Individual Results
2009 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 20, 2009 Boys 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Kennedy Jake Pecorin (8) 0:11:23.1 2 2 Jefferson Luke Landiak (8) 0:11:30.6 3 3 Jefferson Kevin Drake (8) 0:11:53.1 4 4 Jefferson Evan Harrison (8) 0:11:53.8 5 5 Jefferson Michael Drake (8) 0:11:57.0 6 6 Fischer Zach Howerton (8) 0:11:57.3 7 7 Scullen Daniel Byczynski (8) 0:11:59.4 8 8 Scullen Mike Baker (8) 0:12:00.1 9 9 Scullen Nick Bushelle (8) 0:12:06.2 10 10 Lincoln Brad Holland (8) 0:12:10.4 11 11 Lincoln Ryan Auld (8) 0:12:11.0 12 12 Scullen Ryan Hanselman (8) 0:12:11.4 13 13 Kennedy Zachary Adcock (8) 0:12:16.7 14 14 Madison Christian Schafer (8) 0:12:18.2 15 15 Fischer Stephen Scott (8) 0:12:20.9 16 16 Fischer Garrett Eicher (8) 0:12:22.7 17 17 Lincoln Cory Burkwald (8) 0:12:28.6 18 18 Scullen Bailey York (8) 0:12:28.9 19 19 Lincoln Justin Geisler (8) 0:12:30.2 20 20 Kennedy Robert Prazak (8) 0:12:36.6 21 21 Scullen Chris Storm (8) 0:12:37.9 22 22 Washington Nikita Keenen (8) 0:12:44.6 23 23 Lincoln Tim Gianopoulos (8) 0:12:45.1 24 24 Kennedy Thomas Rotter (8) 0:12:45.7 25 25 Jefferson Joe Rickwalder (8) 0:12:46.2 26 26 Kennedy Charles Zega (8) 0:12:47.1 27 27 Kennedy Jonathan Ashley (8) 0:12:48.5 28 28 Scullen Ben Cotter (8) 0:12:49.1 29 29 Jefferson Simon Garcia (8) 0:12:55.2 30 30 Kennedy Ben Jobst (8) 0:12:58.2 31 31 Madison Carl Sladkey (8) 0:12:58.7 32 32 Madison Justin Gilette (8) 0:12:59.5 33 Scullen Brendan Lynch (8) 0:13:02.5 34 33 Crone Tyler Laudeman (8) 0:13:02.9 35 34 Gregory Justin Hunt (8) 0:13:04.2 36 Kennedy Kyle Olifirowicz (8) 0:13:05.6 37 Scullen Zack Willig (8) 0:13:06.4 38 35 Washington Garrett Martin (8) 0:13:08.1 39 Kennedy Caleb Knapp (8) 0:13:09.0 40 36 Crone Nate Mollway (8) 0:13:11.3 41 37 Granger Trevor Scarlett (8) 0:13:14.1 42 38 Lincoln Charlie Reice (8) 0:13:15.7 43 Kennedy Ben Martin (8) 0:13:16.9 44 Kennedy Patrick Seeden (8) 0:13:17.6 45 Kennedy Cameron Snyders (8) 0:13:18.1 46 39 Hill Zack Kolar (8) 0:13:18.9 47 40 Madison Luke Beasley (8) 0:13:19.6 48 41 Washington Riley Carlson (8) 0:13:21.1 49 Scullen Austin White (8) 0:13:21.5 50 Kennedy Raymond Chang (8) 0:13:22.9 51 Scullen Keaton Shifer (8) 0:13:23.6 52 42 Granger Colin Hogan (8) 0:13:30.8 53 Kennedy William Xu (8) 0:13:31.3 54 Scullen Justin DesLaurier (8) 0:13:31.8 55 Scullen Vincent Lu (8) 0:13:33.6 56 43 Hill Calvin Kessler (8) 0:13:35.3 57 Kennedy Spencer Mather (8) 0:13:36.1 58 44 Lincoln Robbie Levinson (8) 0:13:36.9 59 Kennedy Joe Lange (8) 0:13:38.3 60 45 Gregory Adam Wong (8) 0:13:39.2 61 Lincoln Sam Bransby (8) 0:13:42.8 62 46 Granger Justin Kuehn (8) 0:13:43.8 63 Lincoln C. J. Konopka (8) 0:13:46.5 64 47 Jefferson Zack Sebahar (8) 0:13:47.6 65 48 Madison Nick Albert (8) 0:13:48.6 66 49 Fischer Baha'a (Dean) Arbid (8) 0:14:02.2 67 50 Granger Johnny Wu (8) 0:14:03.7 68 51 Hill Calvin Nguyen (8) 0:14:04.6 69 52 Fischer Tyler Klimchek (8) 0:14:07.4 70 53 Madison Nick Smith (8) 0:14:09.3 71 54 Gregory Yi Chen (8) 0:14:10.2 72 Kennedy Will Donnelly (8) 0:14:10.8 73 55 Granger Joe Maggio (8) 0:14:11.2 74 Scullen Fiba Kelani (8) 0:14:11.6 75 56 Washington Nick Malone (8) 0:14:16.1 76 57 Washington Alex Linton (8) 0:14:20.6 77 58 Gregory Albert Leung (8) 0:14:21.0 78 59 Hill Sagar Punhani (8) 0:14:21.6 79 Jefferson Jacob Troy (8) 0:14:24.1 80 Kennedy Erik Nelson (8) 0:14:24.9 81 Lincoln Brian Froelich (8) 0:14:27.1 82 60 Gregory Peter Chen (8) 0:14:30.4 83 61 Hill Hitesh Varshney (8) 0:14:31.2 84 Jefferson Alan Han (8) 0:14:32.1 85 62 Washington Chris Daudish (8) 0:14:33.3 86 63 Washington Calvin Lundy (8) 0:14:34.6 87 64 Hill Blake Rankin (8) 0:14:35.2 88 65 Crone Ben Sopkin (8) 0:14:35.7 89 Jefferson Brian Mao (8) 0:14:36.0 90 66 Gregory Omar Mehio (8) 0:14:47.2 91 Kennedy Taylor Herr (8) 0:14:49.0 92 67 Crone Rafael Molina (8) 0:14:50.2 93 68 Madison Dan Trembacki (8) 0:14:50.9 94 Kennedy Rishi Kumar (8) 0:14:51.7 95 69 Gregory Mustafa Mansur (8) 0:14:54.4 96 Jefferson Kyle Sebahar (8) 0:14:55.0 97 Gregory Samuel Liesman (8) 0:14:56.0 98 Kennedy Hamad Niazi (8) 0:14:56.9 99 70 Crone David Hua (8) 0:14:58.8 100 Lincoln Connor McLean (8) 0:14:59.4 101 Washington Quentin Iozzo (8) 0:14:59.8 102 Gregory Michael Lukas (8) 0:15:00.5 103 71 Granger Ryan Luckinbill (8) 0:15:03.0 104 Washington Jorden Cores (8) 0:15:07.3 105 Madison Asmay Gharia (8) 0:15:08.6 106 72 Hill Drew Bronson (8) 0:15:13.2 107 Kennedy David Dement (8) 0:15:13.7 108 Kennedy Manuel Oliver (8) 0:15:14.9 109 73 Crone Philip Nebres (8) 0:15:16.6 110 Gregory Hafeez Shams (8) 0:15:17.9 111 Kennedy Douglas Houston (8) 0:15:19.8 112 Gregory Brendan Kim (8) 0:15:20.4 113 Gregory Joe Kaplan (8) 0:15:22.0 114 74 Crone Kevin Hill (8) 0:15:22.4 115 75 Fischer Tauras Buzelis (8) 0:15:26.8 116 Washington Aaron Gelblat-Bronson (8) 0:15:27.6 117 Jefferson David He (8) 0:15:28.2 118 Jefferson Tommy Hodges (8) 0:15:39.0 119 Hill Tim Danielsen (8) 0:15:39.3 120 Kennedy Yash Patel (8) 0:15:41.0 121 Crone Joseph Kiessling (8) 0:15:41.4 122 76 Fischer Austin Honn (8) 0:15:43.1 123 Washington Aaron May (8) 0:15:43.3 124 Hill Alex Giokas (8) 0:15:44.8 125 Lincoln Ethan Stagg (8) 0:15:46.7 126 Jefferson Nick Batmagai (8) 0:15:48.3 127 Lincoln Brian Sweeney (8) 0:15:52.5 128 Gregory Nicholas Rafacz (8) 0:15:54.6 129 Jefferson Joey Greco (8) 0:15:55.7 130 Fischer Thomas O'Donnell (8) 0:15:56.5 131 Jefferson Luke Skrabacz (8) 0:15:59.4 132 Madison Josh Clayton (8) 0:16:01.7 133 Hill Siva Gangavarapu (8) 0:16:10.9 134 Jefferson Tim Smith (8) 0:16:20.6 135 Kennedy Burhan Dohadwala (8) 0:16:25.9 136 Fischer Jason Marrs (8) 0:16:26.3 137 Lincoln Peter Ko (8) 0:16:27.0 138 Madison Frankie Donovan (8) 0:16:31.8 139 Hill Greg Lannert (8) 0:16:33.6 140 Scullen Dan Hansen (8) 0:16:36.9 141 Scullen Tony Lee (8) 0:16:39.2 142 Kennedy Sreyesh Satpathy (8) 0:16:41.2 143 Kennedy Edwin Ludwig (8) 0:16:50.2 144 77 Granger Conrad Long (8) 0:16:56.3 145 Granger Zac Cosenza (8) 0:16:57.0 146 Granger Judah O'Neil (8) 0:17:25.7 147 Granger Daniel Gilmore (8) 0:17:40.5 148 Hill Calvin Ives (8) 0:17:50.5 149 Washington David Williams (8) 0:17:54.9 150 Kennedy Azam Jamal (8) 0:18:17.5 151 Kennedy Kavinda Nissanka (8) 0:18:42.5 152 Kennedy Arpan Rau (8) 0:18:46.1 153 Lincoln Mark Sweeney (8) 0:18:54.9 154 Madison Alex Nguyen (8) 0:19:01.5 155 Madison Brandon Xia (8) 0:19:51.6 156 Still Jake Stellmach (8) 0:20:24.7 157 Jefferson Sushanth Sangem (8) 0:24:13.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jefferson 39 2, 3, 4, 5, 25, 29, 47 2 Scullen 54 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 21, 28 3 Lincoln 80 10, 11, 17, 19, 23, 38, 44 4 Kennedy 84 1, 13, 20, 24, 26, 27, 30 5 Fischer 138 6, 15, 16, 49, 52, 75, 76 6 Madison 165 14, 31, 32, 40, 48, 53, 68 7 Washington 211 22, 35, 41, 56, 57, 62, 63 8 Granger 230 37, 42, 46, 50, 55, 71, 77 9 Gregory 251 34, 45, 54, 58, 60, 66, 69 10 Hill 253 39, 43, 51, 59, 61, 64, 72 11 Crone 271 33, 36, 65, 67, 70, 73, 74 12 Still No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jefferson 60:02 12:00 1:16 11:31, 11:53, 11:54, 11:57, 12:47, 12:56 2 Scullen 60:48 12:10 0:29 12:00, 12:00, 12:07, 12:12, 12:29, 12:38 3 Kennedy 61:51 12:22 1:25 11:23, 12:17, 12:37, 12:46, 12:48, 12:49 4 Lincoln 62:07 12:25 0:34 12:11, 12:11, 12:29, 12:31, 12:45, 13:16 5 Fischer 64:53 12:59 2:10 11:58, 12:21, 12:23, 14:03, 14:08, 15:27 6 Madison 65:27 13:05 1:30 12:19, 12:59, 13:00, 13:20, 13:49, 14:10 7 Washington 67:51 13:34 1:36 12:45, 13:08, 13:21, 14:16, 14:21, 14:34 8 Granger 68:45 13:45 0:58 13:14, 13:31, 13:44, 14:04, 14:12, 15:03 9 Gregory 69:48 13:58 1:26 13:05, 13:40, 14:11, 14:21, 14:31, 14:48 10 Hill 69:54 13:59 1:13 13:19, 13:36, 14:05, 14:22, 14:32, 14:36 11 Crone 70:41 14:08 1:56 13:03, 13:12, 14:36, 14:51, 14:59, 15:17 12 Still No Score 20:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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