 39 Queen of Peace Savanna Caballero (So) 0:22:27.9 43 Willowbrook Britannia Horn (Fr) 0:22:37.1 44 40 Andrew Alyssa Furman (Fr) 0:22:41.5 45 41 Argo Megan Jurgel (So) 0:22:49.6 46 42 Andrew Gabbi Kluchki (So) 0:22:50.4 47 43 Lyons Township Elish Borgstrom (Fr) 0:22:55.1 48 44 Marian Catholic Shannon Milazzo (So) 0:22:55.4 49 45 Lyons Township Shelby DePriest (So) 0:22:57.6 50 46 Plainfield Central Kim Martin (So) 0:23:05.1 51 47 Andrew Megan Garand (Fr) 0:23:06.7 52 48 Lyons Township Samantha Miller (So) 0:23:08.5 53 49 Andrew Bridgett Miller (So) 0:23:09.5 54 50 Lyons Township Aly Buffett (Fr) 0:23:09.9 55 51 Marian Catholic Lauren Kujawa (So) 0:23:11.7 56 52 Joliet West Elizabeth Sanchez (So) 0:23:13.3 57 Willowbrook Ashley Krause (Fr) 0:23:15.0 58 53 Ridgewood Kathy Barnas (Fr) 0:23:17.0 59 54 Marian Catholic Kathryn Gray (So) 0:23:17.9 60 55 Joliet West Stephanie Perez (Fr) 0:23:18.1 61 56 Plainfield Central Monica Ringyte (Fr) 0:23:32.2 62 57 Lemont Nicole McKevitt (So) 0:23:37.9 63 58 Plainfield Central Daniela Cortez (Fr) 0:23:42.2 64 59 Andrew Alyssa Birmingham (So) 0:23:42.8 65 60 Crete-Monee Latris Daniels (Fr) 0:23:48.8 66 61 Queen of Peace Sarah Risley (Fr) 0:23:51.4 67 62 Reavis Maggie Wojtowicz (So) 0:23:53.7 68 Willowbrook Kathrene Garcia (Fr) 0:23:55.2 69 63 Lemont Greta Zilyte (So) 0:23:58.8 70 64 Oak Lawn Bushra Hamad (Fr) 0:24:00.1 71 65 Fenwick Michaela Hendricks (Fr) 0:24:01.0 72 Romeoville Jessica Cukier (Fr) 0:24:03.1 73 CICS-Northtown Daisy Medina (Fr) 0:24:03.7 74 66 Fenwick Rachel Clark (Fr) 0:24:06.0 75 67 Crete-Monee Lauren Carlos (So) 0:24:07.8 76 Romeoville Sierra Scanlan (Fr) 0:24:08.0 77 68 Oak Lawn Emma Roza (So) 0:24:13.3 78 69 Shepard Jacki Navarrete (Fr) 0:24:14.2 79 70 Plainfield Central Abbey Hernandez (Fr) 0:24:23.2 80 71 Lemont Becky Bagdocimo (Fr) 0:24:27.4 81 72 Marian Catholic Maureen Volkman (So) 0:24:28.2 82 Wheeling Maria Castillo (So) 0:24:31.8 83 73 Fenwick Katlyn Wartner (So) 0:24:33.9 84 74 Joliet West Maria Arzate (Fr) 0:24:35.4 85 Wheeling Andrea Arriaga (Fr) 0:24:36.3 86 Homewood-Flossmoor Ashley Bailey (Fr) 0:24:39.3 87 75 Joliet West Angelica Arriaga (Fr) 0:24:39.9 88 Willowbrook Taylor Burton (Fr) 0:24:45.5 89 76 Lemont Tricia Flanagan (So) 0:24:47.3 90 77 Plainfield Central Paige O'Connor (So) 0:24:47.8 91 78 Argo Kkatanya Martinez (So) 0:24:52.6 92 79 Argo Crystal DeLaTorre (So) 0:24:53.0 93 80 Fenwick Emma Gihl (Fr) 0:24:57.6 94 Trinity Sheridan Taaffe (Fr) 0:24:57.9 95 Trinity Jacklyn Josephs (Fr) 0:25:04.6 96 81 Joliet West Paige Petroski (So) 0:25:10.0 97 82 Ridgewood Liza Zaitsova (So) 0:25:15.3 98 83 Argo Starr Canales (Fr) 0:25:20.3 99 84 Lemont Lizzy Forzley (Fr) 0:25:29.0 100 85 Shepard Becky Kleina (Fr) 0:25:45.7 101 86 Reavis Tamam Omer (So) 0:25:47.5 102 87 Reavis Caroline Cyrwus (Fr) 0:25:55.0 103 88 Oak Lawn Isabella Rodriguez (So) 0:25:55.8 104 Thornridge Somiah Henderson (Fr) 0:25:57.6 105 CICS-Northtown Rachel Weyers (Fr) 0:26:05.6 106 89 Oak Lawn Grace Brooks (So) 0:26:08.9 107 90 Argo Lisbeth Vargas (So) 0:26:10.4 108 91 Reavis Brittney Velesovsky (Jr) 0:26:15.9 109 92 Reavis Emily Phillips (So) 0:26:20.4 110 93 Lemont Katelyn Koehler (So) 0:26:26.3 111 94 Bremen Aliyah Tureaud (So) 0:26:42.3 112 Richards Angelica Alba (So) 0:26:44.1 113 95 Lemont Clare McClafferty (Fr) 0:26:49.2 114 96 Fenwick Mary Kate Connelly (Fr) 0:26:49.7 115 97 Thornwood Arielle Miree (So) 0:26:56.6 116 98 Ridgewood Jola Pach (Fr) 0:26:57.5 117 99 Thornwood Ashley Hogan (So) 0:26:59.4 118 Trinity Lucia Montesinos (Fr) 0:27:02.3 119 100 Kennedy Jaclyn Gonzalez (Fr) 0:27:02.9 120 101 Crete-Monee Taylor Trzupek (So) 0:27:25.4 121 102 Shepard Jynine Czarny (So) 0:27:37.8 122 Wheeling Sherry Aguilar (Fr) 0:27:39.6 123 103 Bremen Jemilyn Hernandez (Fr) 0:28:11.0 124 104 Reavis Yesenia DelReal (Fr) 0:28:17.0 125 105 Queen of Peace Kristen Knapczyk (Fr) 0:28:19.1 126 106 Queen of Peace Michelle Budz (Fr) 0:28:19.5 127 107 Reavis Jennifer Faur (Fr) 0:28:20.9 128 108 Kennedy Taylor William (Fr) 0:28:53.5 129 Wheeling Sammy Lopez (Fr) 0:29:07.5 130 109 Oak Lawn Chenoa Bielefeled (So) 0:29:11.4 131 110 Queen of Peace Alexandria Diaz (Fr) 0:29:19.8 132 111 Kennedy Socorro Castro (So) 0:29:25.1 133 CICS-Northtown Destiny Cooper (Fr) 0:29:38.3 134 112 Shepard Symone Alexander (Fr) 0:29:45.6 135 113 Kennedy Olivia Biziak (Fr) 0:29:46.6 136 Trinity Claire Hasley (Fr) 0:29:49.7 137 Thornridge Tiffany Johnson (So) 0:29:49.9 138 114 Shepard Taylor Jones (So) 0:30:02.2 139 115 Kennedy Sarah Sizemore (So) 0:30:29.4 140 116 Ridgewood Daniela Lakosilova (So) 0:30:40.2 141 117 Bremen Lorena Villanueva (Fr) 0:30:47.6 142 118 Ridgewood Antonia Petropoulos (Fr) 0:30:58.2 143 CICS-Northtown Jessica Diaz (Fr) 0:31:34.4 144 Richards Samantha DeBleyzer (So) 0:32:32.2 145 119 Thornwood Corine Bogard (Fr) 0:33:13.8 146 120 Crete-Monee Kristina Stepp (So) 0:33:23.5 147 121 Crete-Monee Catherine Markray (Fr) 0:33:36.5 148 122 Bremen Mariana Orozco (So) 0:33:50.7 149 Thornridge Dtora Johnson (Fr) 0:34:05.0 150 123 Thornwood Raniyat Sarumi (Fr) 0:34:09.3 151 Thornridge Tyler Moshy (Fr) 0:34:20.6 152 124 Crete-Monee Tishiena Moore (Fr) 0:35:02.0 153 125 Bremen Vanessa Cortez (So) 0:35:04.1 154 126 Thornwood Alicia Sears (Fr) 0:38:28.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Ignatius 46 2, 5, 9, 12, 18, 19, 28 2 Lincoln-Way Central 53 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 25 3 Mother McAuley 74 3, 6, 14, 24, 27, 31, 32 4 Marian Catholic 153 7, 21, 30, 44, 51, 54, 72 5 Lyons Township 161 17, 23, 33, 43, 45, 48, 50 6 Andrew 190 26, 35, 40, 42, 47, 49, 59 7 Argo 221 1, 22, 41, 78, 79, 83, 90 8 Plainfield Central 223 29, 34, 46, 56, 58, 70, 77 9 Fenwick 228 8, 16, 65, 66, 73, 80, 96 10 Queen of Peace 278 36, 37, 39, 61, 105, 106, 110 11 Joliet West 294 38, 52, 55, 74, 75, 81 12 Lemont 351 57, 63, 71, 76, 84, 93, 95 13 Reavis 418 62, 86, 87, 91, 92, 104, 107 14 Oak Lawn 418 64, 68, 88, 89, 109 15 Ridgewood 467 53, 82, 98, 116, 118 16 Crete-Monee 469 60, 67, 101, 120, 121, 124 17 Shepard 482 69, 85, 102, 112, 114 18 Kennedy 547 100, 108, 111, 113, 115 19 Bremen 561 94, 103, 117, 122, 125 20 Thornwood 564 97, 99, 119, 123, 126 21 CICS-Northtown No Score - Had only 4 finishers 22 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score - Had only 3 finishers 23 Richards No Score - Had only 3 finishers 24 Romeoville No Score - Had only 2 finishers 25 Stagg No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Thornridge No Score - Had only 4 finishers 27 Thornton Township No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Trinity No Score - Had only 4 finishers 29 Walther Lutheran No Score - Had only 0 finishers 30 Wheeling No Score - Had only 4 finishers 31 Willowbrook No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Ignatius 106:03 21:13 1:23 20:27, 21:05, 21:17, 21:24, 21:50, 21:50 2 Lincoln-Way Central 106:20 21:16 0:40 20:48, 21:18, 21:21, 21:25, 21:28, 21:51 3 Mother McAuley 107:29 21:30 1:25 20:43, 21:14, 21:26, 21:58, 22:08, 22:16 4 Marian Catholic 111:25 22:17 1:58 21:14, 21:51, 22:12, 22:56, 23:12, 23:18 5 Lyons Township 111:48 22:22 1:15 21:43, 21:52, 22:20, 22:55, 22:58, 23:09 6 Andrew 113:07 22:37 1:04 22:03, 22:24, 22:42, 22:51, 23:07, 23:10 7 Argo 114:35 22:55 4:46 20:07, 21:52, 22:50, 24:53, 24:53, 25:21 8 Plainfield Central 114:54 22:59 1:33 22:10, 22:23, 23:05, 23:33, 23:43, 24:24 9 Fenwick 115:36 23:07 3:19 21:15, 21:40, 24:01, 24:06, 24:34, 24:58 10 Joliet West 118:16 23:39 2:13 22:27, 23:14, 23:19, 24:36, 24:40, 25:10 11 Queen of Peace 119:30 23:54 5:54 22:25, 22:26, 22:28, 23:52, 28:19, 28:20 12 Lemont 122:22 24:28 1:51 23:38, 23:59, 24:28, 24:48, 25:29, 26:27 13 Reavis 128:14 25:39 2:27 23:54, 25:48, 25:55, 26:16, 26:21, 28:17 14 Oak Lawn 129:31 25:54 5:12 24:00, 24:14, 25:56, 26:09, 29:12 15 Ridgewood 137:11 27:26 7:42 23:17, 25:16, 26:58, 30:41, 30:59 16 Shepard 137:28 27:30 5:48 24:15, 25:46, 27:38, 29:46, 30:03 17 Crete-Monee 142:24 28:29 9:48 23:49, 24:08, 27:26, 33:24, 33:37, 35:02 18 Kennedy 145:39 29:08 3:27 27:03, 28:54, 29:25, 29:47, 30:30 19 Bremen 154:37 30:55 8:21 26:43, 28:11, 30:48, 33:51, 35:04 20 Thornwood 159:50 31:58 11:32 26:57, 27:00, 33:14, 34:10, 38:29 21 CICS-Northtown No Score 24:04, 26:06, 29:39, 31:35 22 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score 21:18, 22:22, 24:40 23 Richards No Score 22:02, 26:44, 32:33 24 Romeoville No Score 24:03, 24:08 25 Stagg No Score 26 Thornridge No Score 25:58, 29:50, 34:05, 34:21 27 Thornton Township No Score 28 Trinity No Score 24:58, 25:05, 27:03, 29:50 29 Walther Lutheran No Score 30 Wheeling No Score 24:32, 24:37, 27:40, 29:08 31 Willowbrook No Score 22:37, 23:15, 23:56, 24:46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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