Individual Results
1998 Palatine InvitationalSeptember 26, 1998 Girls JV Open 2.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 McHenry 1245 Laura Dunn (Jr) 0:16:40.0 2 2 Barrington 805 Sarah Givot (Jr) 0:17:01.0 3 3 Palatine 1315 Lindsay Gustafson (Jr) 0:17:21.5 4 4 Hersey 935 Erin McAndrew (Sr) 0:17:22.3 5 5 Mother McAuley 1262 Emily Capron (Jr) 0:17:22.8 6 6 Champaign Centennial 869 Heather Meyers (Sr) 0:17:30.6 7 7 McHenry 1257 Katrina Weyland (Jr) 0:17:32.4 8 8 Mother McAuley 1290 Lindsey Paulino (Jr) 0:17:38.8 9 9 Mother McAuley 1285 Celia Moore (Jr) 0:17:40.3 10 10 Hersey 919 Lisa Dagostino (Sr) 0:17:43.0 11 11 Mother McAuley 1268 Mary Flanagan (Jr) 0:17:45.0 12 12 Lyons 1145 Susan Teegarden (Jr) 0:17:45.3 13 13 Mother McAuley 1266 Julie Dion (Sr) 0:17:57.0 14 14 Mother McAuley 1300 Bridget Sullivan (Sr) 0:17:57.7 15 15 Lyons 1148 Katie Turk (Jr) 0:17:58.3 16 16 Lake Forest 977 Catherine Gatewood (Jr) 0:18:01.0 17 17 Hersey 929 Jessica Hulfish (Jr) 0:18:03.4 18 18 Lyons 1149 Jennifer Vancura (Jr) 0:18:04.0 19 Prospect 1355 Julie Lucas (Jr) 0:18:05.0 20 19 Mother McAuley 1297 Amanda St. Aubin (Fr) 0:18:07.8 21 20 Stevenson 1414 Samantha Lipsky 0:18:10.4 22 Mother McAuley 1287 Julie Novosel (Jr) 0:18:12.0 23 21 Lyons 1065 Janel Alonzo (Sr) 0:18:17.3 24 22 Hersey 939 Julia Schmale (Sr) 0:18:18.7 25 23 McHenry 1252 Katie Sample (Sr) 0:18:20.0 26 24 Lyons 1083 Sarah Cooper (Sr) 0:18:23.3 27 25 Lake Forest 976 Maura Flaherty (Jr) 0:18:24.5 28 Mother McAuley 1283 Kelly Malone (So) 0:18:26.1 29 26 McHenry 1250 Michelle Polazzo (Jr) 0:18:26.7 30 Mother McAuley 1279 Jacqueline Kenny (Fr) 0:18:31.8 31 27 Lake Zurich 1008 Laura Mount 0:18:32.9 32 Mother McAuley 1301 Alicia Thompson (Fr) 0:18:35.7 33 28 Hersey 930 Janinne Joseph (Sr) 0:18:37.4 34 29 Lyons B 1174 Kristine Hitzeman (Sr) 0:18:38.4 35 30 Lyons 1126 Terry Novak (Jr) 0:18:40.1 36 31 Schaumburg 1390 Kara Richardson 0:18:41.1 37 32 Joliet Township 949 Shannon Fitzgerald (So) 0:18:41.5 38 33 Libertyville 1045 Elizabeth Maley (So) 0:18:41.9 39 34 Joliet Township 947 Meg Bauer 0:18:43.9 40 35 Lyons 1119 Megan McCabe (So) 0:18:44.3 41 36 Hersey 927 Courtney Hough (So) 0:18:44.8 42 37 Libertyville 1055 Amy Snyder (So) 0:18:45.7 43 Lyons 1129 Sarah Penrod (Jr) 0:18:46.3 44 Mother McAuley 1304 Jessica Wilson (Sr) 0:18:47.9 45 38 Lake Zurich 1009 Mary Nutter 0:18:48.8 46 39 Palatine 1321 Meghan Murphy (So) 0:18:53.6 47 Lyons 1082 Elisabeth Cook (Sr) 0:18:55.8 48 40 Joliet Township 954 Rebecca Martinez (So) 0:18:56.6 49 41 McHenry 1249 Beth Michaels (Jr) 0:18:59.0 50 42 Palatine 1312 Jenny Cowan (Sr) 0:19:02.6 51 43 Lyons B 1156 Deanne Bowermaster (Fr) 0:19:03.3 52 Mother McAuley 1281 Melissa Lukasik (Jr) 0:19:03.7 53 Lyons 1114 Sarah Lindner (Fr) 0:19:05.7 54 Lyons 1093 Margaret Fleetwood (Jr) 0:19:09.1 55 44 Libertyville 1047 K.C. Coninx (So) 0:19:14.0 56 45 Stevenson 1433 Lorna Weinstein 0:19:15.6 57 46 McHenry 1244 Angela Barber (Sr) 0:19:16.4 58 47 Barrington 812 Kim Rathman (Jr) 0:19:16.9 59 48 Barrington 802 Laura Casey (So) 0:19:18.5 60 49 Barrington 809 Kristy Lynam (So) 0:19:19.6 61 50 Barrington 810 Lauren Melzer (Sr) 0:19:22.7 62 Mother McAuley 1271 Katie Harris (Fr) 0:19:24.3 63 51 Stevenson 1427 Rebecca Schultze 0:19:26.5 64 52 Stevenson 1426 Lisa Schencker 0:19:27.1 65 53 Barrington 806 Beata Guzik (So) 0:19:28.4 66 Mother McAuley 1284 Megan Mlinarcak (So) 0:19:29.1 67 Lyons 1110 Edina Kiss (So) 0:19:31.7 68 Mother McAuley 1292 Jill Pranske (Fr) 0:19:32.1 69 54 Hersey 925 Nancy Gillis (So) 0:19:33.0 70 Lyons 1071 Edna Beltran (Fr) 0:19:33.9 71 55 Stevenson 1417 \Kara Middendorf 0:19:34.5 72 Mother McAuley 1280 Lindsay Love (Fr) 0:19:35.5 73 Mother McAuley 1286 Jennifer Novosel (Fr) 0:19:36.3 74 Lyons 1144 Megan Tannenbaum (Jr) 0:19:37.7 75 56 Schaumburg 1375 Ashley Hartigan 0:19:38.3 76 57 Schaumburg 1373 Sheila Gummerson 0:19:40.0 77 Lyons 1086 Jessica Dibernardo (Fr) 0:19:41.5 78 58 Palatine 1327 Susan Schnabl (Sr) 0:19:45.3 79 Lyons 1067 Whitney Bakker (So) 0:19:46.0 80 Lyons 1135 Venessa Rodriguez (Jr) 0:19:49.1 81 Mother McAuley 1269 Jennifer Florence (Fr) 0:19:50.0 82 Mother McAuley 1282 Christine Lundy (Sr) 0:19:50.4 83 Lyons 1076 Lindsey Caplice (So) 0:19:50.9 84 Lyons 1136 Lisa Rose (Jr) 0:19:51.4 85 59 Palatine 1309 Alexis Barath (Jr) 0:19:52.0 86 60 Joliet Township 948 Miranda Bauer 0:19:55.9 87 Mother McAuley 1298 Emily Starcevich (Fr) 0:19:56.7 88 Lyons 1091 Katie Elwood (Fr) 0:20:01.3 89 Mother McAuley 1270 Lindsay Foreman (Fr) 0:20:05.9 90 61 Palatine 1310 Beth Boesen (Fr) 0:20:06.8 91 62 Libertyville 1035 Angela Hatch (Jr) 0:20:08.6 92 Lyons 1078 Margaret Caspeers (So) 0:20:09.8 93 Lyons 1098 Karyn Heinlein (Jr) 0:20:10.2 94 63 Stevenson 1393 Robyn Adelstein 0:20:10.7 95 64 Champaign Centennial 859 Libby Burch (Fr) 0:20:11.6 96 65 Stevenson 1394 Charissa Balbin 0:20:13.2 97 66 Lake Zurich 1018 Tiffany Volling 0:20:14.9 98 Lyons 1092 Julia Firlit (Sr) 0:20:23.3 99 67 Lake Zurich 1004 Bethany Kosman 0:20:23.9 100 Lyons 1089 Julia Driscoll (Sr) 0:20:24.4 101 Lyons 1111 Ericka Kouba (Fr) 0:20:25.0 102 Hersey 943 Michelle Tortorello (Jr) 0:20:25.5 103 Hersey 931 Laura LeBedz (Fr) 0:20:26.0 104 68 Carmel 835 Kelly Kendziorski (So) 0:20:28.9 105 69 Lake Zurich 1011 Sarah Petraglia 0:20:29.8 106 Crystal Lake Central 886 Kristin Brandt 0:20:31.2 107 Stevenson 1399 Judy Chiu 0:20:31.9 108 70 Schaumburg 1382 Krysta Marshall 0:20:34.2 109 Mother McAuley 1263 Margaret Carey (Fr) 0:20:35.0 110 71 Carmel 818 Courtney Boho (So) 0:20:36.7 111 72 McHenry 1248 Casey Meek (Sr) 0:20:37.0 112 73 Palatine 1322 Elizabeth Paris (Jr) 0:20:37.5 113 Mother McAuley 1288 Christy O'Connor (Fr) 0:20:38.0 114 74 Champaign Centennial 864 Michelle Hill (Fr) 0:20:38.5 115 75 Lake Forest 969 Mary Blonder (Jr) 0:20:38.9 116 Palatine 1313 Katie English (So) 0:20:39.5 117 Mother McAuley 1289 Eileen O'Connor (Fr) 0:20:40.8 118 Lyons 1068 Erin Balek (Fr) 0:20:41.3 119 Mother McAuley 1260 Peggy Beck (Jr) 0:20:44.1 120 Lyons 1073 Lindsay Boland (So) 0:20:45.0 121 76 Lake Zurich 1012 Jillian Rayburn 0:20:45.6 122 77 Champaign Centennial 871 Amber Murphy (So) 0:20:47.5 123 78 Lake Zurich 995 Janet Breece 0:20:48.5 124 79 Libertyville 1027 Amanda Bratton (Jr) 0:20:51.0 125 Lyons 1085 Stephanie Dattilo (Fr) 0:20:51.5 126 Mother McAuley 1293 Amanda Rubio (Fr) 0:20:53.6 127 80 Libertyville 1022 Lorissa Albers (Fr) 0:20:54.8 128 Palatine 1331 Kyla Whitehead (So) 0:20:56.5 129 Lyons 1079 Renee Casteel (Jr) 0:20:57.0 130 81 Carmel 844 Crystal Pauley (Fr) 0:20:58.1 131 82 Libertyville 1059 Christiana Valdez (Fr) 0:20:59.0 132 Lyons 1138 Anna Sek (Sr) 0:21:01.9 133 Prospect 1335 Julia Adape (Fr) 0:21:04.0 134 Lyons 1088 Mary Driscoll (Fr) 0:21:09.6 135 Lake Zurich 1019 Cori Voras 0:21:10.5 136 83 Carmel 851 Sabrina Talarovich (So) 0:21:11.9 137 Lyons 1105 Jorie Kaspar (Jr) 0:21:19.3 138 Mother McAuley 1272 Jessica Hudec (Fr) 0:21:20.5 139 Lyons 1080 Nicole Christen (Sr) 0:21:24.7 140 84 Joliet Township 957 T.J. Nash (Fr) 0:21:25.6 141 Stevenson 1398 Shayna Chapman 0:21:27.7 142 Lake Zurich 1000 Erin Kelly 0:21:28.5 143 Hersey 923 Amanda Fulton (Fr) 0:21:29.0 144 Lyons 1084 Diana Dames (So) 0:21:29.5 145 Libertyville 1057 Jennifer Swanson (Jr) 0:21:30.9 146 Lyons 1147 Ramona Trifon (Jr) 0:21:31.1 147 Libertyville 1032 Erika Scheubel (Fr) 0:21:31.7 148 85 Maine West 1208 Sarah Baker (Fr) 0:21:33.0 149 Lyons 1075 Lauren Bouchard (Fr) 0:21:34.6 150 Stevenson 1405 Nicole Friedman 0:21:35.6 151 Lyons 1115 Lauren MacAskill (Jr) 0:21:38.0 152 Lake Zurich 1002 April Kindier 0:21:41.4 153 Lyons 1096 Meghan Greeley (Jr) 0:21:43.1 154 Lyons 1124 Patti Murphy (Jr) 0:21:46.0 155 Lyons 1066 Leslie Ames (Jr) 0:21:46.5 156 Lyons 1116 Kristen Manak (So) 0:21:47.6 157 86 Maine West 1226 Dede Lopez (Fr) 0:21:49.5 158 87 Maine West 1221 Kim Iwanicki (Fr) 0:21:51.4 159 Lyons 1123 Kelly Mrzyglod (So) 0:21:54.4 160 Hersey 915 Elizabeth Brower (Fr) 0:21:56.4 161 Lyons 1133 Jennifer Ponce (Jr) 0:22:00.2 162 Lyons 1097 Jessica Grenis (Fr) 0:22:04.7 163 Libertyville 1043 Katherine Knab (Jr) 0:22:07.0 164 88 Carmel 852 Claire Trimarco (So) 0:22:15.6 165 Prospect 1352 Anna Jozefiak (So) 0:22:16.3 166 Dundee-Crown 895 Kirsten Lindquist (Sr) 0:22:16.8 167 89 Maine West 1238 Anna Szabo (So) 0:22:18.4 168 90 Carmel 831 Rachel Fagnant (Fr) 0:22:21.9 169 91 Lyons B 1163 Lauren Ferguson (Fr) 0:22:22.5 170 92 Carmel 837 Mary Lichon (Fr) 0:22:23.3 171 Dundee-Crown 894 Jan Kamradt (Sr) 0:22:24.0 172 93 Lyons B 1170 Robin Heinzelmam (Fr) 0:22:25.0 173 94 Maine West 1216 Tina Drinka (So) 0:22:25.5 174 Libertyville 1058 Lindsey Tischendorf (So) 0:22:34.3 175 95 Joliet Township 963 Lisa Isabelli (Fr) 0:22:34.8 176 Lyons 1120 Bridget McGuire (Jr) 0:22:35.7 177 96 Lyons B 1194 Gina Rinaldi (So) 0:22:38.8 178 97 Maine West 1239 Katie Tillotson (So) 0:22:47.0 179 Mother McAuley 1299 Megan Stolarski (Fr) 0:22:52.0 180 98 Lyons B 1176 C.J. Howard (Jr) 0:22:53.5 181 99 Maine West 1209 Jenny Blonn (Jr) 0:22:59.8 182 100 Lyons B 1206 Amy Ziegler (So) 0:23:03.0 183 Maine West 1230 Sejal Patel (Fr) 0:23:03.9 184 Libertyville 1028 Melanie Harwood (Jr) 0:23:08.1 185 Maine West 1222 Katie Koeune (Fr) 0:23:09.1 186 Maine West 1224 Lisa Krysiak (Fr) 0:23:12.5 187 Lyons B 1202 Hilary Waldoch (Jr) 0:23:12.8 188 Carmel 834 Andrea Harchut (Sr) 0:23:14.1 189 Lyons 1101 Kelly James (Fr) 0:23:20.5 190 101 Schaumburg 1379 Jackie Langdon 0:23:21.3 191 Lyons B 1198 Amy Sterna (Fr) 0:23:30.4 192 Lyons 1130 Mary Phillipp (Fr) 0:23:33.1 193 Lyons B 1195 Lauren Rozich (Sr) 0:23:44.5 194 Lyons B 1161 Val Denny (So) 0:23:47.5 195 Lyons B 1204 Linsay Willis (Fr) 0:24:01.1 196 Stevenson 1406 Susan Hermany 0:24:08.6 197 Dundee-Crown 901 Erin Williams (Jr) 0:24:17.5 198 Lyons B 1165 Becky Fezekas (Jr) 0:24:20.0 199 Lyons B 1203 Bridget Welbourne (Jr) 0:24:21.4 200 Lake Zurich 994 Rebecca Augustine 0:24:22.6 201 Carmel 816 Grace Anderson (Jr) 0:24:32.9 202 102 Joliet Township 967 Jamie Witty (So) 0:24:39.3 203 Lyons B 1169 Christina Garay (Fr) 0:24:44.4 204 Lyons B 1179 Beth Kelly (So) 0:24:49.4 205 Lyons 1087 Lisa Donofrio (Jr) 0:24:54.3 206 Maine West 1233 Rose Saunders (Fr) 0:25:55.4 207 Maine West 1234 Caryn Sbarbaro (Fr) 0:25:59.0 208 103 Champaign Centennial 861 Lauren DeDecker (Fr) 0:25:59.5 209 104 Lake Forest 990 Johanna Schnitz (Jr) 0:26:04.2 210 Lyons B 1184 Danielle Mikel (Fr) 0:26:42.8 211 Maine West 1214 Tammy DeCaro (Fr) 0:26:52.9 212 105 Lake Forest 986 Dany Marinovich (Sr) 0:27:00.9 213 Lyons B 1205 Julie Wojtowicz (Jr) 0:28:00.3 214 Lyons B 1186 Bridget Nichols (Jr) 0:28:00.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mother McAuley 46 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 19 2 Hersey 81 4, 10, 17, 22, 28, 36, 54 3 Lyons 90 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 35 4 McHenry 98 1, 7, 23, 26, 41, 46, 72 5 Barrington 196 2, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53 6 Palatine 201 3, 39, 42, 58, 59, 61, 73 7 Stevenson 223 20, 45, 51, 52, 55, 63, 65 8 Joliet Township 250 32, 34, 40, 60, 84, 95, 102 9 Libertyville 255 33, 37, 44, 62, 79, 80, 82 10 Lake Zurich 267 27, 38, 66, 67, 69, 76, 78 11 Schaumburg 315 31, 56, 57, 70, 101 12 Champaign Centennial 324 6, 64, 74, 77, 103 13 Lake Forest 325 16, 25, 75, 104, 105 14 Lyons B 352 29, 43, 91, 93, 96, 98, 100 15 Carmel 391 68, 71, 81, 83, 88, 90, 92 16 Maine West 441 85, 86, 87, 89, 94, 97, 99 17 Crystal Lake Central No Score - Had only 1 finisher 18 Dundee-Crown No Score - Had only 3 finishers 19 Elgin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Prospect No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mother McAuley 88:25 17:41 0:34 17:23, 17:39, 17:41, 17:45, 17:57, 17:58 2 McHenry 89:59 17:60 2:19 16:40, 17:33, 18:20, 18:27, 18:59, 19:17 3 Hersey 90:07 18:01 1:15 17:23, 17:43, 18:04, 18:19, 18:38, 18:45 4 Lyons 90:31 18:06 0:38 17:46, 17:59, 18:04, 18:18, 18:24, 18:40 5 Barrington 94:20 18:52 2:22 17:01, 19:17, 19:19, 19:20, 19:23, 19:29 6 Palatine 94:57 18:59 2:30 17:22, 18:54, 19:03, 19:46, 19:52, 20:07 7 Stevenson 95:56 19:11 1:24 18:11, 19:16, 19:27, 19:27, 19:35, 20:11 8 Libertyville 97:42 19:32 2:09 18:42, 18:46, 19:14, 20:09, 20:51, 20:55 9 Joliet Township 97:45 19:33 2:44 18:42, 18:44, 18:57, 19:56, 21:26, 22:35 10 Lake Zurich 98:31 19:42 1:57 18:33, 18:49, 20:15, 20:24, 20:30, 20:46 11 Schaumburg 101:57 20:23 4:41 18:41, 19:39, 19:40, 20:35, 23:22 12 Lyons B 105:10 21:02 4:00 18:39, 19:04, 22:23, 22:25, 22:39, 22:54 13 Champaign Centennial 105:10 21:02 8:29 17:31, 20:12, 20:39, 20:48, 26:00 14 Carmel 105:32 21:06 1:47 20:29, 20:37, 20:58, 21:12, 22:16, 22:22 15 Maine West 110:00 22:00 0:53 21:33, 21:50, 21:52, 22:19, 22:26, 22:47 16 Lake Forest 110:11 22:02 9:00 18:01, 18:25, 20:39, 26:05, 27:01 17 Crystal Lake Central No Score 20:32 18 Dundee-Crown No Score 22:17, 22:24, 24:18 19 Elgin No Score 20 Prospect No Score 18:05, 21:04, 22:17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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