Individual Results
2002 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 22, 2002 Boys 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Washington Danny Harper (7) 0:08:33.7 2 2 Kennedy Paul Boyer (7) 0:08:44.7 3 3 Hill Nick Thomas (7) 0:08:45.1 4 4 Kennedy Steven Couch (7) 0:08:46.2 5 5 Jefferson Hunter Clint (7) 0:08:47.4 6 6 Madison Byard Ebling (7) 0:08:59.9 7 7 Kennedy Alec McNees (7) 0:09:08.8 8 8 Jefferson Celentano Agustin (7) 0:09:13.0 9 9 Kennedy Matt Walters (7) 0:09:13.7 10 10 Lincoln Caleb Rowe (7) 0:09:14.2 11 11 Washington Matt Beatty (7) 0:09:18.8 12 12 Jefferson Davis Andrew (7) 0:09:23.1 13 13 Jefferson DeBruin Rob (7) 0:09:25.3 14 14 Kennedy Andrew Vorderer (7) 0:09:27.8 15 15 Madison Pat Idstein (7) 0:09:29.3 16 16 Jefferson Newman Jon (7) 0:09:30.4 17 17 Jefferson Rei Victor (7) 0:09:34.4 18 18 Kennedy Ian Dickson (7) 0:09:39.1 19 19 Washington Sam Ostergaard (7) 0:09:40.3 20 20 Jefferson Arturo Bryan (7) 0:09:40.5 21 21 Scullen Chris Youngstrom (7) 0:09:40.7 22 Jefferson Bostrom Scott (7) 0:09:42.2 23 22 Madison Robert Senkevisius (7) 0:09:43.9 24 23 Scullen David Parast (7) 0:09:45.4 25 24 Gregory Eric Denton (7) 0:09:50.0 26 25 Hill Josh Lynch (7) 0:09:51.1 27 26 Kennedy Brian Melbye (7) 0:09:54.8 28 Jefferson Anandappa Gerard (7) 0:09:56.3 29 27 Madison Michael Cleary (7) 0:09:56.8 30 28 Madison Stephen O'Donnell (7) 0:09:57.1 31 29 Hill Danny Mogan (7) 0:10:01.0 32 30 Washington Danny Moir (7) 0:10:04.1 33 Crone Stefan Murakami (7) 0:10:04.4 34 31 Scullen Kevin Grady (7) 0:10:04.7 35 Jefferson Greco Anthony (7) 0:10:05.8 36 Jefferson Hamied Waleed (7) 0:10:09.0 37 Still Tim Nelson (7) 0:10:11.6 38 Kennedy Mike Henry (7) 0:10:12.3 39 32 Scullen Sam Ristich (7) 0:10:13.3 40 33 Granger Brandon Vahey (7) 0:10:14.2 41 Jefferson Scullion Ryan (7) 0:10:14.7 42 34 Granger Nathan Olson (7) 0:10:15.6 43 35 Lincoln Chris Simon (7) 0:10:16.3 44 Kennedy Kevin Tsai (7) 0:10:19.1 45 36 Hill Alec Schneider (7) 0:10:19.5 46 Kennedy Andrew Mello (7) 0:10:20.2 47 Jefferson Wu Kevin (7) 0:10:22.5 48 Still Barry Saltz (7) 0:10:22.8 49 37 Madison Peter Kaskie (7) 0:10:23.8 50 38 Lincoln Tom Jurgenson (7) 0:10:26.6 51 39 Gregory Brian Epp (7) 0:10:30.1 52 Kennedy Uzmahn Kahn (7) 0:10:35.0 53 Kennedy Chris O'Hara (7) 0:10:37.1 54 Kennedy Nick Merican (7) 0:10:37.8 55 Jefferson Fahey Ryan (7) 0:10:38.2 56 40 Scullen Ian Bear (7) 0:10:39.7 57 41 Hill Alex Novak (7) 0:10:40.1 58 Kennedy James Hochstetter (7) 0:10:40.5 59 42 Lincoln Nick Danzy (7) 0:10:41.5 60 43 Lincoln Anthony Majik (7) 0:10:43.4 61 44 Lincoln Greg Feldkamp (7) 0:10:43.7 62 45 Lincoln Mike Brdicka (7) 0:10:44.2 63 46 Scullen Brian Barnes (7) 0:10:44.8 64 47 Granger Craig Ruszkowski (7) 0:10:49.0 65 Kennedy Dan Kretzmann (7) 0:10:49.6 66 48 Granger Max Martin (7) 0:10:50.2 67 Jefferson Umbreit Adam (7) 0:10:51.0 68 Jefferson Flessner Christian (7) 0:10:53.7 69 Kennedy Sean Denard (7) 0:10:53.9 70 Jefferson Lechowitz Phillip (7) 0:10:55.6 71 49 Gregory Mark Birhanu (7) 0:10:56.9 72 Crone Jack Bolotin (7) 0:10:57.6 73 50 Granger Ryan Keane (7) 0:11:04.0 74 Kennedy Ted Savage (7) 0:11:05.0 75 51 Scullen Nick Dina (7) 0:11:09.5 76 Kennedy Zach Tratar (7) 0:11:11.1 77 52 Washington Ryan Costello (7) 0:11:12.0 78 53 Hill Joey Cullen (7) 0:11:13.0 79 Kennedy David Chang (7) 0:11:13.5 80 Kennedy Chris Covert (7) 0:11:15.2 81 Lincoln Zach Fodor (7) 0:11:16.2 82 Lincoln Craig Tessiatore (7) 0:11:20.1 83 Kennedy Joe Herr (7) 0:11:23.6 84 Lincoln Matt Mihalik (7) 0:11:24.9 85 54 Gregory Danny Rokos (7) 0:11:27.2 86 55 Gregory Nick Farraye (7) 0:11:27.9 87 Scullen Casey Keene (7) 0:11:29.1 88 56 Gregory Brett Burba (7) 0:11:29.8 89 57 Washington Jack Volk (7) 0:11:38.8 90 58 Washington Jack Marchese (7) 0:11:39.2 91 59 Madison Tyler Snell (7) 0:11:40.9 92 60 Hill Sam Dean (7) 0:11:42.6 93 Madison Nick Ryan (7) 0:11:43.3 94 Crone Drew Holman (7) 0:11:48.1 95 Scullen David Bertone (7) 0:11:51.4 96 Scullen John Cuff (7) 0:11:56.9 97 Crone David Havily (7) 0:12:02.0 98 Scullen Tristan Barron (7) 0:12:02.7 99 Jefferson Vaidya Devneel (7) 0:12:08.1 100 Jefferson Capek Dan (7) 0:12:10.5 101 Hill Brad Dean (7) 0:12:16.0 102 Madison Mitch Deck (7) 0:12:18.6 103 Jefferson MacDuff Mike (7) 0:12:26.5 104 Hill Ryan Wolf (7) 0:12:36.8 105 Kennedy Mike Barakat (7) 0:12:41.7 106 Lincoln Ross Helberg (7) 0:13:00.6 107 61 Granger Anant Gupta (7) 0:13:16.3 108 Madison Chris Pavelchik (7) 0:14:25.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 36 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, 18, 26 2 Jefferson 54 5, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20 3 Madison 98 6, 15, 22, 27, 28, 37, 59 4 Washington 113 1, 11, 19, 30, 52, 57, 58 5 Hill 134 3, 25, 29, 36, 41, 53, 60 6 Scullen 147 21, 23, 31, 32, 40, 46, 51 7 Lincoln 168 10, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45 8 Granger 212 33, 34, 47, 48, 50, 61 9 Gregory 221 24, 39, 49, 54, 55, 56 10 Crone No Score - Had only 4 finishers 11 Still No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 45:23 9:05 0:43 8:45, 8:47, 9:09, 9:14, 9:28, 9:39 2 Jefferson 46:21 9:16 0:43 8:48, 9:13, 9:23, 9:26, 9:31, 9:35 3 Madison 48:08 9:38 0:57 9:00, 9:30, 9:44, 9:57, 9:57, 10:24 4 Washington 48:51 9:46 2:38 8:34, 9:19, 9:41, 10:05, 11:12, 11:39 5 Hill 49:37 9:55 1:55 8:45, 9:51, 10:01, 10:20, 10:40, 11:13 6 Scullen 50:26 10:05 0:59 9:41, 9:46, 10:05, 10:14, 10:40, 10:45 7 Lincoln 51:25 10:17 1:29 9:15, 10:17, 10:27, 10:42, 10:44, 10:44 8 Granger 53:15 10:39 0:49 10:15, 10:16, 10:49, 10:51, 11:04, 13:17 9 Gregory 54:13 10:51 1:38 9:50, 10:30, 10:57, 11:28, 11:28, 11:30 10 Crone No Score 10:05, 10:58, 11:48, 12:02 11 Still No Score 10:12, 10:23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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