Individual Results
2009 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 20, 2009 Girls 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Kennedy Alex Moxon (8) 0:13:24.5 2 2 Kennedy Emma Loritz (8) 0:13:27.0 3 3 Lincoln Allie Ciha (8) 0:13:34.0 4 4 Jefferson Ashrita Rau (8) 0:13:48.8 5 5 Jefferson Maria McDaniel (8) 0:13:52.9 6 6 Hill Rachel Harris (8) 0:14:00.6 7 7 Scullen Komal Sharma (8) 0:14:01.8 8 8 Washington Sarah Pilgrim (8) 0:14:06.8 9 9 Scullen Amanda Borkowski (8) 0:14:09.3 10 10 Gregory Grace Soltys (8) 0:14:12.7 11 11 Jefferson Stephanie Mueller (8) 0:14:16.7 12 12 Crone Alexandra Drechsler (8) 0:14:17.0 13 13 Crone Shelby Pemberton (8) 0:14:18.4 14 14 Jefferson Elizabeth Holada (8) 0:14:19.9 15 15 Madison Ruta Roulickis (8) 0:14:20.9 16 16 Crone Claire Costelloe (8) 0:14:22.8 17 17 Kennedy Emily White (8) 0:14:23.7 18 18 Kennedy Kyra Hartley (8) 0:14:24.2 19 19 Granger Katie Lawrence (8) 0:14:29.1 20 20 Washington Jamie Cernak (8) 0:14:31.0 21 21 Kennedy Meghan McHugh (8) 0:14:32.6 22 22 Madison Isabel McCormack (8) 0:14:33.1 23 23 Fischer Allison Wilson (8) 0:14:34.2 24 24 Gregory Megan Tagler (8) 0:14:35.1 25 25 Madison Erin Stevens (8) 0:14:35.3 26 26 Kennedy Velvizhi Rathinavelu (8) 0:14:35.7 27 27 Jefferson Katie Anderson (8) 0:14:41.3 28 28 Lincoln Madison Conroy (8) 0:14:41.9 29 29 Lincoln Marybeth Blank (8) 0:14:43.2 30 30 Lincoln Sarah Spencer (8) 0:14:43.4 31 31 Gregory Delaney Gallagher (8) 0:14:43.9 32 32 Kennedy Laura Houston (8) 0:14:44.8 33 33 Gregory Kristen Kukla (8) 0:14:47.7 34 Kennedy Courtney Giebel (8) 0:14:49.2 35 34 Hill Robin Hosmer (8) 0:14:49.9 36 35 Gregory Hadley Hendrick (8) 0:14:51.5 37 36 Scullen Maddie Hunt (8) 0:14:56.9 38 37 Lincoln Betsi Terpin (8) 0:14:57.4 39 38 Crone Kylie Harnen (8) 0:15:00.7 40 39 Fischer Katie Benson (8) 0:15:02.8 41 Kennedy Megan Henderson (8) 0:15:03.4 42 40 Jefferson Haley McClain (8) 0:15:05.0 43 41 Madison Aija Williams (8) 0:15:10.1 44 Kennedy Alex Hill (8) 0:15:12.8 45 42 Jefferson Lilly Butler (8) 0:15:14.2 46 43 Granger Kendall Cast (8) 0:15:14.5 47 44 Scullen Kristen Schneider (8) 0:15:21.0 48 45 Madison Anne Daley (8) 0:15:21.3 49 46 Lincoln Phoebe Hayes (8) 0:15:22.0 50 47 Lincoln Lea Nanninga (8) 0:15:22.7 51 Jefferson Amanda Bushnell (8) 0:15:23.1 52 Kennedy Collette Paulsen (8) 0:15:27.5 53 Jefferson Sanya Jaffer (8) 0:15:29.7 54 48 Gregory Kathleen Britten (8) 0:15:30.0 55 49 Madison Sausan Loutfi (8) 0:15:30.6 56 Lincoln Jenna Hampton (8) 0:15:30.9 57 Kennedy Natalie Seeden (8) 0:15:31.3 58 50 Washington Juliana Dupuy (8) 0:15:31.5 59 Kennedy Sheel Vasavada (8) 0:15:33.8 60 51 Washington Mackenzie Mondek (8) 0:15:36.7 61 Lincoln Kotryna Staputyte (8) 0:15:37.9 62 Kennedy Priyesha Bijlani (8) 0:15:41.0 63 Jefferson Jeenal Mehta (8) 0:15:46.2 64 52 Washington Laurel Nalezny (8) 0:15:46.5 65 Kennedy Katie Xie (8) 0:15:47.8 66 53 Crone Megan Hiss (8) 0:15:48.8 67 Jefferson Caroline Saxon (8) 0:15:49.8 68 54 Scullen Clari De la Cruz (8) 0:15:53.4 69 55 Washington Jenny Schmult (8) 0:15:54.2 70 56 Washington Kalie Fallon (8) 0:15:54.6 71 57 Scullen Evelyn Hayhurst (8) 0:15:55.1 72 58 Madison Sonja Li (8) 0:15:57.4 73 59 Gregory Logan White (8) 0:15:58.0 74 Jefferson Anna Moore (8) 0:16:02.7 75 Gregory Haley Earnest (8) 0:16:04.3 76 60 Hill Analise Carmona (8) 0:16:05.5 77 Kennedy Julie Lang (8) 0:16:05.8 78 Jefferson Kaliegh Gaber (8) 0:16:07.5 79 Madison Nora Vandercar (8) 0:16:09.7 80 Lincoln Cynthia Sciabica (8) 0:16:15.8 81 Kennedy Annie Gassner (8) 0:16:17.5 82 Kennedy Alexa Cotton (8) 0:16:18.6 83 61 Crone Rebecca Klimczak (8) 0:16:19.2 84 62 Still Noelle Rae Thompson (8) 0:16:20.4 85 Jefferson Kyle Draghi (8) 0:16:23.3 86 Gregory Rebecca Wolfe (8) 0:16:24.9 87 Madison Ana Franco (8) 0:16:25.8 88 63 Crone Andrea Perry (8) 0:16:29.3 89 64 Scullen Jaya Prakash (8) 0:16:30.9 90 Gregory Kelsey Binkus (8) 0:16:31.8 91 Gregory Alessia Gjini (8) 0:16:32.7 92 Lincoln Jessica Sitton (8) 0:16:34.6 93 Kennedy Cindy Liu (8) 0:16:35.5 94 Lincoln Jennifer Cushing (8) 0:16:36.2 95 Crone Katie Mullen (8) 0:16:40.1 96 Jefferson Kate Williams (8) 0:16:42.4 97 Madison Maggie Jia (8) 0:16:46.1 98 65 Hill Madeline Mosso (8) 0:16:46.8 99 66 Still Brittany Halliday (8) 0:16:50.6 100 Kennedy Maria Rousonelous (8) 0:16:51.2 101 Jefferson Nova Sturchio (8) 0:16:54.8 102 Jefferson Abbey Pettinger (8) 0:16:55.2 103 Scullen Naomi Kibler (8) 0:17:01.5 104 67 Still Christina Gualano (8) 0:17:02.3 105 Madison Hannah Westlove (8) 0:17:02.9 106 Madison Klay Cole (8) 0:17:06.5 107 Gregory Morgan Doherty (8) 0:17:08.4 108 68 Fischer Morgan Lerner (8) 0:17:11.5 109 Crone Alysia Silva (8) 0:17:22.3 110 69 Hill Sally Kim (8) 0:17:22.9 111 Jefferson Madison Barefield (8) 0:17:23.2 112 Gregory Madison Smith (8) 0:17:27.6 113 Washington Ciara McManus (8) 0:17:28.1 114 Jefferson Amber Evans (8) 0:17:29.3 115 Crone Annie Gilbert (8) 0:17:31.8 116 70 Granger Lauren Bradley (8) 0:17:32.8 117 71 Fischer Monica Kunovszky (8) 0:17:33.9 118 Crone Madhumitha Manivannan (8) 0:17:41.3 119 Madison Jessica Kim (8) 0:17:42.0 120 72 Hill Megan Drilling (8) 0:17:46.2 121 Gregory Elise Perron (8) 0:17:47.6 122 73 Granger Natalie Martin (8) 0:17:48.5 123 Madison Meggie Underwood (8) 0:17:51.0 124 Kennedy Kelly Pacha (8) 0:17:55.7 125 Jefferson Eleni Spentzouris (8) 0:17:56.4 126 Washington Ruth Foltz (8) 0:17:57.9 127 Scullen Shreya Verma (8) 0:17:58.3 128 Scullen Priscilla Ike (8) 0:18:00.3 129 Crone Ellie Cahill (8) 0:18:02.6 130 Jefferson Anu Karan (8) 0:18:03.1 131 Kennedy Nicole Rapp (8) 0:18:15.2 132 Scullen Alli Ninmann (8) 0:18:19.2 133 Madison Alex Maceika (8) 0:18:20.2 134 Gregory Caroline Durkin (8) 0:18:28.2 135 Lincoln Jamie Yoon (8) 0:18:32.5 136 Lincoln Aileen Geronomi (8) 0:18:43.0 137 Gregory Megan Lafrenz (8) 0:18:46.6 138 74 Fischer Citaryn Spikener (8) 0:18:58.1 139 Scullen Madhura Ramakrishnan (8) 0:18:58.4 140 Jefferson Donna Youseffnia (8) 0:19:04.9 141 Kennedy Baasma Khan (8) 0:19:09.9 142 Madison Ogorchi Ujari (8) 0:19:10.4 143 75 Granger Madison Messer (8) 0:19:19.3 144 76 Fischer Julia Jamicke (8) 0:19:34.0 145 Kennedy Lyndsey Field (8) 0:19:45.2 146 Lincoln Kelly Strauf (8) 0:19:51.4 147 77 Fischer Sydney Roberts (8) 0:20:13.9 148 78 Still Shalini Chandrakanth (8) 0:20:16.7 149 79 Still Claire Hoffert (8) 0:21:12.1 150 Lincoln Sophia Jones (8) 0:21:12.4 151 Gregory Danielle Fisher (7) 0:21:26.8 152 Fischer Ashanti Guy (8) 0:22:25.9 153 Fischer Karina Duran (8) 0:22:28.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 59 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 26, 32 2 Jefferson 61 4, 5, 11, 14, 27, 40, 42 3 Lincoln 127 3, 28, 29, 30, 37, 46, 47 4 Crone 132 12, 13, 16, 38, 53, 61, 63 5 Gregory 133 10, 24, 31, 33, 35, 48, 59 6 Madison 148 15, 22, 25, 41, 45, 49, 58 7 Scullen 150 7, 9, 36, 44, 54, 57, 64 8 Washington 181 8, 20, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56 9 Hill 234 6, 34, 60, 65, 69, 72 10 Fischer 275 23, 39, 68, 71, 74, 76, 77 11 Granger 280 19, 43, 70, 73, 75 12 Still 352 62, 66, 67, 78, 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 70:14 14:03 1:08 13:25, 13:27, 14:24, 14:25, 14:33, 14:36 2 Jefferson 71:01 14:12 0:53 13:49, 13:53, 14:17, 14:20, 14:42, 15:05 3 Lincoln 72:42 14:32 1:24 13:34, 14:42, 14:44, 14:44, 14:58, 15:22 4 Gregory 73:12 14:38 0:39 14:13, 14:35, 14:44, 14:48, 14:52, 15:30 5 Crone 73:49 14:46 1:32 14:17, 14:19, 14:23, 15:01, 15:49, 16:20 6 Madison 74:02 14:48 1:01 14:21, 14:33, 14:36, 15:10, 15:22, 15:31 7 Scullen 74:24 14:53 1:52 14:02, 14:10, 14:57, 15:21, 15:54, 15:55 8 Washington 75:34 15:07 1:40 14:07, 14:31, 15:32, 15:37, 15:47, 15:55 9 Hill 79:07 15:49 3:22 14:01, 14:50, 16:06, 16:47, 17:23, 17:47 10 Fischer 83:22 16:40 4:23 14:35, 15:03, 17:12, 17:34, 18:58, 19:34 11 Granger 84:26 16:53 4:51 14:29, 15:15, 17:33, 17:49, 19:20 12 Still 91:44 18:21 4:51 16:21, 16:51, 17:03, 20:17, 21:12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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