Individual Results
2002 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 22, 2002 Girls 8th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Jefferson DeBerge Maggie (8) 0:08:48.5 2 2 Lincoln Emily Fischer (8) 0:09:16.2 3 3 Crone Glynn Fitzer (8) 0:09:24.3 4 4 Lincoln Abby Higgins (8) 0:09:32.3 5 5 Kennedy Stephanie Zec (8) 0:09:37.3 6 6 Madison Holly Debuck (8) 0:09:46.7 7 7 Madison Molly McClowry (8) 0:10:01.3 8 8 Crone Caley Egan (8) 0:10:01.7 9 9 Kennedy Brittany Prazak (8) 0:10:02.2 10 10 Lincoln Erin Kelleher (8) 0:10:02.7 11 11 Gregory Jeanine Kay (8) 0:10:03.2 12 12 Gregory Alyse Shoemaker (8) 0:10:06.4 13 13 Scullen Alex Burzynski (8) 0:10:10.8 14 14 Lincoln Eileen Meyer (8) 0:10:16.7 15 15 Jefferson D'Addio Katie (8) 0:10:18.2 16 16 Hill Diane Binder (8) 0:10:18.9 17 17 Washington Jessica Shoger (8) 0:10:19.9 18 18 Washington Kristen Painter (8) 0:10:21.6 19 19 Madison Lauren Dardanes (8) 0:10:22.5 20 20 Scullen Danielle Fritz (8) 0:10:23.2 21 21 Washington Cindy Wu (8) 0:10:24.6 22 22 Hill Whitney Riker (8) 0:10:26.6 23 23 Kennedy Kristen Appelson (8) 0:10:27.4 24 24 Kennedy Jamie Harney (8) 0:10:27.9 25 25 Lincoln Allyce Husband (8) 0:10:28.5 26 26 Lincoln Kate McMullan (8) 0:10:30.5 27 27 Kennedy Megan Diamond (8) 0:10:35.8 28 28 Crone Lindsay Davidson (8) 0:10:37.5 29 29 Kennedy Nicole Ashley (8) 0:10:43.6 30 30 Jefferson Hovland Lauren (8) 0:10:44.2 31 31 Lincoln Mollie Szmurlo (8) 0:10:48.1 32 Lincoln Sinead Robinson-Cast (8) 0:10:49.0 33 32 Madison Alyssa Harder (8) 0:10:49.5 34 33 Kennedy Lauren Wray (8) 0:10:50.3 35 34 Madison Nora Brosnan (8) 0:10:51.2 36 35 Gregory Lindsey Hagmayer (8) 0:10:55.8 37 Kennedy Natalia Bravo (8) 0:10:56.3 38 36 Washington Elspeth Keables (8) 0:10:57.3 39 Kennedy Katie Harte (8) 0:10:57.9 40 37 Scullen Shannon Coyne (8) 0:10:58.1 41 38 Madison Gina Shawon (8) 0:10:58.8 42 39 Scullen Lauren Fialkowski (8) 0:11:00.3 43 40 Scullen Courtney Melocik (8) 0:11:03.0 44 41 Gregory Lauren Moser (8) 0:11:03.7 45 42 Still Sally Lacy (8) 0:11:04.5 46 43 Jefferson McLerran Jessica (8) 0:11:04.8 47 44 Jefferson Gualano Lisa (8) 0:11:05.0 48 Kennedy Paige Witmer (8) 0:11:05.6 49 Kennedy Kandice Debnar (8) 0:11:06.5 50 Kennedy Jamie Mochel (8) 0:11:08.4 51 45 Jefferson Marnell Kara (8) 0:11:08.8 52 Granger Alicia Mapston (8) 0:11:10.0 53 Lincoln Jessica Erwin (8) 0:11:15.0 54 46 Crone Erin McClure (8) 0:11:16.0 55 Granger Kasey Sabin (8) 0:11:16.6 56 Lincoln Elisabeth Lawrence (8) 0:11:20.2 57 47 Jefferson Tarun Samiksha (8) 0:11:21.2 58 Jefferson Brown Mary (8) 0:11:21.8 59 Jefferson Fiala Steph (8) 0:11:22.5 60 48 Crone Caitlin Horton (8) 0:11:23.0 61 Jefferson Fuqua Katy (8) 0:11:24.6 62 49 Washington Erin Yargicoglu (8) 0:11:24.8 63 50 Madison Amy Burke (8) 0:11:25.1 64 Madison Jackie Powell (8) 0:11:28.0 65 Kennedy Jillian Scott (8) 0:11:29.1 66 Kennedy Mattie Goltermann (8) 0:11:29.9 67 Lincoln Lauren Riley (8) 0:11:30.6 68 Kennedy Gianna Florio (8) 0:11:31.5 69 Madison Amanda Price (8) 0:11:31.8 70 Jefferson Dakis Kristina (8) 0:11:32.4 71 Lincoln Lisel Neumann (8) 0:11:33.9 72 Lincoln Allina Hsieh (8) 0:11:35.0 73 Lincoln Lisa Marques (8) 0:11:35.4 74 Jefferson Johnson Katie (8) 0:11:36.8 75 51 Scullen Katherine Muhich (8) 0:11:39.0 76 Madison Sarah Lutgen (8) 0:11:39.7 77 52 Hill Kelly Anderson (8) 0:11:40.1 78 Jefferson Hatch Lizzy (8) 0:11:40.3 79 Madison Rebecca Halleck (8) 0:11:42.2 80 Kennedy Karissa VanHooser (8) 0:11:42.9 81 53 Gregory Lauren Meschino (8) 0:11:45.1 82 54 Hill Cara Ruffo (8) 0:11:45.7 83 55 Still Waileen Chu (8) 0:11:46.1 84 Jefferson Zhang Lisa (8) 0:11:47.2 85 Kennedy Katie Arford (8) 0:11:47.9 86 56 Gregory Erin Tulloch (8) 0:11:50.9 87 57 Washington Megan Olszewski (8) 0:11:53.5 88 Lincoln Kailey Welker (8) 0:11:54.0 89 58 Scullen Kelsey McKean (8) 0:11:54.7 90 Scullen Alyssa Box (8) 0:11:59.9 91 Jefferson Hwang Michelle (8) 0:12:06.9 92 Kennedy Leah Goodman (8) 0:12:07.8 93 Kennedy Nicole Lamond (8) 0:12:09.7 94 Kennedy Lauren Maximovich (8) 0:12:12.0 95 Kennedy Maggie DeTamble (8) 0:12:14.7 96 Madison Nada Gohar (8) 0:12:15.9 97 Madison Alex Evans (8) 0:12:19.1 98 Jefferson Laws Katie (8) 0:12:19.5 99 Kennedy Megan Considine (8) 0:12:20.2 100 Kennedy Gigi Steinbarth (8) 0:12:21.6 101 Kennedy Katie Sullivan (8) 0:12:23.5 102 59 Crone Arianna Duncan (8) 0:12:25.0 103 Jefferson Bauman Jen (8) 0:12:26.4 104 Jefferson Sun Christina (8) 0:12:26.7 105 60 Gregory Cara Jensen (8) 0:12:27.1 106 Madison Meredith Mueller (8) 0:12:27.5 107 Lincoln Kim Naruszewicz (8) 0:12:28.0 108 Gregory Jennifer Buzzelli (8) 0:12:29.5 109 61 Still Alicia Chaney (8) 0:12:30.3 110 Lincoln Suzy Alvarez (8) 0:12:32.2 111 62 Still Denise Victorin (8) 0:12:32.6 112 63 Hill Taylor Cottingham (8) 0:12:35.6 113 Gregory Megen Lube (8) 0:12:37.4 114 Jefferson Motan Selin (8) 0:12:44.1 115 64 Washington Natalie Harris (8) 0:12:48.7 116 Lincoln Allie Mouche (8) 0:12:49.3 117 Kennedy Jessica DiLiberto (8) 0:12:51.1 118 65 Crone Kayta Fee (8) 0:12:54.3 119 Lincoln Lisa Hong (8) 0:12:57.1 120 66 Hill Temi Okubadejo (8) 0:12:58.5 121 Kennedy Ashley Minor (8) 0:13:04.4 122 Jefferson Fritz Kayla (8) 0:13:05.1 123 Crone Jill Chapple (8) 0:13:08.2 124 Granger Allie Monahan (8) 0:13:12.0 125 Madison Kiley Eberhardt (8) 0:13:12.9 126 Jefferson You Liz (8) 0:13:16.9 127 Gregory Ellie Javadi (8) 0:13:22.0 128 Scullen Alexis Skibinski (8) 0:13:22.9 129 Lincoln Margaret Foley (8) 0:13:31.3 130 Jefferson Simon Lindsey (8) 0:13:47.9 131 Lincoln Katie Scatina (8) 0:13:52.7 132 67 Hill Madeline Sullivan (8) 0:14:45.4 133 Kennedy Aparna Ramakrishnan (8) 0:14:48.9 134 Madison Alyssa Barrett (8) 0:14:54.7 135 Lincoln Hillary Buller (8) 0:14:55.8 136 Kennedy Rachel Greene (8) 0:15:08.8 137 68 Still Valerie Reece (8) 0:15:26.2 138 Kennedy Kayla Andalina (8) 0:15:28.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 55 2, 4, 10, 14, 25, 26, 31 2 Kennedy 88 5, 9, 23, 24, 27, 29, 33 3 Madison 98 6, 7, 19, 32, 34, 38, 50 4 Jefferson 133 1, 15, 30, 43, 44, 45, 47 5 Crone 133 3, 8, 28, 46, 48, 59, 65 6 Washington 141 17, 18, 21, 36, 49, 57, 64 7 Scullen 149 13, 20, 37, 39, 40, 51, 58 8 Gregory 152 11, 12, 35, 41, 53, 56, 60 9 Hill 207 16, 22, 52, 54, 63, 66, 67 10 Still 288 42, 55, 61, 62, 68 11 Granger No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 49:39 9:56 1:12 9:17, 9:33, 10:03, 10:17, 10:29, 10:31 2 Kennedy 51:13 10:15 0:58 9:38, 10:03, 10:28, 10:28, 10:36, 10:44 3 Madison 51:54 10:23 1:05 9:47, 10:02, 10:23, 10:50, 10:52, 10:59 4 Jefferson 52:03 10:25 2:16 8:49, 10:19, 10:45, 11:05, 11:05, 11:09 5 Crone 52:44 10:33 1:58 9:25, 10:02, 10:38, 11:16, 11:23, 12:25 6 Washington 53:30 10:42 1:05 10:20, 10:22, 10:25, 10:58, 11:25, 11:54 7 Scullen 53:37 10:43 0:52 10:11, 10:24, 10:58, 11:01, 11:03, 11:39 8 Gregory 53:56 10:47 1:41 10:04, 10:07, 10:56, 11:04, 11:45, 11:51 9 Hill 56:48 11:22 2:17 10:19, 10:27, 11:40, 11:46, 12:36, 12:59 10 Still 63:22 12:40 4:22 11:05, 11:46, 12:31, 12:33, 15:27 11 Granger No Score 11:10, 11:17, 13:12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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