Individual Results
31st Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 6, 2001 Boys Fr (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Hinsdale South Patrick Soloria (Fr) 0:11:33.3 2 2 Dundee-Crown Ross Stephens (Fr) 0:11:33.6 3 3 Glenbrook North Chris Wickman (Fr) 0:11:39.9 4 4 Dundee-Crown Mark Riggs (Fr) 0:11:42.5 5 5 Hinsdale South Dave Chiros (Fr) 0:11:54.1 6 6 Glenbrook South Albert Cobb (Fr) 0:11:56.1 7 7 Highland Park Mario Castrejon (Fr) 0:11:57.3 8 8 Hinsdale South Philip Gauthier (Fr) 0:12:00.9 9 9 Highland Park Jeremy Applebaum (Fr) 0:12:07.2 10 10 Highland Park Lance Larkins (Fr) 0:12:08.9 11 11 Brother Rice Dan Regalado (Fr) 0:12:10.1 12 12 Hinsdale Central Umar Farooq (Fr) 0:12:17.1 13 13 Hinsdale South Steve Vandenbroucke (Fr) 0:12:19.3 14 14 Hinsdale South Shawn Laude (Fr) 0:12:19.9 15 15 Deerfield Sean Johnson (Fr) 0:12:25.4 16 16 Hinsdale Central Thomas Oberndorfer (Fr) 0:12:26.7 17 17 Hinsdale Central Kyle Somerfield (Fr) 0:12:27.6 18 18 Highland Park Mike Hildner (Fr) 0:12:29.1 19 19 Dundee-Crown Brandon Polcik (Fr) 0:12:34.7 20 20 Leyden Luis Encarnaciod (Fr) 0:12:37.1 21 21 Argo Vytauto Tirevicius (Fr) 0:12:41.0 22 22 Leyden Joe Balogh (Fr) 0:12:45.3 23 23 Highland Park Danny Biondi (Fr) 0:12:45.8 24 24 Deerfield Jason Wright (Fr) 0:12:47.2 25 25 Deerfield Eric Clay (Fr) 0:12:50.3 26 26 Highland Park Robbie Green (Fr) 0:12:56.7 27 27 Hinsdale Central Tim Bogue (Fr) 0:12:59.8 28 28 Curie Ismael Fernandez (Fr) 0:13:01.1 29 29 Highland Park Eric Kanter (Fr) 0:13:01.9 30 30 Hinsdale South Chris Haddad (Fr) 0:13:02.3 31 31 Glenbrook South Nick Kalmakov (Fr) 0:13:03.3 32 32 Mather Farrahadoon Durrani (Fr) 0:13:04.9 33 33 Argo Chris Zavala (Fr) 0:13:10.2 34 34 Hinsdale Central Steven Parise (Fr) 0:13:12.7 35 35 Mather George Imsaih (Fr) 0:13:13.2 36 36 Dundee-Crown Ben Sanchez (Fr) 0:13:14.0 37 37 Glenbrook North Aaron Greenberg (Fr) 0:13:14.5 38 38 Glenbrook South Tommy Bolle (Fr) 0:13:15.4 39 39 Hinsdale Central Dustin Reznicek (Fr) 0:13:16.1 40 40 Glenbrook North Brett Hogan (Fr) 0:13:16.6 41 41 Glenbrook South Peter Kim (Fr) 0:13:18.8 42 42 Hinsdale South Richard Rohner (Fr) 0:13:20.4 43 43 Hinsdale Central Leif Lockhart (Fr) 0:13:22.7 44 44 Jones Magnet Chris Obrochta (Fr) 0:13:23.4 45 45 Grayslake Nick Arens (Fr) 0:13:23.9 46 Hinsdale Central Omar Ahmed (Fr) 0:13:24.3 47 46 Lake Forest David Bissing (Fr) 0:13:25.5 48 47 Leyden Rob Beuse (Fr) 0:13:26.3 49 48 Argo Cesar Gallegos (Fr) 0:13:28.8 50 49 Dundee-Crown Jeremy Lutzow (Fr) 0:13:29.4 51 50 Leyden Tom Gulo (Fr) 0:13:32.9 52 51 Barrington Joseph Altshuler (Fr) 0:13:33.3 53 Hinsdale Central Daniel Kulaga (Fr) 0:13:33.6 54 Hinsdale Central Chris Wade (Fr) 0:13:34.3 55 52 Deerfield Ross Zimmerman (Fr) 0:13:35.1 56 Hinsdale Central Charlie Meyer (Fr) 0:13:35.7 57 53 Brother Rice Pat Krillic (Fr) 0:13:36.6 58 54 Dundee-Crown Wilson Hernandez (Fr) 0:13:37.0 59 55 Brother Rice Andy Rodriguez (Fr) 0:13:37.5 60 56 Deerfield Mike Eckert (Fr) 0:13:38.0 61 57 Leyden Orlando Herrera (Fr) 0:13:40.2 62 Hinsdale South Andy Folkerts (Fr) 0:13:42.5 63 58 Brother Rice Jack Love (Fr) 0:13:45.1 64 59 Glenbrook South Kevin Lavin (Fr) 0:13:45.6 65 60 Deerfield Greg Mineau (Fr) 0:13:48.5 66 61 Lake Forest Randy Gretz (Fr) 0:13:49.3 67 62 Latin Jason Tribbet (Fr) 0:13:50.0 68 63 Lake Forest Jayson Wilson (Fr) 0:13:50.6 69 64 Leyden Tom Fatinski (Fr) 0:13:51.1 70 Hinsdale Central Colin Hanscom (Fr) 0:13:52.1 71 65 Grayslake Nick Nagowski (Fr) 0:13:52.6 72 66 Lake Forest Drew Whitehead (Fr) 0:13:53.2 73 67 Barrington Dan Rhodes (Fr) 0:13:54.5 74 68 Deerfield Sam Ritter (Fr) 0:13:58.4 75 69 Mather Ricky Smart (Fr) 0:14:01.3 76 70 Latin Chris Houle (Fr) 0:14:03.2 77 71 Glenbrook South Mike Vanderharst (Fr) 0:14:07.3 78 72 Glenbrook South Jon Sayad (Fr) 0:14:11.5 79 73 Dundee-Crown Mike Stone (Fr) 0:14:15.3 80 74 Jones Magnet Damone Rias (Fr) 0:14:16.6 81 Hinsdale Central Mike Grzelakowski (Fr) 0:14:18.7 82 Deerfield Ben Lerman (Fr) 0:14:19.3 83 Hinsdale Central David Norton (Fr) 0:14:20.1 84 75 Barrington Blake Smith (Fr) 0:14:23.3 85 76 Glenbrook North Ryan Nuccio (Fr) 0:14:25.1 86 Deerfield Jacob Eaton (Fr) 0:14:28.5 87 77 Leyden Emanuel Ramirez (Fr) 0:14:30.8 88 78 Glenbrook North David Thompson (Fr) 0:14:36.5 89 Highland Park Scott Manson (Fr) 0:14:36.9 90 79 Mather Hector Figueroa (Fr) 0:14:41.0 91 Glenbrook South Jeff Ceratto (Fr) 0:14:41.5 92 Glenbrook South Max Jenkins (Fr) 0:14:42.4 93 80 Argo Alex Crozier (Fr) 0:14:44.3 94 81 Jones Magnet Dimetri Rias (Fr) 0:14:45.2 95 82 Mather Taha Maniar (Fr) 0:14:46.0 96 83 Mount Carmel Blaine Holsapple (Fr) 0:14:46.5 97 Hinsdale Central George Mao (Fr) 0:14:47.0 98 84 Barrington Ryan Pavel (Fr) 0:14:50.5 99 85 Lake Forest Jason Richman (Fr) 0:14:52.3 100 Deerfield Jimmy Beringer (Fr) 0:14:54.5 101 Hinsdale Central Scott Intagliata (Fr) 0:14:56.0 102 86 Jones Magnet Michael Strok (Fr) 0:15:04.3 103 87 Latin Bill Daviau (Fr) 0:15:11.4 104 88 Mather Faisal Rehman (Fr) 0:15:16.1 105 Hinsdale Central Brandon Ary (Fr) 0:15:16.8 106 89 Lake Forest Katen Kapadia (Fr) 0:15:17.4 107 Glenbrook South David Roscoe (Fr) 0:15:19.5 108 90 Lake Forest Matthew Chouinard (Fr) 0:15:20.0 109 Glenbrook South Ari Zwick (Fr) 0:15:30.5 110 91 Mather Wagas Arshad (Fr) 0:15:43.4 111 Leyden Dan Steimel (Fr) 0:15:58.1 112 92 Jones Magnet Jeff Wong (Fr) 0:16:04.4 113 93 Jones Magnet Freddy Martinez (Fr) 0:16:29.0 114 Hinsdale Central Andrew Bondlow (Fr) 0:16:51.7 115 94 Glenbrook North Elliott Goldstein (Fr) 0:17:53.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hinsdale South 41 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 30, 42 2 Highland Park 67 7, 9, 10, 18, 23, 26, 29 3 Hinsdale Central 106 12, 16, 17, 27, 34, 39, 43 4 Dundee-Crown 110 2, 4, 19, 36, 49, 54, 73 5 Deerfield 172 15, 24, 25, 52, 56, 60, 68 6 Glenbrook South 175 6, 31, 38, 41, 59, 71, 72 7 Leyden 196 20, 22, 47, 50, 57, 64, 77 8 Glenbrook North 234 3, 37, 40, 76, 78, 94 9 Brother Rice 272 11, 53, 55, 58, 95 10 Argo 277 21, 33, 48, 80, 95 11 Mather 297 32, 35, 69, 79, 82, 88, 91 12 Lake Forest 321 46, 61, 63, 66, 85, 89, 90 13 Barrington 372 51, 67, 75, 84, 95 14 Jones Magnet 377 44, 74, 81, 86, 92, 93 15 Grayslake 395 45, 65, 95, 95, 95 16 Curie 408 28, 95, 95, 95, 95 17 Latin 409 62, 70, 87, 95, 95 18 Mount Carmel 463 83, 95, 95, 95, 95 19 Crane No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Farragut No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Foreman No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Gordcon Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Lake Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Lane Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Leo No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 Lincoln Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 29 Marian Central Catholic No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hinsdale South 60:05 12:01 0:46 11:33, 11:54, 12:00, 12:19, 12:19, 13:02 2 Highland Park 61:26 12:17 0:48 11:57, 12:07, 12:08, 12:29, 12:45, 12:56 3 Dundee-Crown 62:32 12:30 1:56 11:33, 11:42, 12:34, 13:14, 13:29, 13:37 4 Hinsdale Central 63:21 12:40 0:55 12:17, 12:26, 12:27, 12:59, 13:12, 13:16 5 Deerfield 65:15 13:03 1:13 12:25, 12:47, 12:50, 13:35, 13:38, 13:48 6 Glenbrook South 65:17 13:03 1:49 11:56, 13:03, 13:15, 13:18, 13:45, 14:07 7 Leyden 66:00 13:12 1:03 12:37, 12:45, 13:26, 13:32, 13:40, 13:51 8 Glenbrook North 67:10 13:26 2:57 11:39, 13:14, 13:16, 14:25, 14:36, 17:53 9 Mather 69:45 13:57 1:42 13:04, 13:13, 14:01, 14:41, 14:46, 15:16 10 Lake Forest 69:49 13:58 1:27 13:25, 13:49, 13:50, 13:53, 14:52, 15:17 11 Jones Magnet 73:32 14:42 2:41 13:23, 14:16, 14:45, 15:04, 16:04, 16:29 12 Argo No Score 12:41, 13:10, 13:28, 14:44 13 Barrington No Score 13:33, 13:54, 14:23, 14:50 14 Brother Rice No Score 12:10, 13:36, 13:37, 13:45 15 Crane No Score 16 Curie No Score 13:01 17 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score 18 Farragut No Score 19 Foreman No Score 20 Gordcon Tech No Score 21 Grayslake No Score 13:23, 13:52 22 Lake Park No Score 23 Lane Tech No Score 24 Latin No Score 13:50, 14:03, 15:11 25 Leo No Score 26 Lincoln Park No Score 27 Luther South No Score 28 Marian Central Catholic No Score 29 Mount Carmel No Score 14:46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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