Individual Results
2002 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 22, 2002 Girls 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Washington Amy Bonistalli (7) 0:09:31.2 2 2 Gregory Jill Dunn (7) 0:09:31.9 3 3 Granger Anna Gault (7) 0:09:32.6 4 4 Granger Kesha Pinnick (7) 0:09:33.0 5 5 Washington Taylor Zafir (7) 0:09:43.2 6 6 Madison Kelly Short (7) 0:09:57.6 7 7 Washington Annika Socolofsky (7) 0:09:59.6 8 8 Madison Morgan Alberts (7) 0:10:01.9 9 9 Hill Hillary Blake (7) 0:10:05.3 10 10 Hill Jessica Blake (7) 0:10:07.1 11 11 Crone Kelly Butler (7) 0:10:09.2 12 12 Hill Emily Bielaga (7) 0:10:10.1 13 13 Kennedy Emily Perkins (7) 0:10:11.5 14 14 Washington Therese Moir (7) 0:10:13.3 15 15 Kennedy Sharon Feltes (7) 0:10:14.6 16 16 Jefferson Gibson Erin (7) 0:10:15.2 17 17 Jefferson Hill Whitney (7) 0:10:16.2 18 18 Scullen Sara Hartley (7) 0:10:17.4 19 19 Jefferson LaBahn Samantha (7) 0:10:17.7 20 20 Hill Jordan Ettlebrick (7) 0:10:18.1 21 21 Lincoln Amy Prestinario (7) 0:10:18.3 22 22 Jefferson Gibson Kelly (7) 0:10:19.8 23 23 Scullen Lauren Pojman (7) 0:10:22.4 24 24 Scullen Nicole Truxes (7) 0:10:23.3 25 25 Washington Briana Heneghan (7) 0:10:24.0 26 26 Jefferson Inman Amanda (7) 0:10:25.2 27 27 Kennedy Savita Joglekar (7) 0:10:25.9 28 28 Gregory Lindsey Prozorovsky (7) 0:10:28.6 29 29 Jefferson Melloy Christine (7) 0:10:29.0 30 30 Hill Kim Grommes (7) 0:10:30.4 31 31 Kennedy Lauren Batterham (7) 0:10:33.4 32 32 Washington Andrea Baustista (7) 0:10:34.4 33 33 Granger Bryna Nasenbeny (7) 0:10:36.1 34 34 Washington Nadine Jones (7) 0:10:36.8 35 35 Lincoln Ashley Anderson (7) 0:10:43.2 36 36 Crone Abby Frydryk (7) 0:10:43.9 37 37 Hill Brianna Vaughn (7) 0:10:44.8 38 38 Gregory Meghan Verbus (7) 0:10:45.4 39 Washington Asha Phadke (7) 0:10:46.3 40 39 Lincoln Suzy Brown (7) 0:10:52.3 41 40 Madison Michaela Ortega (7) 0:10:53.0 42 41 Madison Christine Lasare (7) 0:10:54.3 43 42 Jefferson Armetta Courtney (7) 0:10:55.9 44 43 Kennedy Micki Harring (7) 0:11:00.6 45 44 Gregory Marjuni Jones (7) 0:11:01.6 46 45 Lincoln Alieen Beernink (7) 0:11:01.9 47 Jefferson Saah Kyla (7) 0:11:02.1 48 Jefferson Dzamashvili Anna (7) 0:11:06.4 49 46 Lincoln Megan Donahue (7) 0:11:09.5 50 47 Gregory Rachel Kay (7) 0:11:09.8 51 Jefferson Lucks Ilana (7) 0:11:10.2 52 Washington Lizzi Piazza (7) 0:11:10.8 53 48 Lincoln Samantha Long (7) 0:11:17.4 54 Jefferson Kautza Katie (7) 0:11:17.7 55 49 Crone Rebecca Ludford (7) 0:11:17.9 56 50 Granger Paige Troutman (7) 0:11:19.3 57 51 Granger Riana Johnson (7) 0:11:19.8 58 52 Granger Rachel Castronova (7) 0:11:20.2 59 53 Scullen Christy Howard (7) 0:11:20.5 60 54 Madison Laura Mixen (7) 0:11:20.8 61 Washington Emily Sheu (7) 0:11:21.1 62 55 Kennedy Stephanie Bian (7) 0:11:21.5 63 56 Crone Lindsay Colvin (7) 0:11:23.6 64 Washington Caitlin Heneghan (7) 0:11:27.9 65 57 Gregory Brittney Jadwin (7) 0:11:29.1 66 58 Granger Katie Markham (7) 0:11:29.5 67 59 Lincoln Colleen Huck (7) 0:11:30.2 68 Granger Ally Ornelaz (7) 0:11:30.5 69 Lincoln Kelsey Horton (7) 0:11:33.4 70 60 Gregory Brianna Choquette (7) 0:11:33.8 71 61 Scullen Yendy Hobeica (7) 0:11:34.2 72 62 Kennedy Colleen Coyne (7) 0:11:35.2 73 Gregory Sammi Ma (7) 0:11:41.5 74 63 Hill Rebecca Scupin (7) 0:11:43.0 75 Granger Nicholle Hines (7) 0:11:46.0 76 64 Scullen Madeline Yasuda (7) 0:11:46.3 77 Gregory Stephany Moberg (7) 0:11:47.1 78 Jefferson Veglia Lucia (7) 0:11:47.6 79 Jefferson O'Callaghan Rachel (7) 0:11:48.3 80 Jefferson Dzamashvili Salome (7) 0:11:49.1 81 Lincoln Katherine Behr (7) 0:11:50.4 82 Lincoln Drew Snyder (7) 0:11:51.0 83 Jefferson Nannetti Alyssa (7) 0:11:51.6 84 Washington Erin Oechsel (7) 0:11:55.3 85 Granger Megan Gregory (7) 0:11:56.0 86 Gregory Rebecca Coyne (7) 0:11:57.2 87 Granger Deborah Cronin (7) 0:11:58.0 88 Kennedy Cory Schillerstrom (7) 0:11:58.4 89 Jefferson Getz Katie (7) 0:11:58.8 90 Gregory Molly McCann (7) 0:11:59.3 91 Jefferson Feldott Kalie (7) 0:11:59.6 92 Lincoln Peggy Meyer (7) 0:12:00.0 93 Jefferson Lueders Kate (7) 0:12:00.8 94 Jefferson Kimbrell Liz (7) 0:12:01.3 95 Gregory Nicole Dutton (7) 0:12:02.5 96 Gregory Kristina Stokes (7) 0:12:03.0 97 Jefferson Corning Joryn (7) 0:12:07.0 98 65 Scullen Kaitlyn Sweda (7) 0:12:08.1 99 Granger Heather Gibbs (7) 0:12:09.8 100 Kennedy Kaley Florio (7) 0:12:13.4 101 Lincoln Diana Abens (7) 0:12:13.7 102 Hill Lauren Ostberg (7) 0:12:14.5 103 Jefferson Feltner Holly (7) 0:12:14.8 104 Lincoln Colleen Berry (7) 0:12:15.8 105 Hill Emily Bax (7) 0:12:22.9 106 Jefferson Zhang Wen (7) 0:12:24.4 107 Kennedy Jennifer Lamm (7) 0:12:26.5 108 66 Madison Kaylene Sobeck (7) 0:12:29.9 109 67 Madison Megan Logan (7) 0:12:31.6 110 Gregory Rachele DellaTorre (7) 0:12:39.7 111 Hill Kacy Moser (7) 0:12:46.6 112 Gregory Anna Nuxoll (7) 0:12:50.9 113 Washington Sarah Moir (7) 0:12:55.2 114 68 Crone Kandice Gustafson (7) 0:12:56.3 115 Washington Zoe Gerstle (7) 0:12:59.5 116 Gregory Nicole Giovenco (7) 0:12:59.9 117 Hill Alicia Smith (7) 0:13:00.3 118 Gregory Kristin Amann (7) 0:13:02.3 119 Jefferson Hong Jessica (7) 0:13:06.6 120 Kennedy Cathy Gassner (7) 0:13:10.8 121 Hill Caitlyn Arquette (7) 0:13:13.9 122 Granger Emily Densmore (7) 0:13:16.7 123 Kennedy Natalie Large (7) 0:13:23.3 124 Jefferson Wang Katherine (7) 0:13:34.9 125 Madison Jyoti Mishra (7) 0:13:36.4 126 Lincoln Erin Stablein (7) 0:13:42.5 127 Washington Amber Rankins (7) 0:13:45.0 128 Gregory Sarah Klein (7) 0:13:53.1 129 Kennedy Gina DeAngelis (7) 0:13:58.9 130 Gregory Laura Czekanski (7) 0:14:16.4 131 Gregory Ashley Caffarelli (7) 0:14:19.7 132 Jefferson VanSlobig Megan (7) 0:14:35.4 133 Granger Kinnary Desai (7) 0:14:44.1 134 Gregory Zoya Hussain (7) 0:14:59.4 135 Madison Neha Mahajan (7) 0:15:01.1 136 Hill Monica Pulgine (7) 0:15:02.9 137 Granger Cara Grula (7) 0:16:58.4 138 Gregory Swati Bhagavatula (7) 0:21:04.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Washington 52 1, 5, 7, 14, 25, 32, 34 2 Hill 81 9, 10, 12, 20, 30, 37, 63 3 Jefferson 100 16, 17, 19, 22, 26, 29, 42 4 Kennedy 129 13, 15, 27, 31, 43, 55, 62 5 Granger 141 3, 4, 33, 50, 51, 52, 58 6 Madison 149 6, 8, 40, 41, 54, 66, 67 7 Gregory 159 2, 28, 38, 44, 47, 57, 60 8 Scullen 179 18, 23, 24, 53, 61, 64, 65 9 Lincoln 186 21, 35, 39, 45, 46, 48, 59 10 Crone 220 11, 36, 49, 56, 68 11 Still No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Washington 49:54 9:59 0:52 9:32, 9:44, 10:00, 10:14, 10:24, 10:35 2 Hill 51:13 10:15 0:25 10:06, 10:08, 10:10, 10:18, 10:31, 10:45 3 Jefferson 51:37 10:19 0:10 10:16, 10:17, 10:18, 10:20, 10:26, 10:29 4 Granger 52:22 10:28 1:47 9:33, 9:33, 10:36, 11:20, 11:20, 11:21 5 Kennedy 52:28 10:30 0:49 10:12, 10:15, 10:26, 10:34, 11:01, 11:22 6 Gregory 52:59 10:36 1:38 9:32, 10:29, 10:46, 11:02, 11:10, 11:29 7 Madison 53:09 10:38 1:23 9:58, 10:02, 10:53, 10:55, 11:21, 12:30 8 Scullen 54:01 10:48 1:17 10:18, 10:23, 10:24, 11:21, 11:35, 11:47 9 Lincoln 54:08 10:50 0:51 10:19, 10:44, 10:53, 11:02, 11:10, 11:18 10 Crone 56:33 11:19 2:47 10:10, 10:44, 11:18, 11:24, 12:57 11 Still No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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