View detail info about the meet. Individual Results
2012 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 23, 2012 Boys 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Kennedy Emerson King (8) 0:10:44.5 2 2 Washington Paul Hartner (8) 0:10:56.9 3 3 Gregory Jackson Jett (8) 0:11:03.9 4 4 Lincoln Tommy Chavez (8) 0:11:04.1 5 5 Lincoln Will Cornish (8) 0:11:12.0 6 6 Jefferson Eric Healy (8) 0:11:17.5 7 7 Kennedy Mike Rotter (8) 0:11:19.3 8 8 Crone Austin Vandersteen (8) 0:11:39.4 9 9 Scullen Matthew Milostan (8) 0:11:43.5 10 10 Jefferson Brendan Wagner (8) 0:11:45.6 11 11 Lincoln Matt Reagan (8) 0:11:46.2 12 12 Lincoln Kyle Ramey (8) 0:11:46.6 13 13 Kennedy Neil Mueller (8) 0:12:01.0 14 14 Washington Michael Nerud (8) 0:12:01.2 15 15 Jefferson Max Nicita (8) 0:12:02.7 16 16 Scullen Josh Patel (8) 0:12:03.3 17 17 Jefferson Joe Nicita (8) 0:12:04.5 18 18 Jefferson Matthew Schwartz (8) 0:12:05.1 19 19 Kennedy Karington Kim (8) 0:12:07.4 20 20 Washington Brandon Grande (8) 0:12:08.4 21 21 Kennedy Jeevan Maddila (8) 0:12:11.8 22 22 Kennedy Thomas Haugeberg (8) 0:12:12.7 23 23 Lincoln Chip Howenstine (8) 0:12:16.2 24 24 Madison Jake Lies (8) 0:12:17.7 25 25 Lincoln Joe Lopez (8) 0:12:20.3 26 26 Lincoln Nick Bobb (8) 0:12:24.4 27 27 Madison Colin Smith (8) 0:12:26.0 28 28 Kennedy Christian Carrier (8) 0:12:29.8 29 29 Fischer Damian Mouton (8) 0:12:32.2 30 30 Scullen Austin Rader (8) 0:12:32.4 31 31 Washington Carson Rey (8) 0:12:32.6 32 32 Crone Nick Green (8) 0:12:34.4 33 33 Crone Erik Huenecke (8) 0:12:38.0 34 Lincoln Maneesh Karnati (8) 0:12:39.8 35 Kennedy Mark Qiao (8) 0:12:41.0 36 34 Madison Kenton Nash (8) 0:12:41.5 37 35 Jefferson Pat Brennan (8) 0:12:43.7 38 36 Madison Trever Moore (8) 0:12:44.5 39 Lincoln Danny Hester (8) 0:12:45.7 40 Lincoln Mason Redpath (8) 0:12:46.0 41 37 Washington Aiden Blecke (8) 0:12:46.3 42 Kennedy Joey Marcet (8) 0:12:46.6 43 Kennedy Tracey Gschwendtner (8) 0:12:46.9 44 38 Hill Ben Piotrowski (8) 0:12:47.6 45 39 Granger Dhiren Rajmohan (8) 0:12:47.9 46 40 Jefferson Juan Contreras (8) 0:12:48.2 47 41 Fischer Christian Frietag (8) 0:12:48.5 48 42 Fischer Girard Sweeney (8) 0:12:48.8 49 43 Granger Trevor Odegaard (8) 0:12:49.1 50 44 Gregory Joseph Nutt (8) 0:12:49.7 51 Jefferson Andrew Conwell (8) 0:12:52.1 52 45 Granger Max Chamberlain (8) 0:12:53.1 53 46 Hill Kellen Moore (8) 0:12:53.7 54 47 Gregory Nathaniel Blowers (8) 0:12:54.1 55 Jefferson Cole Eckholm (8) 0:12:54.4 56 Jefferson Tyler Child (8) 0:12:57.0 57 Jefferson Mike Brennan (8) 0:13:00.5 58 48 Crone Zach Hernandez (8) 0:13:01.0 59 Jefferson Ryan Chen (8) 0:13:01.5 60 Kennedy Connor Nenn (8) 0:13:01.9 61 49 Still Nischal Jammula (8) 0:13:07.1 62 50 Crone Gabriel Drechsler (8) 0:13:07.9 63 51 Scullen Sam Ellis (8) 0:13:08.7 64 52 Madison Joe Skrabacz (8) 0:13:09.4 65 Kennedy Ben Goworowski (8) 0:13:10.1 66 53 Still Luke Johnson (8) 0:13:11.0 67 54 Still Khang Nguyen (8) 0:13:12.7 68 55 Scullen Justin Mullinax (8) 0:13:14.2 69 Kennedy Aditya Jha (8) 0:13:16.2 70 Jefferson Philip Song (8) 0:13:17.6 71 56 Granger Matt Caputo (8) 0:13:18.3 72 Jefferson Chris Kohley (8) 0:13:18.8 73 Jefferson Winston Wong (8) 0:13:19.5 74 Lincoln Jimmy Stephens (8) 0:13:20.3 75 57 Scullen Akhilesh Pillai (8) 0:13:21.1 76 58 Crone Mason Crockett (8) 0:13:21.6 77 59 Crone Nick Perna (8) 0:13:22.2 78 Kennedy Ryan Lewellyan (8) 0:13:22.8 79 60 Scullen Rishi Pandey (8) 0:13:24.6 80 Jefferson Nick Meerman (8) 0:13:25.2 81 Scullen Jeremy Hayhurst (8) 0:13:30.3 82 61 Fischer Naseer Sleets (8) 0:13:31.1 83 62 Granger Zack Andreou (8) 0:13:31.6 84 Kennedy Frank Li (8) 0:13:36.0 85 63 Granger Devin Shah (8) 0:13:37.0 86 Scullen Jaeyoung Oh (8) 0:13:37.6 87 64 Hill Shawn Park (8) 0:13:39.5 88 Scullen Alan Poe (8) 0:13:40.8 89 Jefferson Joshua Park (8) 0:13:42.0 90 Scullen Chris Ralph (8) 0:13:44.6 91 Scullen Vishal Patel (8) 0:13:45.4 92 65 Gregory Alex Huebner (8) 0:13:45.7 93 66 Gregory Brett Holzapfel (8) 0:13:46.3 94 Jefferson Matt Boelke (8) 0:13:46.8 95 Scullen Tanner Hughes (8) 0:13:48.3 96 67 Granger Robert Lou (8) 0:13:49.5 97 Granger Riley Bryne (8) 0:13:50.2 98 Crone Gabe Cobb (8) 0:13:50.7 99 68 Washington Connor Davidson (8) 0:13:55.4 100 Crone Matt Miller (8) 0:13:57.1 101 69 Washington Sean Sheehan (8) 0:13:58.6 102 Granger Michael Prassa (8) 0:13:59.1 103 70 Still Kyle Adam (8) 0:14:00.3 104 Kennedy Robbie Plank (8) 0:14:02.6 105 71 Still Jonah Tjaarda (8) 0:14:10.8 106 72 Gregory Jacob Bundschuh (8) 0:14:12.8 107 Kennedy Derek Stuart (8) 0:14:19.6 108 Granger Aditya Butithi (8) 0:14:20.7 109 73 Hill Ethan StGermain (8) 0:14:21.1 110 Scullen William Wang (8) 0:14:21.9 111 Jefferson Sam Pasteris (8) 0:14:22.7 112 Kennedy Mark Codo (8) 0:14:25.8 113 74 Madison Jack Williamson (8) 0:14:26.3 114 Granger Michael Couch (8) 0:14:30.5 115 Kennedy Jake Schillo (8) 0:14:32.3 116 75 Fischer Mishael Jacob (8) 0:14:33.6 117 Granger Dylan Graham (8) 0:14:34.7 118 Kennedy Ben Batell (8) 0:14:35.8 119 Scullen Ben Traverso (8) 0:14:40.6 120 76 Hill Danny McGarel (8) 0:14:41.5 121 77 Fischer Christopher Williams (8) 0:14:41.9 122 Jefferson Yohanes Bowen (8) 0:14:43.1 123 Kennedy Rick Li (8) 0:14:43.3 124 Kennedy Bernard Wong (8) 0:14:43.6 125 Kennedy Chaitanya Boddu (8) 0:14:44.3 126 78 Fischer Brandon Dunning (8) 0:14:46.4 127 79 Still Omar Ali (8) 0:14:47.1 128 Kennedy Bailey Chen (8) 0:14:48.8 129 80 Madison Will Mcdonald (8) 0:14:53.2 130 81 Gregory Shiv Nigam (8) 0:14:54.7 131 Gregory Tony Previti (8) 0:14:55.5 132 82 Still Connor Rasmussen (8) 0:14:59.9 133 Scullen Rajath Salegame (8) 0:15:03.2 134 Lincoln Ryan Wons (8) 0:15:05.4 135 Still Nolan Fritz (8) 0:15:06.2 136 Gregory Thomas Kim (8) 0:15:07.5 137 83 Hill Nick Farrar (8) 0:15:07.7 138 Gregory Kyle Thompson (8) 0:15:08.8 139 Kennedy Hemanth Kalidindi (8) 0:15:09.3 140 Lincoln Jacob Viehmann (8) 0:15:09.5 141 Still Alex Hayden (8) 0:15:13.3 142 Still Shrey Patel (8) 0:15:14.3 143 Jefferson John McHatton (8) 0:15:21.8 144 Madison Andrew Romanelli (8) 0:15:29.4 145 Still Ansh Sikka (8) 0:15:31.3 146 Granger Randall Krajalis (8) 0:15:33.8 147 Madison Evan Shoup (8) 0:15:34.3 148 Kennedy Dillon O'brien (8) 0:15:37.3 149 Jefferson Sam Troy (8) 0:15:39.6 150 Kennedy Runlong Zhang (8) 0:15:50.9 151 Kennedy John Li (8) 0:15:54.4 152 Kennedy Collin Lane (8) 0:16:01.9 153 Scullen Tony Tani (8) 0:16:06.3 154 84 Hill Brandon Cruz (8) 0:16:12.6 155 Crone Zayd Darwish (8) 0:16:13.4 156 Kennedy Mike Codo (8) 0:16:13.7 157 Crone Tomas Bencomo (8) 0:16:14.6 158 Hill Grant Wilson (8) 0:16:16.0 159 Lincoln Jake Seidelman (8) 0:16:20.8 160 Granger Vijeth Narra (8) 0:16:24.9 161 Hill Edward Hribal (8) 0:16:29.4 162 Hill Drew Friedlander (8) 0:16:31.0 163 Granger Sagi Pradyumr (8) 0:16:33.2 164 Kennedy Matt Strevell (8) 0:16:33.4 165 Madison Ryan Wandke (8) 0:16:40.0 166 Granger Teha Kotha (8) 0:16:42.4 167 Madison Colin Alger (8) 0:16:42.8 168 Jefferson Arin Nair (8) 0:16:53.5 169 Jefferson Silas Luk (8) 0:16:59.1 170 Crone Josh Mollway (8) 0:17:01.8 171 Granger Shreyas Mohan (8) 0:17:02.1 172 Granger Zach Nichols (8) 0:17:04.4 173 Jefferson Stephen Kurtides (8) 0:17:14.5 174 Hill Isiah Mackholden (8) 0:17:26.9 175 Lincoln Neil Sweeney (8) 0:17:27.6 176 Still Maxwell Wang (8) 0:17:33.8 177 Fischer Timothy Narney (8) 0:17:35.7 178 Washington Ben Ryan (8) 0:17:49.1 179 Gregory Davarsh Gandhi (8) 0:17:51.0 180 Scullen Vicram Chatterjee (8) 0:18:12.3 181 Hill Miguel Fernandez (8) 0:18:24.8 182 Jefferson Noah Riley (8) 0:18:28.6 183 Jefferson Monish Bhasin (8) 0:19:21.2 184 Still Brian Kalathiveetil (8) 0:19:30.7 185 Granger Ali Anwar (8) 0:19:57.0 186 Crone Connor Champion (8) 0:20:08.3 187 Still Rohin Bhasin (8) 0:20:25.7 188 Lincoln Drew Kanne (8) 0:20:42.5 189 Madison Shiv Kapoor (8) 0:21:23.0 190 Scullen Harshith Reddy (8) 0:23:31.7 191 Kennedy Neil Bhatia (8) 0:24:37.0 192 Jefferson Shivane Jetley (8) 0:26:22.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 55 4, 5, 11, 12, 23, 25, 26 2 Kennedy 61 1, 7, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28 3 Jefferson 66 6, 10, 15, 17, 18, 35, 40 4 Washington 104 2, 14, 20, 31, 37, 68, 69 5 Scullen 161 9, 16, 30, 51, 55, 57, 60 6 Crone 171 8, 32, 33, 48, 50, 58, 59 7 Madison 173 24, 27, 34, 36, 52, 74, 80 8 Gregory 225 3, 44, 47, 65, 66, 72, 81 9 Granger 245 39, 43, 45, 56, 62, 63, 67 10 Fischer 248 29, 41, 42, 61, 75, 77, 78 11 Still 297 49, 53, 54, 70, 71, 79, 82 12 Hill 297 38, 46, 64, 73, 76, 83, 84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 58:07 11:37 1:13 11:04, 11:12, 11:47, 11:47, 12:17, 12:21 2 Kennedy 58:26 11:41 1:27 10:45, 11:20, 12:01, 12:08, 12:12, 12:13 3 Jefferson 59:17 11:51 0:47 11:18, 11:46, 12:03, 12:05, 12:05, 12:44 4 Washington 60:28 12:06 1:50 10:57, 12:02, 12:09, 12:33, 12:47, 13:56 5 Scullen 62:45 12:33 1:31 11:44, 12:04, 12:33, 13:09, 13:15, 13:21 6 Crone 63:02 12:36 1:28 11:40, 12:35, 12:38, 13:01, 13:08, 13:22 7 Madison 63:21 12:40 0:52 12:18, 12:26, 12:42, 12:45, 13:10, 14:27 8 Gregory 64:21 12:52 2:43 11:04, 12:50, 12:54, 13:46, 13:47, 14:13 9 Granger 65:21 13:04 0:44 12:48, 12:49, 12:53, 13:19, 13:32, 13:37 10 Fischer 66:16 13:15 2:01 12:33, 12:49, 12:49, 13:31, 14:34, 14:42 11 Still 67:43 13:33 1:04 13:07, 13:11, 13:13, 14:01, 14:11, 14:48 12 Hill 68:25 13:41 1:54 12:48, 12:54, 13:40, 14:21, 14:42, 15:08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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