View detail info about the meet. Individual Results
2012 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 23, 2012 Boys 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Scullen Wesley York (7) 0:08:23.9 2 2 Still Nathan Barrett (7) 0:08:27.9 3 3 Scullen Vishvak Kumaran (7) 0:08:31.2 4 4 Lincoln Adam Balutowski (7) 0:08:38.7 5 5 Washington Jack Barry (7) 0:08:40.8 6 6 Granger Ralph Papa (7) 0:08:53.3 7 7 Crone Keanan Ginell (7) 0:08:56.7 8 8 Crone Danny Winek (7) 0:08:57.6 9 9 Lincoln Alex Guerra (7) 0:08:59.4 10 10 Kennedy Patrick Blazek (7) 0:09:00.3 11 11 Washington Hugh McKee (7) 0:09:01.5 12 12 Jefferson Brihu Sundar (7) 0:09:03.0 13 13 Granger Charles Schafer (7) 0:09:06.9 14 14 Lincoln Matt Butler (7) 0:09:12.2 15 15 Scullen Ryan Kennedy (7) 0:09:13.7 16 16 Washington Charlie Carmody (7) 0:09:17.4 17 17 Washington Corey Walgren (7) 0:09:19.2 18 18 Lincoln Tyler Gilbert (7) 0:09:20.2 19 19 Crone Alex Johnson (7) 0:09:24.7 20 20 Crone Blake Reichert (7) 0:09:25.7 21 21 Kennedy Nik Alvarez (7) 0:09:26.0 22 22 Lincoln Charlie Mallin (7) 0:09:26.3 23 23 Madison Nicholas Wandi (7) 0:09:26.9 24 24 Crone Tyler Bombacino (7) 0:09:30.7 25 25 Hill Rokas Gudinavicius (7) 0:09:32.4 26 26 Crone Josh Krajacic (7) 0:09:33.0 27 27 Jefferson Ian Guppy (7) 0:09:33.6 28 28 Jefferson Yihang Qin (7) 0:09:36.6 29 29 Fischer Zachary Woodham (7) 0:09:37.1 30 30 Crone Theodore Fenton (7) 0:09:37.8 31 31 Kennedy Horace Qiao (7) 0:09:40.2 32 32 Kennedy Brian D'Souza (7) 0:09:42.1 33 33 Madison Tanner Greenhagen (7) 0:09:42.8 34 34 Kennedy Justin Chen (7) 0:09:43.0 35 35 Scullen Eric Esch (7) 0:09:44.1 36 36 Jefferson Kevin Mackh (7) 0:09:44.5 37 37 Jefferson Matt Bilardello (7) 0:09:45.6 38 Crone Carter Stradling (7) 0:09:46.3 39 38 Lincoln Ethan Farrell (7) 0:09:46.6 40 Crone Ryan Mannion (7) 0:09:47.1 41 39 Gregory Kyle Chiang (7) 0:09:47.4 42 40 Scullen Jake Jessup (7) 0:09:48.4 43 41 Still Jared Simpson (7) 0:09:51.7 44 42 Washington Jack Watson (7) 0:09:52.1 45 43 Washington John Eifler (7) 0:09:52.8 46 44 Madison Achudh Balaraman (7) 0:09:54.3 47 45 Jefferson Carl Swan (7) 0:09:55.4 48 46 Scullen Dakota Getty (7) 0:09:55.7 49 47 Gregory Daniel Speckels (7) 0:09:56.0 50 48 Gregory Calvin McIntyre (7) 0:10:01.4 51 49 Scullen M.J. McGinnis (7) 0:10:02.4 52 50 Gregory Robert Petersen (7) 0:10:03.5 53 51 Lincoln Scott Morgan (7) 0:10:04.3 54 52 Madison Timothy Koo (7) 0:10:05.7 55 53 Kennedy Jacob Edmunds (7) 0:10:07.5 56 54 Washington Omar Grande (7) 0:10:09.3 57 Washington Dylan DiMatteo (7) 0:10:10.3 58 55 Madison Dominic Lacalamita (7) 0:10:10.6 59 56 Gregory Matthew Lindell (7) 0:10:11.7 60 57 Kennedy Peter Rotter (7) 0:10:12.4 61 Scullen Brendan Quaid (7) 0:10:12.8 62 58 Jefferson Ben Schmidt (7) 0:10:13.3 63 Lincoln Corey Davenport (7) 0:10:13.7 64 Washington Liam Moore (7) 0:10:15.1 65 Crone Norman Dong (7) 0:10:15.9 66 Jefferson Justin Doeing (7) 0:10:16.2 67 Scullen Chris Borkowski (7) 0:10:16.8 68 59 Fischer Alex Tsagaris (7) 0:10:17.4 69 60 Madison Ben Russell (7) 0:10:18.4 70 Washington Nick Prestifilippo (7) 0:10:25.1 71 Crone Francisco Comas (7) 0:10:26.3 72 61 Hill Jacob Goode (7) 0:10:28.5 73 Jefferson Jeff Piekarz (7) 0:10:30.8 74 62 Granger Read Hedl (7) 0:10:31.4 75 Kennedy Jordan Athas (7) 0:10:32.6 76 63 Fischer Connor Jacobi (7) 0:10:34.3 77 Jefferson Robert Krawczyk (7) 0:10:36.4 78 Kennedy Ryan Park (7) 0:10:39.2 79 Jefferson Jay Bhatia (7) 0:10:39.5 80 Jefferson Nathan Warwick (7) 0:10:42.5 81 64 Gregory Robert McIntyre (7) 0:10:43.5 82 65 Gregory Iain McCarter (7) 0:10:44.2 83 Kennedy Matthew Lawrence (7) 0:10:44.7 84 Scullen Matthew Baka (7) 0:10:45.9 85 Kennedy Stephen Fan (7) 0:10:46.2 86 Crone Matthew Cowen (7) 0:10:46.9 87 66 Granger Benjamin Forebes (7) 0:10:47.4 88 67 Hill Jeremy Louie (7) 0:10:48.0 89 68 Fischer Ian Mueller (7) 0:10:48.5 90 Jefferson Brian Tong (7) 0:10:49.0 91 Gregory Daniel Kopp (7) 0:10:49.3 92 Washington Michael Bollig (7) 0:10:49.9 93 Crone Evan Darcy (7) 0:10:51.0 94 Lincoln Nikhil Bhargava (7) 0:10:52.1 95 Crone Patrick Flynn (7) 0:10:56.2 96 69 Hill Conor Smyth (7) 0:10:56.8 97 Crone Erik Martinek (7) 0:10:57.4 98 Lincoln Andrew Pechnik (7) 0:10:58.7 99 70 Hill Ryan Lee (7) 0:11:01.4 100 Gregory Ricky Castro (7) 0:11:02.4 101 71 Still Tristan Russell (7) 0:11:03.5 102 72 Fischer Nathan Ruhde (7) 0:11:04.5 103 73 Granger Brady Byrne (7) 0:11:08.3 104 74 Fischer Abhishek Bhattacharjee(7) 0:11:13.4 105 Scullen Carter Devine (7) 0:11:15.1 106 Crone Robby Reetz (7) 0:11:16.7 107 Washington Tim Gutknecht (7) 0:11:17.9 108 Gregory Ethan Mann (7) 0:11:19.1 109 Crone Armin Nikravan (7) 0:11:20.6 110 Scullen Cedric McGuire (7) 0:11:23.3 111 Lincoln Eric Murphy (7) 0:11:24.3 112 Crone Matt Thomas (7) 0:11:24.5 113 75 Still Kyle Whitson (7) 0:11:26.6 114 76 Fischer Zachary Strater (7) 0:11:28.0 115 Kennedy Ryan Bottons (7) 0:11:28.7 116 Gregory Brendan McInerney (7) 0:11:29.3 117 Washington Mark Straub (7) 0:11:30.1 118 Jefferson Tom Corbridge (7) 0:11:31.1 119 77 Hill Adithya Sundar (7) 0:11:31.5 120 Jefferson Saahil Rastogi (7) 0:11:31.7 121 78 Granger Kyle Welsh (7) 0:11:33.1 122 Scullen Reese Born (7) 0:11:35.6 123 Washington Daniel Gale (7) 0:11:37.1 124 Gregory Evan McVittie (7) 0:11:37.6 125 Jefferson Zack Rang (7) 0:11:38.2 126 79 Madison Grant Erickson (7) 0:11:39.7 127 Kennedy Timmy Shen (7) 0:11:40.6 128 Scullen Joey DiBernardo (7) 0:11:41.7 129 Gregory Michael Boyle (7) 0:11:43.0 130 80 Granger Tommy Rooch (7) 0:11:44.6 131 Granger Ethan Meyers (7) 0:11:45.1 132 Lincoln Steven Sullivan (7) 0:11:45.5 133 Gregory Luke Schander (7) 0:11:47.5 134 Lincoln Christian Ro (7) 0:11:50.3 135 Kennedy Dhaval Patel (7) 0:11:50.6 136 Granger Andrew Eber (7) 0:11:50.9 137 Scullen Stephen Ehlert (7) 0:11:52.7 138 Gregory Preston Lyslo (7) 0:11:54.0 139 Kennedy Joshua Lin (7) 0:11:57.7 140 Granger Timira Bandara (7) 0:11:58.6 141 Madison Justin Bakker (7) 0:11:59.9 142 Scullen Matthew Larson (7) 0:12:01.3 143 Kennedy Mikal Mourad (7) 0:12:05.0 144 Scullen Justin Gerzevske (7) 0:12:07.9 145 Lincoln Lorenzo Barbin (7) 0:12:10.8 146 Scullen Justin Zhao (7) 0:12:11.7 147 81 Still Roshan Shirahatti (7) 0:12:14.5 148 Gregory Cullen Walwer (7) 0:12:15.1 149 Lincoln Sagan Seeling (7) 0:12:15.4 150 Granger Aksaj Prasannakimar (7) 0:12:19.6 151 82 Still Dylan Kingston (7) 0:12:20.0 152 83 Still Billy Kuta (7) 0:12:22.4 153 Gregory Akarsh Vankayalapati (7) 0:12:22.9 154 Still Griffin Young (7) 0:12:28.0 155 84 Hill Ben Hus (7) 0:12:28.3 156 Washington Nitin Nagavel (7) 0:12:32.5 157 Scullen Nate Cotter (7) 0:12:41.1 158 Hill Parker Rankin (7) 0:12:41.6 159 Scullen Tarun Menon (7) 0:12:42.7 160 Gregory Rohan Meda (7) 0:12:46.8 161 Gregory Justin Zhou (7) 0:12:49.0 162 Gregory Spencer DeCraene (7) 0:12:50.2 163 Jefferson Chris Johnson (7) 0:12:51.9 164 Granger Rishabh Maniyambeth (7) 0:12:57.0 165 Fischer Rajaksh Bhardwaj (7) 0:12:58.5 166 Gregory Spencer Hua (7) 0:13:02.0 167 Fischer Nikhil Alura (7) 0:13:04.6 168 Hill Anchit Rao (7) 0:13:04.9 169 Gregory Ryan Bosma (7) 0:13:08.5 170 Gregory Rohith Nellivalasa (7) 0:13:18.6 171 Still Tom Cassidy (7) 0:13:23.8 172 Still Andy Kim (7) 0:13:26.4 173 Fischer Geoffrey Stratford (7) 0:13:30.4 174 Kennedy Brian Mulhair (7) 0:13:31.0 175 Scullen Mahit Ramakrishnan (7) 0:13:39.5 176 Scullen Akshaj Kumar (7) 0:13:43.9 177 Granger Ian Ridgway (7) 0:13:48.1 178 Crone Neil Bagchi (7) 0:13:56.9 179 Still William Chi (7) 0:13:59.7 180 Hill Maxim Gerasimov (7) 0:14:03.0 181 Still Rahul Shirahatti (7) 0:14:24.3 182 Still Grant Chandler (7) 0:14:32.1 183 Kennedy Jason Hu (7) 0:14:49.9 184 Granger Sudeep Annem (7) 0:14:56.8 185 Washington Thomas Rancich (7) 0:15:00.8 186 Granger Drew Carlson (7) 0:15:11.9 187 Hill Ryan Popko (7) 0:16:33.4 188 Kennedy Parth Shukla (7) 0:16:54.4 189 Kennedy Matthew Jackson (7) 0:17:18.9 190 Granger Zak Jamal (7) 0:17:26.9 191 Hill Sathya Todatry (7) 0:19:04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 67 4, 9, 14, 18, 22, 38, 51 2 Crone 78 7, 8, 19, 20, 24, 26, 30 3 Washington 91 5, 11, 16, 17, 42, 43, 54 4 Scullen 94 1, 3, 15, 35, 40, 46, 49 5 Kennedy 128 10, 21, 31, 32, 34, 53, 57 6 Jefferson 140 12, 27, 28, 36, 37, 45, 58 7 Madison 207 23, 33, 44, 52, 55, 60, 79 8 Granger 220 6, 13, 62, 66, 73, 78, 80 9 Gregory 240 39, 47, 48, 50, 56, 64, 65 10 Still 270 2, 41, 71, 75, 81, 82, 83 11 Fischer 291 29, 59, 63, 68, 72, 74, 76 12 Hill 292 25, 61, 67, 69, 70, 77, 84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 45:40 9:08 0:48 8:39, 9:00, 9:13, 9:21, 9:27, 9:47 2 Scullen 45:44 9:09 1:25 8:24, 8:32, 9:14, 9:45, 9:49, 9:56 3 Washington 46:13 9:15 1:11 8:41, 9:02, 9:18, 9:20, 9:52, 9:53 4 Crone 46:17 9:15 0:34 8:57, 8:58, 9:25, 9:26, 9:31, 9:33 5 Kennedy 47:34 9:31 0:42 9:01, 9:26, 9:41, 9:43, 9:43, 10:08 6 Jefferson 47:45 9:33 0:43 9:03, 9:34, 9:37, 9:45, 9:46, 9:56 7 Madison 49:22 9:52 0:44 9:27, 9:43, 9:55, 10:06, 10:11, 10:19 8 Gregory 50:02 10:00 0:24 9:48, 9:56, 10:02, 10:04, 10:12, 10:44 9 Granger 50:30 10:06 2:15 8:54, 9:07, 10:32, 10:48, 11:09, 11:33 10 Fischer 52:24 10:29 1:28 9:37, 10:18, 10:35, 10:49, 11:05, 11:14 11 Hill 52:49 10:34 1:29 9:33, 10:29, 10:48, 10:57, 11:02, 11:32 12 Still 53:06 10:37 3:47 8:28, 9:52, 11:04, 11:27, 12:15, 12:20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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