Individual Results
2009 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 20, 2009 Boys 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Lincoln Michael Marchionna (7) 0:08:47.0 2 2 Crone Matt Horsley (7) 0:08:50.9 3 3 Washington Christian Moore (7) 0:08:53.0 4 4 Jefferson Matty Sylvester (7) 0:08:59.9 5 5 Gregory Kevin Wollnik (7) 0:09:05.1 6 6 Kennedy Kerry Gschwendner (7) 0:09:07.1 7 7 Jefferson Emanuel Garcia (7) 0:09:07.9 8 8 Madison Max Goodwin (7) 0:09:10.5 9 9 Lincoln Kyler Wujciga (7) 0:09:25.8 10 10 Crone Daniel Weiss (7) 0:09:26.1 11 11 Washington Max Ludeke (7) 0:09:36.0 12 12 Crone Colin Weidman (7) 0:09:36.4 13 13 Madison Brendan Feehan (7) 0:09:40.5 14 14 Granger Ben Casselman (7) 0:09:42.9 15 15 Lincoln Joe Lawerence (7) 0:09:43.5 16 16 Scullen Chandler Lang (7) 0:09:44.2 17 17 Washington Dan Henessy (7) 0:09:49.1 18 18 Kennedy Conor Coyne (7) 0:09:50.2 19 19 Jefferson Naman Priyadarshi (7) 0:09:51.7 20 20 Fischer Dean Pineda (7) 0:09:55.2 21 21 Lincoln Thomas Cushing (7) 0:09:56.3 22 22 Madison Andrew Bigott (7) 0:09:57.0 23 23 Lincoln Joel Pelkonen (7) 0:10:00.2 24 24 Madison Gareth Pestrak (7) 0:10:02.2 25 25 Washington Carl Zaba (7) 0:10:02.8 26 26 Washington Christopher Gamble (7) 0:10:03.3 27 27 Crone Andrew Merkley (7) 0:10:05.5 28 28 Madison Andrew Shao (7) 0:10:06.3 29 29 Madison Douglas Hui (7) 0:10:07.5 30 30 Madison Adam Borgetti (7) 0:10:08.5 31 31 Kennedy Nate Olejnik (7) 0:10:09.2 32 32 Kennedy Noah Tang (7) 0:10:09.6 33 Madison Sobieski John (7) 0:10:13.0 34 33 Hill Brendan McGrath (7) 0:10:14.6 35 34 Crone Quinn Kalinowski (7) 0:10:15.2 36 35 Kennedy Kent Lang (7) 0:10:16.1 37 36 Jefferson Charlie Mackh (7) 0:10:18.3 38 37 Washington Lukas Skucus (7) 0:10:19.5 39 38 Scullen Aidan Collins (7) 0:10:21.2 40 39 Granger Matt Salerno (7) 0:10:23.5 41 Madison Conor Feehan (7) 0:10:26.2 42 40 Gregory Drew Rouches (7) 0:10:29.0 43 41 Kennedy Nick Blazek (7) 0:10:29.6 44 42 Crone John Stavropolous (7) 0:10:30.6 45 43 Gregory Adam Rice (7) 0:10:31.6 46 44 Fischer Ben Gruman (7) 0:10:33.4 47 45 Washington Ryan Drendel (7) 0:10:36.0 48 46 Gregory Michael Pasqurella (7) 0:10:38.8 49 47 Jefferson Rohit Rastogi (7) 0:10:39.1 50 48 Still Mitch Pokora (7) 0:10:40.7 51 49 Crone David Kives (7) 0:10:45.0 52 50 Kennedy Tolya Kuznetsov (7) 0:10:45.4 53 51 Fischer Michael Julius (7) 0:10:46.4 54 52 Lincoln Michael Murphy (7) 0:10:49.2 55 53 Fischer Krishna Appalaneni (7) 0:10:50.7 56 Madison Ian Bigott (7) 0:10:51.0 57 Kennedy David Wu (7) 0:10:51.5 58 Crone Andy Thompson (7) 0:10:53.6 59 54 Fischer Joshua Barlas (7) 0:10:54.2 60 Madison Sebastian Kazun (7) 0:10:55.1 61 55 Hill Mike Diamone (7) 0:10:55.7 62 56 Gregory William Nutt (7) 0:10:58.8 63 57 Granger Michael Gao (7) 0:10:59.3 64 58 Jefferson Ty Doeing (7) 0:10:59.7 65 Madison Caleb Nash (7) 0:11:00.0 66 Crone Max Rainer (7) 0:11:00.4 67 Kennedy Alec Mckeska (7) 0:11:01.0 68 Madison Ryan Partelow (7) 0:11:01.7 69 59 Scullen Daniel Park (7) 0:11:02.2 70 Kennedy Davis Zhang (7) 0:11:06.6 71 Madison Nick Gianacakos (7) 0:11:08.3 72 Madison Kevin Wandke (7) 0:11:09.8 73 60 Lincoln Zach Burk (7) 0:11:10.3 74 61 Gregory Danny Ramljak (7) 0:11:10.5 75 62 Scullen Brady McLaughlin (7) 0:11:11.8 76 63 Jefferson Ian Barnard (7) 0:11:12.2 77 64 Fischer William Gnesda (7) 0:11:12.9 78 65 Fischer Matt Lawless (7) 0:11:13.6 79 66 Still Jared Kuhel (7) 0:11:14.6 80 Kennedy Nick Johansen (7) 0:11:18.5 81 Lincoln Nick Saylor (7) 0:11:19.9 82 67 Scullen Tommy Berard (7) 0:11:20.2 83 68 Still Joshua Krischke (7) 0:11:20.6 84 69 Still Evan Kuhel (7) 0:11:21.0 85 Crone Mike Reilly (7) 0:11:21.5 86 70 Gregory Scott Strom (7) 0:11:22.5 87 Fischer Kyle Atwood (7) 0:11:23.0 88 71 Scullen Drew Cramer (7) 0:11:23.9 89 Kennedy Jeff Chao (7) 0:11:24.6 90 Fischer Martin Ripinskas (7) 0:11:28.6 91 72 Hill Matt Herrmann (7) 0:11:29.6 92 73 Scullen Max Houck (7) 0:11:30.0 93 Kennedy Matthew Wu (7) 0:11:31.1 94 Scullen Jeff Qian (7) 0:11:32.1 95 Lincoln Aaron Pevitz (7) 0:11:33.3 96 Madison Kyle Lam (7) 0:11:34.9 97 Kennedy Drew Aronson (7) 0:11:40.6 98 Kennedy Zach Greenberg (7) 0:11:47.0 99 Washington Tommy Bliefuss (7) 0:11:47.6 100 Fischer Mikah Greene (7) 0:11:48.9 101 Gregory Drew Welsh (7) 0:11:49.4 102 Crone Matt Bernstein (7) 0:11:50.1 103 Washington Jacob Goldberg (7) 0:11:50.8 104 Kennedy Michael Toennies (7) 0:11:51.5 105 Kennedy David Holzer (7) 0:11:53.9 106 Washington Ben Caine (7) 0:11:55.0 107 Madison Minas Rasoulis (7) 0:11:56.0 108 Crone Adam Harland (7) 0:11:57.8 109 Washington George Thompson (7) 0:11:58.3 110 Scullen Raymond Pu (7) 0:11:59.5 111 Kennedy Jack Seifert (7) 0:11:59.8 112 Crone Tyler Klus (7) 0:12:00.6 113 74 Still Joe Johnson (7) 0:12:01.0 114 Fischer Nikolas Zubic (7) 0:12:02.3 115 Kennedy Jack Strevell (7) 0:12:02.6 116 Gregory Ismail Ahmad (7) 0:12:03.0 117 Jefferson Matt Brown (7) 0:12:03.6 118 75 Hill Kevin Pressl (7) 0:12:04.5 119 Fischer Gerardo Aguilar (7) 0:12:05.5 120 Madison Jackson Satterlee (7) 0:12:06.0 121 Kennedy Ryan Long (7) 0:12:09.8 122 Jefferson Matt Kaufman (7) 0:12:12.2 123 Gregory Robert Barr (7) 0:12:25.9 124 76 Hill Dane Smith (7) 0:12:30.9 125 Jefferson Alex Thomas (7) 0:12:31.7 126 77 Granger Conor Marcum (7) 0:12:34.1 127 Lincoln Jacob Verrey (7) 0:12:35.2 128 78 Hill Edward Li (7) 0:12:38.4 129 Gregory Ben Sabourin (7) 0:12:42.4 130 Lincoln Calvin Ro (7) 0:12:43.7 131 Kennedy Colin Mikulec (7) 0:12:44.7 132 79 Still Bradin Krug (7) 0:12:49.4 133 Washington Ben Warren (7) 0:12:49.8 134 Kennedy Andrew Zheng (7) 0:12:54.5 135 Madison William Hess (7) 0:13:04.7 136 Kennedy Allen Peng (7) 0:13:06.7 137 Gregory Jeremy Shin (7) 0:13:07.6 138 80 Hill Matt Tune (7) 0:13:26.8 139 Jefferson Kostia Mikayenia (7) 0:13:29.2 140 81 Granger John Silvestri (7) 0:13:31.0 141 Scullen Matt Holt (7) 0:13:41.7 142 Fischer Michael Crane (7) 0:13:44.1 143 Lincoln Alex Walsh (7) 0:13:45.0 144 Gregory Nicholas Buckley (7) 0:13:53.0 145 Gregory Peter Boyle (7) 0:13:54.0 146 Gregory Karthic Achari (7) 0:14:03.4 147 Gregory Shariq Bokhari (7) 0:14:09.7 148 Crone Alex Birkenbeuel (7) 0:14:12.5 149 Crone Anthony Ma (7) 0:14:22.2 150 Crone James Sopkin (7) 0:14:24.5 151 Kennedy Pranav Ramineni (7) 0:14:32.5 152 Gregory Advith Vashist (7) 0:14:33.1 153 Kennedy Eric Zhao (7) 0:14:48.4 154 Gregory Haris Mansur (7) 0:15:31.7 155 82 Granger Matthew Nielsen (7) 0:15:45.5 156 Fischer Joseph Siegler (7) 0:15:46.3 157 Kennedy Nishaad Navkal (7) 0:16:15.9 158 Kennedy Abu Khan (7) 0:16:23.0 159 Jefferson George Ponko (7) 0:16:27.5 160 Jefferson Andrew Bond-Harris (7) 0:17:41.2 161 Hill Kaival Patel (7) 0:21:50.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 69 1, 9, 15, 21, 23, 52, 60 2 Washington 82 3, 11, 17, 25, 26, 37, 45 3 Crone 85 2, 10, 12, 27, 34, 42, 49 4 Madison 95 8, 13, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30 5 Jefferson 113 4, 7, 19, 36, 47, 58, 63 6 Kennedy 122 6, 18, 31, 32, 35, 41, 50 7 Gregory 190 5, 40, 43, 46, 56, 61, 70 8 Fischer 222 20, 44, 51, 53, 54, 64, 65 9 Scullen 242 16, 38, 59, 62, 67, 71, 73 10 Granger 268 14, 39, 57, 77, 81, 82 11 Hill 311 33, 55, 72, 75, 76, 78, 80 12 Still 325 48, 66, 68, 69, 74, 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 47:55 9:35 1:14 8:47, 9:26, 9:44, 9:57, 10:01, 10:50 2 Crone 48:16 9:39 1:25 8:51, 9:26, 9:37, 10:06, 10:16, 10:31 3 Washington 48:26 9:41 1:11 8:53, 9:36, 9:50, 10:03, 10:04, 10:20 4 Jefferson 48:58 9:48 1:39 9:00, 9:08, 9:52, 10:19, 10:39, 11:00 5 Madison 48:59 9:48 0:56 9:11, 9:41, 9:57, 10:03, 10:07, 10:08 6 Kennedy 49:35 9:55 1:10 9:07, 9:51, 10:10, 10:10, 10:17, 10:30 7 Gregory 51:44 10:21 1:54 9:05, 10:29, 10:32, 10:39, 10:59, 11:11 8 Fischer 53:03 10:37 0:59 9:56, 10:34, 10:47, 10:51, 10:55, 11:13 9 Scullen 53:43 10:45 1:36 9:45, 10:22, 11:03, 11:12, 11:21, 11:24 10 Still 56:39 11:20 1:20 10:41, 11:15, 11:21, 11:21, 12:01, 12:50 11 Granger 57:12 11:26 3:48 9:43, 10:24, 11:00, 12:34, 13:31, 15:46 12 Hill 57:17 11:27 2:16 10:15, 10:56, 11:30, 12:05, 12:31, 12:39 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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