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2013 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 28, 2013 Boys Fr/So 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:23.4 by Trevor Wills of Yorkville on Sept. 22, 2012 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Trinity Philip Sandman (So) 0:16:06.0 2 2 Trinity Taylor Osborn (So) 0:16:06.5 3 3 West Aurora David Castillo (Fr) 0:16:16.1 4 4 East Aurora Jose Alvarado (So) 0:16:16.4 5 5 St. Charles East Jack Rzepecki (So) 0:16:17.6 6 6 Trinity Sam McCalpin (So) 0:16:22.9 7 7 East Aurora Ruben Nino (So) 0:16:27.4 8 8 Kaneland Sean Spaetzel (So) 0:16:29.0 9 9 Batavia Chris Jordan (Fr) 0:16:32.6 10 10 Trinity Glavin Swain (Fr) 0:16:36.1 11 11 St. Charles East Ben Van Acker (So) 0:16:38.1 12 12 Trinity Henry Shay (So) 0:16:39.7 13 13 St. Charles East Jake Beno (Fr) 0:16:42.4 14 14 Trinity Aaron Fust (So) 0:16:45.9 15 15 Yorkville Donnie Murphy (So) 0:16:46.2 16 16 West Aurora Evan Castillo (So) 0:16:46.8 17 17 St. Charles East Carter Frey (So) 0:16:47.6 18 18 Trinity Max Turnier (Fr) 0:16:51.1 19 19 Kaneland Michael Booton (Fr) 0:16:53.8 20 20 Marmion Daniel Heineman (So) 0:16:56.0 21 21 West Aurora EJ McLaren (So) 0:16:57.0 22 22 Marmion Ben Michel (So) 0:16:57.8 23 23 East Aurora Eliut Gonzalez (So) 0:17:00.4 24 24 Batavia Quinlan O'Brien (Fr) 0:17:02.8 25 25 Harvest Christian Riley Steiner (Fr) 0:17:03.0 26 26 Yorkville Josh Graunke (So) 0:17:03.3 27 27 Marmion Christian Surtz (So) 0:17:05.2 28 28 Batavia Jimmy Roach (So) 0:17:06.9 29 29 St. Charles East Mason Holtsford (So) 0:17:07.4 30 30 Batavia Drew Pellico (Fr) 0:17:10.8 31 31 Hoffman Estates Jose Espinoza (Fr) 0:17:11.1 32 32 Osweto East Patrick Ubelhor (So) 0:17:14.3 33 33 St. Charles East Drew Pearce (So) 0:17:18.3 34 34 East Aurora David Galvan (So) 0:17:19.0 35 35 Hoffman Estates Ryan Greenwalt (Fr) 0:17:20.2 36 36 Osweto East Chaz Clark (So) 0:17:23.7 37 37 Marmion Jimmy Milder (Fr) 0:17:23.9 38 38 East Aurora Ricardo Del Toro (Fr) 0:17:24.7 39 39 Yorkville Josh Rithaler (So) 0:17:26.9 40 40 St. Charles East Alex Thomas (So) 0:17:27.6 41 41 St. Francis Kevin Donner (So) 0:17:28.6 42 42 West Aurora Jason Jude (So) 0:17:29.0 43 43 DeKalb Alex Wang (So) 0:17:30.4 44 44 Yorkville Brett Staufenberg (Fr) 0:17:34.2 45 45 Osweto East Bradley Thornton (Fr) 0:17:36.0 46 46 Metea Valley Raimon Roglynns (So) 0:17:36.4 47 47 Osweto East Hank DeVries (Fr) 0:17:37.7 48 48 Hoffman Estates Jack Worman (Fr) 0:17:39.4 49 49 Kaneland Noah Duffey (Fr) 0:17:40.8 50 50 Batavia Jake Fehrenbacher (Fr) 0:17:43.1 51 51 Metea Valley Ben Pitrowski (Fr) 0:17:43.5 52 52 Batavia Keaton Keller (Fr) 0:17:43.9 53 53 Hoffman Estates Matt Filipiec (Fr) 0:17:44.2 54 Rockford East Paul Berge (So) 0:17:44.5 55 54 DeKalb Thomas Wuchte (Fr) 0:17:46.4 56 55 DeKalb Zach Murphy (So) 0:17:46.7 57 56 Rockford Christian Jack Smith (So) 0:17:47.1 58 57 DeKalb Ben Martin (So) 0:17:49.1 59 58 West Aurora Christopher Colon (So) 0:17:50.0 60 59 Yorkville Evan Jaros (Fr) 0:17:50.3 61 60 Kaneland Will Kuipers (So) 0:17:50.7 62 61 Kaneland Ryan Weber (So) 0:17:54.9 63 62 Rockford Christian William Mecklenburg (Fr) 0:17:57.7 64 63 Marmion Jake Schwartz (So) 0:17:58.0 65 64 Osweto East Sean Fitzpatrick (Fr) 0:17:58.8 66 65 DeKalb David Buller (So) 0:17:59.5 67 66 Burlington Central Tate Henrikson (Fr) 0:18:00.7 68 67 Aurora Central Catholic Henry Feldhaus (Fr) 0:18:01.0 69 68 St. Francis David Keifer (Fr) 0:18:01.8 70 IMSA Dylan Devine (So) 0:18:02.7 71 69 Rockford Christian Seth Clark (So) 0:18:03.2 72 70 Plainfield East Julian Del Rosario (Fr) 0:18:04.9 73 71 Marmion Kyle Yorke (So) 0:18:07.1 74 72 West Aurora Jacob Barbush (So) 0:18:10.7 75 73 DeKalb Richie Sakharouk (So) 0:18:11.0 76 74 St. Francis Mark Berkowicz (So) 0:18:12.2 77 75 Batavia Jason Schlicher (So) 0:18:12.6 78 76 Plainfield East Andrew Rogers (So) 0:18:17.8 79 77 Plainfield East Peyton Rapier (So) 0:18:23.3 80 Rock Falls Breu Knox (So) 0:18:23.5 81 78 West Aurora Tomas Dominguez (So) 0:18:26.7 82 79 St. Francis Liam Kurland (So) 0:18:28.2 83 80 Burlington Central Zach Lorenz (Jr) 0:18:34.8 84 81 Kaneland Alex Gale (So) 0:18:35.0 85 82 St. Francis Jacob Kolker (So) 0:18:35.6 86 83 Yorkville Dawson Deidreich (Fr) 0:18:37.2 87 84 Osweto East Christian Almanza (Fr) 0:18:39.0 88 85 Metea Valley Divij Ranjan (So) 0:18:40.6 89 86 Rockford Christian Ben Peterson (So) 0:18:46.5 90 87 Aurora Central Catholic Josh Jerwers (Fr) 0:18:52.1 91 88 Marmion David Farrell (Fr) 0:18:53.7 92 Rockford East Jordan Van Barriger (Fr) 0:18:54.1 93 89 Metea Valley Rowan Quirk (Fr) 0:18:55.9 94 90 DeKalb Jacob Alvarez (Fr) 0:18:56.5 95 91 Hoffman Estates Alex Makrounis (Fr) 0:18:57.2 96 92 East Aurora David Ruiz (So) 0:19:01.3 97 93 Kaneland Aaron French (So) 0:19:06.2 98 94 Osweto East Francis MacDonald (Fr) 0:19:06.9 99 95 St. Francis Max Kurland (So) 0:19:07.9 100 96 Metea Valley Robert Lou (Fr) 0:19:08.4 101 97 IC Catholic Prep Galvin Gecsey (Fr) 0:19:09.2 102 98 Harvest Christian Michael Sisko (Fr) 0:19:09.7 103 99 Metea Valley Riley Carlson (Fr) 0:19:10.5 104 100 Rockford Christian Grant Franseen (So) 0:19:21.4 105 101 St. Francis Mike Herrmann (Fr) 0:19:23.6 106 Rock Falls Cameron Davis (So) 0:19:25.4 107 102 Aurora Central Catholic Ethan Hall (So) 0:19:29.0 108 103 Aurora Central Catholic Bryan Estrada (So) 0:19:30.0 109 104 Aurora Central Catholic Scott Becker (So) 0:19:33.3 110 Rockford East Austin Kitts (So) 0:19:37.9 111 Lisle Nick Janitch (Fr) 0:19:38.7 112 IMSA William Bauer (Jr) 0:19:47.0 113 105 Harvest Christian Brett Cramer (So) 0:19:50.8 114 106 Aurora Central Catholic John Montelongo (Fr) 0:19:56.7 115 107 IC Catholic Prep Eliot Sexton (So) 0:20:03.3 116 108 IC Catholic Prep Peter Shuflit (So) 0:20:03.7 117 109 Plainfield East Mitchell Kiska (Fr) 0:20:06.3 118 110 Hoffman Estates Peter Rivera (Fr) 0:20:06.6 119 111 Hoffman Estates Mohammed Saleem (Fr) 0:20:07.2 120 112 Aurora Central Catholic Jared Kennedy (So) 0:20:10.3 121 113 Plainfield East Christian Gonzalez (Fr) 0:20:12.2 122 Rock Falls Primo Cosileon (Fr) 0:20:12.5 123 Aurora Central Catholic Caleb Minx (Fr) 0:20:13.7 124 Aurora Central Catholic Mark Anthony Vega (Fr) 0:20:16.2 125 Montini Catholic Dominick Moran (Fr) 0:20:17.8 126 Montini Catholic Nick Skalski (Fr) 0:20:23.4 127 Plano Ostin Gain (Fr) 0:20:28.2 128 Plano Caleb Moody (So) 0:20:31.2 129 114 Plainfield East Adrian Manjarrez (Fr) 0:20:32.8 130 Timothy Christian Caleb Clark (Jr) 0:20:35.2 131 Timothy Christian Elijah Tornow (Fr) 0:20:41.6 132 115 IC Catholic Prep Eric James (Fr) 0:20:42.0 133 IMSA Johnathan Guo (So) 0:20:43.7 134 Lisle Zach DeCraene (Fr) 0:20:45.8 135 116 Burlington Central Dan Wagner (Fr) 0:20:47.6 136 117 Burlington Central Everett Weberg (Fr) 0:21:36.6 137 118 Burlington Central Drew Kries (So) 0:21:43.4 138 Timothy Christian Riley Chapman (Jr) 0:21:46.1 139 Aurora Central Catholic David Aguliar (So) 0:21:50.7 140 119 Harvest Christian Lucas Bandy (So) 0:22:41.6 141 Westmont Jacob Nader (Fr) 0:23:05.4 142 120 Burlington Central Nate Moravec (Fr) 0:23:16.5 143 Aurora Central Catholic Carter Ahlgren (So) 0:23:33.1 144 Montini Catholic Matt Ratajczyk (So) 0:24:00.3 145 121 Plainfield East Marco Moncada (Fr) 0:25:24.1 146 Timothy Christian Jacob Houseman (Fr) 0:25:27.3 147 122 Burlington Central Brian Holmgren (Jr) 0:25:49.3 148 Lisle Ben Salzberg (Fr) 0:26:09.3 149 123 IC Catholic Prep Tim Shuflit (Fr) 0:26:13.5 150 124 Harvest Christian Andrew Huston (So) 0:32:36.1 151 Aurora Central Catholic Nick Stahl (So) 0:33:40.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Trinity 31 1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18 2 St. Charles East 75 5, 11, 13, 17, 29, 33, 40 3 East Aurora 106 4, 7, 23, 34, 38, 92 4 West Aurora 140 3, 16, 21, 42, 58, 72, 78 5 Batavia 141 9, 24, 28, 30, 50, 52, 75 6 Marmion 169 20, 22, 27, 37, 63, 71, 88 7 Yorkville 183 15, 26, 39, 44, 59, 83 8 Kaneland 197 8, 19, 49, 60, 61, 81, 93 9 Osweto East 224 32, 36, 45, 47, 64, 84, 94 10 Hoffman Estates 258 31, 35, 48, 53, 91, 110, 111 11 DeKalb 274 43, 54, 55, 57, 65, 73, 90 12 St. Francis 344 41, 68, 74, 79, 82, 95, 101 13 Metea Valley 367 46, 51, 85, 89, 96, 99 14 Rockford Christian 373 56, 62, 69, 86, 100 15 Plainfield East 445 70, 76, 77, 109, 113, 114, 121 16 Aurora Central Catholic 463 67, 87, 102, 103, 104, 106, 112 17 Harvest Christian 471 25, 98, 105, 119, 124 18 Burlington Central 497 66, 80, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122 19 IC Catholic Prep 550 97, 107, 108, 115, 123 Aurora Christian No Score - Had only 0 finishers IMSA No Score - Had only 3 finishers Linn-Marr No Score - Had only 0 finishers Lisle No Score - Had only 3 finishers Marquette No Score - Had only 0 finishers Montini Catholic No Score - Had only 3 finishers Normal University High No Score - Had only 0 finishers Plano No Score - Had only 2 finishers Rock Falls No Score - Had only 3 finishers Rockford East No Score - Had only 3 finishers St. Edward No Score - Had only 0 finishers Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 4 finishers Westmont No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Trinity 81:52 16:22 0:34 16:06, 16:07, 16:23, 16:36, 16:40, 16:46 2 St. Charles East 83:35 16:43 0:50 16:18, 16:38, 16:43, 16:48, 17:08, 17:19 3 East Aurora 84:30 16:54 1:08 16:17, 16:28, 17:01, 17:19, 17:25, 19:02 4 West Aurora 85:19 17:04 1:34 16:16, 16:47, 16:57, 17:29, 17:50, 18:11 5 Batavia 85:37 17:07 1:10 16:33, 17:03, 17:07, 17:11, 17:43, 17:44 6 Marmion 86:22 17:16 1:02 16:56, 16:58, 17:06, 17:24, 17:58, 18:07 7 Yorkville 86:44 17:21 1:04 16:47, 17:04, 17:27, 17:35, 17:51, 18:38 8 Kaneland 86:50 17:22 1:26 16:29, 16:54, 17:41, 17:51, 17:55, 18:35 9 Osweto East 87:52 17:34 0:44 17:15, 17:24, 17:36, 17:38, 17:59, 18:39 10 DeKalb 88:54 17:47 0:29 17:31, 17:47, 17:47, 17:49, 18:00, 18:11 11 Hoffman Estates 88:56 17:47 1:46 17:12, 17:21, 17:40, 17:45, 18:58, 20:07 12 St. Francis 90:49 18:10 1:07 17:29, 18:02, 18:13, 18:29, 18:36, 19:08 13 Rockford Christian 91:59 18:24 1:34 17:48, 17:58, 18:04, 18:47, 19:22 14 Metea Valley 92:07 18:25 1:32 17:37, 17:44, 18:41, 18:56, 19:09, 19:11 15 Plainfield East 95:07 19:01 2:08 18:05, 18:18, 18:24, 20:07, 20:13, 20:33 16 Aurora Central Catholic 95:26 19:05 1:33 18:01, 18:52, 19:29, 19:30, 19:34, 19:57 17 Burlington Central 100:45 20:09 3:43 18:01, 18:35, 20:48, 21:37, 21:44, 23:17 18 IC Catholic Prep 106:14 21:15 7:04 19:10, 20:04, 20:04, 20:42, 26:14 19 Harvest Christian 111:22 22:16 15:33 17:03, 19:10, 19:51, 22:42, 32:36 Aurora Christian No Score Timothy Christian No Score 20:36, 20:42, 21:46, 25:28 St. Edward No Score IMSA No Score 18:03, 19:47, 20:44 Marquette No Score Linn-Marr No Score Plano No Score 20:29, 20:32 Rock Falls No Score 18:24, 19:26, 20:13 Montini Catholic No Score 20:18, 20:24, 24:01 Normal University High No Score Rockford East No Score 17:45, 18:54, 19:38 Westmont No Score 23:06 Lisle No Score 19:39, 20:46, 26:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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