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Boys 7th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2002 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 22, 2002
Boys 7th Grade      
1.5 miles  


Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Washington                 Danny Harper (7)           0:08:33.7
  2     2  Kennedy                    Paul Boyer (7)             0:08:44.7
  3     3  Hill                       Nick Thomas (7)            0:08:45.1
  4     4  Kennedy                    Steven Couch (7)           0:08:46.2
  5     5  Jefferson                  Hunter Clint (7)           0:08:47.4
  6     6  Madison                    Byard Ebling (7)           0:08:59.9
  7     7  Kennedy                    Alec McNees (7)            0:09:08.8
  8     8  Jefferson                  Celentano Agustin (7)      0:09:13.0
  9     9  Kennedy                    Matt Walters (7)           0:09:13.7
 10    10  Lincoln                    Caleb Rowe (7)             0:09:14.2
 11    11  Washington                 Matt Beatty (7)            0:09:18.8
 12    12  Jefferson                  Davis Andrew (7)           0:09:23.1
 13    13  Jefferson                  DeBruin Rob (7)            0:09:25.3
 14    14  Kennedy                    Andrew Vorderer (7)        0:09:27.8
 15    15  Madison                    Pat Idstein (7)            0:09:29.3
 16    16  Jefferson                  Newman Jon (7)             0:09:30.4
 17    17  Jefferson                  Rei Victor (7)             0:09:34.4
 18    18  Kennedy                    Ian Dickson (7)            0:09:39.1
 19    19  Washington                 Sam Ostergaard (7)         0:09:40.3
 20    20  Jefferson                  Arturo Bryan (7)           0:09:40.5
 21    21  Scullen                    Chris Youngstrom (7)       0:09:40.7
 22        Jefferson                  Bostrom Scott (7)          0:09:42.2
 23    22  Madison                    Robert Senkevisius (7)     0:09:43.9
 24    23  Scullen                    David Parast (7)           0:09:45.4
 25    24  Gregory                    Eric Denton (7)            0:09:50.0
 26    25  Hill                       Josh Lynch (7)             0:09:51.1
 27    26  Kennedy                    Brian Melbye (7)           0:09:54.8
 28        Jefferson                  Anandappa Gerard (7)       0:09:56.3
 29    27  Madison                    Michael Cleary (7)         0:09:56.8
 30    28  Madison                    Stephen O'Donnell (7)      0:09:57.1
 31    29  Hill                       Danny Mogan (7)            0:10:01.0
 32    30  Washington                 Danny Moir (7)             0:10:04.1
 33        Crone                      Stefan Murakami (7)        0:10:04.4
 34    31  Scullen                    Kevin Grady (7)            0:10:04.7
 35        Jefferson                  Greco Anthony (7)          0:10:05.8
 36        Jefferson                  Hamied Waleed (7)          0:10:09.0
 37        Still                      Tim Nelson (7)             0:10:11.6
 38        Kennedy                    Mike Henry (7)             0:10:12.3
 39    32  Scullen                    Sam Ristich (7)            0:10:13.3
 40    33  Granger                    Brandon Vahey (7)          0:10:14.2
 41        Jefferson                  Scullion Ryan (7)          0:10:14.7
 42    34  Granger                    Nathan Olson (7)           0:10:15.6
 43    35  Lincoln                    Chris Simon (7)            0:10:16.3
 44        Kennedy                    Kevin Tsai (7)             0:10:19.1
 45    36  Hill                       Alec Schneider (7)         0:10:19.5
 46        Kennedy                    Andrew Mello (7)           0:10:20.2
 47        Jefferson                  Wu Kevin (7)               0:10:22.5
 48        Still                      Barry Saltz (7)            0:10:22.8
 49    37  Madison                    Peter Kaskie (7)           0:10:23.8
 50    38  Lincoln                    Tom Jurgenson (7)          0:10:26.6
 51    39  Gregory                    Brian Epp (7)              0:10:30.1
 52        Kennedy                    Uzmahn Kahn (7)            0:10:35.0
 53        Kennedy                    Chris O'Hara (7)           0:10:37.1
 54        Kennedy                    Nick Merican (7)           0:10:37.8
 55        Jefferson                  Fahey Ryan (7)             0:10:38.2
 56    40  Scullen                    Ian Bear (7)               0:10:39.7
 57    41  Hill                       Alex Novak (7)             0:10:40.1
 58        Kennedy                    James Hochstetter (7)      0:10:40.5
 59    42  Lincoln                    Nick Danzy (7)             0:10:41.5
 60    43  Lincoln                    Anthony Majik (7)          0:10:43.4
 61    44  Lincoln                    Greg Feldkamp (7)          0:10:43.7
 62    45  Lincoln                    Mike Brdicka (7)           0:10:44.2
 63    46  Scullen                    Brian Barnes (7)           0:10:44.8
 64    47  Granger                    Craig Ruszkowski (7)       0:10:49.0
 65        Kennedy                    Dan Kretzmann (7)          0:10:49.6
 66    48  Granger                    Max Martin (7)             0:10:50.2
 67        Jefferson                  Umbreit Adam (7)           0:10:51.0
 68        Jefferson                  Flessner Christian (7)     0:10:53.7
 69        Kennedy                    Sean Denard (7)            0:10:53.9
 70        Jefferson                  Lechowitz Phillip (7)      0:10:55.6
 71    49  Gregory                    Mark Birhanu (7)           0:10:56.9
 72        Crone                      Jack Bolotin (7)           0:10:57.6
 73    50  Granger                    Ryan Keane (7)             0:11:04.0
 74        Kennedy                    Ted Savage (7)             0:11:05.0
 75    51  Scullen                    Nick Dina (7)              0:11:09.5
 76        Kennedy                    Zach Tratar (7)            0:11:11.1
 77    52  Washington                 Ryan Costello (7)          0:11:12.0
 78    53  Hill                       Joey Cullen (7)            0:11:13.0
 79        Kennedy                    David Chang (7)            0:11:13.5
 80        Kennedy                    Chris Covert (7)           0:11:15.2
 81        Lincoln                    Zach Fodor (7)             0:11:16.2
 82        Lincoln                    Craig Tessiatore (7)       0:11:20.1
 83        Kennedy                    Joe Herr (7)               0:11:23.6
 84        Lincoln                    Matt Mihalik (7)           0:11:24.9
 85    54  Gregory                    Danny Rokos (7)            0:11:27.2
 86    55  Gregory                    Nick Farraye (7)           0:11:27.9
 87        Scullen                    Casey Keene (7)            0:11:29.1
 88    56  Gregory                    Brett Burba (7)            0:11:29.8
 89    57  Washington                 Jack Volk (7)              0:11:38.8
 90    58  Washington                 Jack Marchese (7)          0:11:39.2
 91    59  Madison                    Tyler Snell (7)            0:11:40.9
 92    60  Hill                       Sam Dean (7)               0:11:42.6
 93        Madison                    Nick Ryan (7)              0:11:43.3
 94        Crone                      Drew Holman (7)            0:11:48.1
 95        Scullen                    David Bertone (7)          0:11:51.4
 96        Scullen                    John Cuff (7)              0:11:56.9
 97        Crone                      David Havily (7)           0:12:02.0
 98        Scullen                    Tristan Barron (7)         0:12:02.7
 99        Jefferson                  Vaidya Devneel (7)         0:12:08.1
100        Jefferson                  Capek Dan (7)              0:12:10.5
101        Hill                       Brad Dean (7)              0:12:16.0
102        Madison                    Mitch Deck (7)             0:12:18.6
103        Jefferson                  MacDuff Mike (7)           0:12:26.5
104        Hill                       Ryan Wolf (7)              0:12:36.8
105        Kennedy                    Mike Barakat (7)           0:12:41.7
106        Lincoln                    Ross Helberg (7)           0:13:00.6
107    61  Granger                    Anant Gupta (7)            0:13:16.3
108        Madison                    Chris Pavelchik (7)        0:14:25.6
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Kennedy                       36        2,   4,   7,   9,  14,  18,  26
  2   Jefferson                     54        5,   8,  12,  13,  16,  17,  20
  3   Madison                       98        6,  15,  22,  27,  28,  37,  59
  4   Washington                   113        1,  11,  19,  30,  52,  57,  58
  5   Hill                         134        3,  25,  29,  36,  41,  53,  60
  6   Scullen                      147       21,  23,  31,  32,  40,  46,  51
  7   Lincoln                      168       10,  35,  38,  42,  43,  44,  45
  8   Granger                      212       33,  34,  47,  48,  50,  61
  9   Gregory                      221       24,  39,  49,  54,  55,  56
 10   Crone                      No Score - Had only 4 finishers
 11   Still                      No Score - Had only 2 finishers
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Kennedy                    45:23    9:05   0:43    8:45,  8:47,  9:09,  9:14,  9:28,  9:39
  2  Jefferson                  46:21    9:16   0:43    8:48,  9:13,  9:23,  9:26,  9:31,  9:35
  3  Madison                    48:08    9:38   0:57    9:00,  9:30,  9:44,  9:57,  9:57, 10:24
  4  Washington                 48:51    9:46   2:38    8:34,  9:19,  9:41, 10:05, 11:12, 11:39
  5  Hill                       49:37    9:55   1:55    8:45,  9:51, 10:01, 10:20, 10:40, 11:13
  6  Scullen                    50:26   10:05   0:59    9:41,  9:46, 10:05, 10:14, 10:40, 10:45
  7  Lincoln                    51:25   10:17   1:29    9:15, 10:17, 10:27, 10:42, 10:44, 10:44
  8  Granger                    53:15   10:39   0:49   10:15, 10:16, 10:49, 10:51, 11:04, 13:17
  9  Gregory                    54:13   10:51   1:38    9:50, 10:30, 10:57, 11:28, 11:28, 11:30
 10  Crone                     No Score                10:05, 10:58, 11:48, 12:02
 11  Still                     No Score                10:12, 10:23
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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