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Girls 7th Grade
Girls 7th Grade Boys 7th Grade Girls 8th Grade Boys 8th Grade

USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001

And our flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!


Individual Results
Final Team Standings (by points)
Final Team Standings (by time)



                2002 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 22, 2002
Girls 7th Grade     
1.5 miles  


Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Washington                 Amy Bonistalli (7)         0:09:31.2
  2     2  Gregory                    Jill Dunn (7)              0:09:31.9
  3     3  Granger                    Anna Gault (7)             0:09:32.6
  4     4  Granger                    Kesha Pinnick (7)          0:09:33.0
  5     5  Washington                 Taylor Zafir (7)           0:09:43.2
  6     6  Madison                    Kelly Short (7)            0:09:57.6
  7     7  Washington                 Annika Socolofsky (7)      0:09:59.6
  8     8  Madison                    Morgan Alberts (7)         0:10:01.9
  9     9  Hill                       Hillary Blake (7)          0:10:05.3
 10    10  Hill                       Jessica Blake (7)          0:10:07.1
 11    11  Crone                      Kelly Butler (7)           0:10:09.2
 12    12  Hill                       Emily Bielaga (7)          0:10:10.1
 13    13  Kennedy                    Emily Perkins (7)          0:10:11.5
 14    14  Washington                 Therese Moir (7)           0:10:13.3
 15    15  Kennedy                    Sharon Feltes (7)          0:10:14.6
 16    16  Jefferson                  Gibson Erin (7)            0:10:15.2
 17    17  Jefferson                  Hill Whitney (7)           0:10:16.2
 18    18  Scullen                    Sara Hartley (7)           0:10:17.4
 19    19  Jefferson                  LaBahn Samantha (7)        0:10:17.7
 20    20  Hill                       Jordan Ettlebrick (7)      0:10:18.1
 21    21  Lincoln                    Amy Prestinario (7)        0:10:18.3
 22    22  Jefferson                  Gibson Kelly (7)           0:10:19.8
 23    23  Scullen                    Lauren Pojman (7)          0:10:22.4
 24    24  Scullen                    Nicole Truxes (7)          0:10:23.3
 25    25  Washington                 Briana Heneghan (7)        0:10:24.0
 26    26  Jefferson                  Inman Amanda (7)           0:10:25.2
 27    27  Kennedy                    Savita Joglekar (7)        0:10:25.9
 28    28  Gregory                    Lindsey Prozorovsky (7)    0:10:28.6
 29    29  Jefferson                  Melloy Christine (7)       0:10:29.0
 30    30  Hill                       Kim Grommes (7)            0:10:30.4
 31    31  Kennedy                    Lauren Batterham (7)       0:10:33.4
 32    32  Washington                 Andrea Baustista (7)       0:10:34.4
 33    33  Granger                    Bryna Nasenbeny (7)        0:10:36.1
 34    34  Washington                 Nadine Jones (7)           0:10:36.8
 35    35  Lincoln                    Ashley Anderson (7)        0:10:43.2
 36    36  Crone                      Abby Frydryk (7)           0:10:43.9
 37    37  Hill                       Brianna Vaughn (7)         0:10:44.8
 38    38  Gregory                    Meghan Verbus (7)          0:10:45.4
 39        Washington                 Asha Phadke (7)            0:10:46.3
 40    39  Lincoln                    Suzy Brown (7)             0:10:52.3
 41    40  Madison                    Michaela Ortega (7)        0:10:53.0
 42    41  Madison                    Christine Lasare (7)       0:10:54.3
 43    42  Jefferson                  Armetta Courtney (7)       0:10:55.9
 44    43  Kennedy                    Micki Harring (7)          0:11:00.6
 45    44  Gregory                    Marjuni Jones (7)          0:11:01.6
 46    45  Lincoln                    Alieen Beernink (7)        0:11:01.9
 47        Jefferson                  Saah Kyla (7)              0:11:02.1
 48        Jefferson                  Dzamashvili Anna (7)       0:11:06.4
 49    46  Lincoln                    Megan Donahue (7)          0:11:09.5
 50    47  Gregory                    Rachel Kay (7)             0:11:09.8
 51        Jefferson                  Lucks Ilana (7)            0:11:10.2
 52        Washington                 Lizzi Piazza (7)           0:11:10.8
 53    48  Lincoln                    Samantha Long (7)          0:11:17.4
 54        Jefferson                  Kautza Katie (7)           0:11:17.7
 55    49  Crone                      Rebecca Ludford (7)        0:11:17.9
 56    50  Granger                    Paige Troutman (7)         0:11:19.3
 57    51  Granger                    Riana Johnson (7)          0:11:19.8
 58    52  Granger                    Rachel Castronova (7)      0:11:20.2
 59    53  Scullen                    Christy Howard (7)         0:11:20.5
 60    54  Madison                    Laura Mixen (7)            0:11:20.8
 61        Washington                 Emily Sheu (7)             0:11:21.1
 62    55  Kennedy                    Stephanie Bian (7)         0:11:21.5
 63    56  Crone                      Lindsay Colvin (7)         0:11:23.6
 64        Washington                 Caitlin Heneghan (7)       0:11:27.9
 65    57  Gregory                    Brittney Jadwin (7)        0:11:29.1
 66    58  Granger                    Katie Markham (7)          0:11:29.5
 67    59  Lincoln                    Colleen Huck (7)           0:11:30.2
 68        Granger                    Ally Ornelaz (7)           0:11:30.5
 69        Lincoln                    Kelsey Horton (7)          0:11:33.4
 70    60  Gregory                    Brianna Choquette (7)      0:11:33.8
 71    61  Scullen                    Yendy Hobeica (7)          0:11:34.2
 72    62  Kennedy                    Colleen Coyne (7)          0:11:35.2
 73        Gregory                    Sammi Ma (7)               0:11:41.5
 74    63  Hill                       Rebecca Scupin (7)         0:11:43.0
 75        Granger                    Nicholle Hines (7)         0:11:46.0
 76    64  Scullen                    Madeline Yasuda (7)        0:11:46.3
 77        Gregory                    Stephany Moberg (7)        0:11:47.1
 78        Jefferson                  Veglia Lucia (7)           0:11:47.6
 79        Jefferson                  O'Callaghan Rachel (7)     0:11:48.3
 80        Jefferson                  Dzamashvili Salome (7)     0:11:49.1
 81        Lincoln                    Katherine Behr (7)         0:11:50.4
 82        Lincoln                    Drew Snyder (7)            0:11:51.0
 83        Jefferson                  Nannetti Alyssa (7)        0:11:51.6
 84        Washington                 Erin Oechsel (7)           0:11:55.3
 85        Granger                    Megan Gregory (7)          0:11:56.0
 86        Gregory                    Rebecca Coyne (7)          0:11:57.2
 87        Granger                    Deborah Cronin (7)         0:11:58.0
 88        Kennedy                    Cory Schillerstrom (7)     0:11:58.4
 89        Jefferson                  Getz Katie (7)             0:11:58.8
 90        Gregory                    Molly McCann (7)           0:11:59.3
 91        Jefferson                  Feldott Kalie (7)          0:11:59.6
 92        Lincoln                    Peggy Meyer (7)            0:12:00.0
 93        Jefferson                  Lueders Kate (7)           0:12:00.8
 94        Jefferson                  Kimbrell Liz (7)           0:12:01.3
 95        Gregory                    Nicole Dutton (7)          0:12:02.5
 96        Gregory                    Kristina Stokes (7)        0:12:03.0
 97        Jefferson                  Corning Joryn (7)          0:12:07.0
 98    65  Scullen                    Kaitlyn Sweda (7)          0:12:08.1
 99        Granger                    Heather Gibbs (7)          0:12:09.8
100        Kennedy                    Kaley Florio (7)           0:12:13.4
101        Lincoln                    Diana Abens (7)            0:12:13.7
102        Hill                       Lauren Ostberg (7)         0:12:14.5
103        Jefferson                  Feltner Holly (7)          0:12:14.8
104        Lincoln                    Colleen Berry (7)          0:12:15.8
105        Hill                       Emily Bax (7)              0:12:22.9
106        Jefferson                  Zhang Wen (7)              0:12:24.4
107        Kennedy                    Jennifer Lamm (7)          0:12:26.5
108    66  Madison                    Kaylene Sobeck (7)         0:12:29.9
109    67  Madison                    Megan Logan (7)            0:12:31.6
110        Gregory                    Rachele DellaTorre (7)     0:12:39.7
111        Hill                       Kacy Moser (7)             0:12:46.6
112        Gregory                    Anna Nuxoll (7)            0:12:50.9
113        Washington                 Sarah Moir (7)             0:12:55.2
114    68  Crone                      Kandice Gustafson (7)      0:12:56.3
115        Washington                 Zoe Gerstle (7)            0:12:59.5
116        Gregory                    Nicole Giovenco (7)        0:12:59.9
117        Hill                       Alicia Smith (7)           0:13:00.3
118        Gregory                    Kristin Amann (7)          0:13:02.3
119        Jefferson                  Hong Jessica (7)           0:13:06.6
120        Kennedy                    Cathy Gassner (7)          0:13:10.8
121        Hill                       Caitlyn Arquette (7)       0:13:13.9
122        Granger                    Emily Densmore (7)         0:13:16.7
123        Kennedy                    Natalie Large (7)          0:13:23.3
124        Jefferson                  Wang Katherine (7)         0:13:34.9
125        Madison                    Jyoti Mishra (7)           0:13:36.4
126        Lincoln                    Erin Stablein (7)          0:13:42.5
127        Washington                 Amber Rankins (7)          0:13:45.0
128        Gregory                    Sarah Klein (7)            0:13:53.1
129        Kennedy                    Gina DeAngelis (7)         0:13:58.9
130        Gregory                    Laura Czekanski (7)        0:14:16.4
131        Gregory                    Ashley Caffarelli (7)      0:14:19.7
132        Jefferson                  VanSlobig Megan (7)        0:14:35.4
133        Granger                    Kinnary Desai (7)          0:14:44.1
134        Gregory                    Zoya Hussain (7)           0:14:59.4
135        Madison                    Neha Mahajan (7)           0:15:01.1
136        Hill                       Monica Pulgine (7)         0:15:02.9
137        Granger                    Cara Grula (7)             0:16:58.4
138        Gregory                    Swati Bhagavatula (7)      0:21:04.5
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Washington                    52        1,   5,   7,  14,  25,  32,  34
  2   Hill                          81        9,  10,  12,  20,  30,  37,  63
  3   Jefferson                    100       16,  17,  19,  22,  26,  29,  42
  4   Kennedy                      129       13,  15,  27,  31,  43,  55,  62
  5   Granger                      141        3,   4,  33,  50,  51,  52,  58
  6   Madison                      149        6,   8,  40,  41,  54,  66,  67
  7   Gregory                      159        2,  28,  38,  44,  47,  57,  60
  8   Scullen                      179       18,  23,  24,  53,  61,  64,  65
  9   Lincoln                      186       21,  35,  39,  45,  46,  48,  59
 10   Crone                        220       11,  36,  49,  56,  68
 11   Still                      No Score - Had only 0 finishers
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Washington                 49:54    9:59   0:52    9:32,  9:44, 10:00, 10:14, 10:24, 10:35
  2  Hill                       51:13   10:15   0:25   10:06, 10:08, 10:10, 10:18, 10:31, 10:45
  3  Jefferson                  51:37   10:19   0:10   10:16, 10:17, 10:18, 10:20, 10:26, 10:29
  4  Granger                    52:22   10:28   1:47    9:33,  9:33, 10:36, 11:20, 11:20, 11:21
  5  Kennedy                    52:28   10:30   0:49   10:12, 10:15, 10:26, 10:34, 11:01, 11:22
  6  Gregory                    52:59   10:36   1:38    9:32, 10:29, 10:46, 11:02, 11:10, 11:29
  7  Madison                    53:09   10:38   1:23    9:58, 10:02, 10:53, 10:55, 11:21, 12:30
  8  Scullen                    54:01   10:48   1:17   10:18, 10:23, 10:24, 11:21, 11:35, 11:47
  9  Lincoln                    54:08   10:50   0:51   10:19, 10:44, 10:53, 11:02, 11:10, 11:18
 10  Crone                      56:33   11:19   2:47   10:10, 10:44, 11:18, 11:24, 12:57
 11  Still                     No Score                
Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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