Individual Results
31st Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 6, 2001 Boys Sophmore (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Barrington Eric Kerchberger (So) 0:11:04.1 2 2 Barrington Scott Achramowicz (So) 0:11:05.2 3 3 Glenbrook South Juve Chavez (So) 0:11:11.8 4 4 Barrington Tom Root (So) 0:11:12.2 5 5 Barrington Kyle Ferry (So) 0:11:18.8 6 6 Glenbrook South Jon Huffman (So) 0:11:19.2 7 7 Foreman Francisco Ciavez (So) 0:11:24.5 8 8 Hinsdale Central Charlie Hilding (Fr) 0:11:28.0 9 9 Glenbrook South Eric Drucker (So) 0:11:33.7 10 10 Lane Tech Norman Perez (So) 0:11:37.7 11 11 Hinsdale Central Joseph Wysopal (So) 0:11:40.6 12 12 Lane Tech Huriel Cevallos (So) 0:11:42.8 13 13 Glenbrook South Max Palmer (So) 0:11:43.1 14 14 Foreman Jorge Flores (So) 0:11:43.7 15 15 Lane Tech Jorge Ortega (So) 0:11:45.9 16 16 Lake Park Mike Secco (So) 0:11:51.9 17 17 Dundee-Crown Matt Hoppensteadt (So) 0:11:52.6 18 18 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI Johan Kaashgen (Fr) 0:11:56.7 19 19 Hinsdale Central Matt Johnson (So) 0:12:06.4 20 20 Lane Tech J.C. McCann (Fr) 0:12:07.2 21 21 Hinsdale South Jeremiah Butler (So) 0:12:09.1 22 22 Hinsdale Central Scott Williams (Fr) 0:12:09.6 23 23 Jones Magnet Bryant Ousley (So) 0:12:10.1 24 24 Hinsdale Central Scott Latto (So) 0:12:10.6 25 25 Dundee-Crown Phil Shrake (So) 0:12:11.1 26 26 Lake Park Brian Schmalzer (So) 0:12:11.8 27 27 Hinsdale South Lorenzo Lampignano (So) 0:12:12.6 28 28 Dundee-Crown Eric Roos (So) 0:12:13.1 29 29 Leyden Juan Dorado (So) 0:12:13.6 30 30 Leyden Isreal Velasco (So) 0:12:14.5 31 31 Glenbrook South Saagar Patel (So) 0:12:15.0 32 32 Dundee-Crown Nick Slowiak (So) 0:12:17.6 33 33 Barrington Sean Piper (So) 0:12:18.5 34 34 Barrington Tim Broderick (So) 0:12:20.4 35 35 Jones Magnet Jeremy Harris (So) 0:12:21.1 36 36 Argo Jeff LaRocque (So) 0:12:22.8 37 37 Leyden Rudy Coronel (So) 0:12:23.5 38 38 Glenbrook North Chase Herndon (So) 0:12:24.2 39 39 Hinsdale South Joe Smutny (So) 0:12:24.8 40 40 Hinsdale Central Ashwin Muni (So) 0:12:25.2 41 41 Dundee-Crown Brad Fiorito (So) 0:12:25.8 42 42 Lake Park Chris Rybacki (So) 0:12:26.5 43 43 Lane Tech Jason Ortez (So) 0:12:28.3 44 44 Hinsdale South James Cao (So) 0:12:29.8 45 45 Highland Park Tim Bloomquist (So) 0:12:32.4 46 46 Foreman Pedro Aguilar (Fr) 0:12:32.9 47 47 Foreman Alfredo Delgado (Fr) 0:12:33.2 48 48 Glenbrook South Jim Dooley (So) 0:12:35.8 49 49 Glenbrook South Sam Simons (So) 0:12:36.7 50 50 Deerfield Bryan Walsh (So) 0:12:37.4 51 51 Dundee-Crown Pat Sullivan (So) 0:12:39.0 52 52 Marian Central Catholic Brian Jacobs (So) 0:12:39.3 53 53 Hinsdale Central Naveen Penmasta (So) 0:12:47.7 54 Hinsdale Central Mark Hodges (So) 0:12:48.6 55 54 Argo Tom Domminguez (So) 0:12:51.1 56 55 Lake Park Yoshio Adachi (So) 0:12:51.7 57 56 Lane Tech Karl Lubenow (Fr) 0:12:54.3 58 57 Foreman Ali Aich (So) 0:12:55.3 59 58 Brother Rice Mike Gorman (So) 0:12:57.3 60 59 Brother Rice Tom Kelly (So) 0:13:01.5 61 60 Grayslake Geoff Christensen (So) 0:13:02.5 62 61 Jones Magnet Boris Alfaro (So) 0:13:04.7 63 62 Brother Rice Sean Rudd (So) 0:13:07.0 64 63 Grayslake Alex Rasmussen (So) 0:13:07.8 65 64 Leo Elbert Williams (Fr) 0:13:08.3 66 65 Hinsdale South Josiah Leung (So) 0:13:09.0 67 Glenbrook South Xing Wang (So) 0:13:10.0 68 66 Deerfield Alex Frederick (So) 0:13:10.9 69 67 Foreman Miguel Valdez (So) 0:13:13.0 70 68 Hinsdale South Scott Yang (So) 0:13:14.1 71 69 Dundee-Crown Taylor Kastilahn (So) 0:13:14.5 72 70 Brother Rice Dave Villasendr (So) 0:13:24.7 73 71 Mather Gabriel Gonzalez (So) 0:13:32.8 74 Hinsdale Central Mike Theodore (So) 0:13:33.2 75 72 Foreman Raul Mercando (Fr) 0:13:36.8 76 73 Hinsdale South MaynardJay Tan (So) 0:13:38.1 77 74 Leyden Nick Mukite (So) 0:13:38.6 78 75 Mather Talha Maniar (So) 0:13:40.7 79 Hinsdale Central Tim Poisson (Fr) 0:13:41.3 80 76 Leo John Hardy (So) 0:13:41.9 81 77 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI James Peck (So) 0:13:44.2 82 Dundee-Crown Carlton Smith (So) 0:13:46.1 83 78 Marian Central Catholic Mike Sobczak (So) 0:13:47.0 84 79 Argo Dan Bohaczyk (So) 0:13:51.7 85 Hinsdale Central Jason Kush (So) 0:13:54.0 86 80 Argo Chris Zydzik (So) 0:13:56.8 87 Glenbrook South Owen Newberry (So) 0:14:01.5 88 Dundee-Crown Matt Godawski (So) 0:14:09.5 89 Glenbrook South Eugene Romanov (So) 0:14:10.9 90 81 Leo Andra Jenkins (Fr) 0:14:12.6 91 82 Brother Rice Bill Melaniphy (So) 0:14:16.5 92 83 Argo Christian Gaytan (So) 0:14:19.7 93 84 Leo Winslow Parcham (So) 0:14:20.6 94 85 Mather Chris Pruneda (Fr) 0:14:23.1 95 86 Argo Ryan Stanis (So) 0:14:23.5 96 87 Lane Tech Eric Vailes (Fr) 0:14:23.9 97 Lane Tech Carlo Perez (So) 0:14:24.4 98 88 Grayslake Mike Vincent (So) 0:14:27.7 99 89 Glenbrook North Tim Hong (So) 0:14:30.2 100 90 Leyden Steve Spayer (So) 0:14:56.7 101 Dundee-Crown Jon Treu (So) 0:14:58.1 102 91 Deerfield Jason Blau (So) 0:14:59.5 103 92 Farragut Alajandro Infante (Fr) 0:15:00.9 104 Foreman Jose Martinez (Fr) 0:15:14.1 105 93 Grayslake Sean Flanigan (So) 0:15:24.1 106 94 Leo Gary Claic (Fr) 0:15:35.6 107 95 Mather Harshol Patel (Fr) 0:15:41.3 108 96 Leo Parris Rogers (Fr) 0:15:49.4 109 97 Jones Magnet Stanley Wong (So) 0:16:01.6 110 98 Argo Tim Alcala (So) 0:16:58.3 111 99 Lake Park Jeff Peltz (Fr) 0:17:32.9 112 100 Jones Magnet Eddie Martinez (Fr) 0:17:45.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 45 1, 2, 4, 5, 33, 34 2 Glenbrook South 62 3, 6, 9, 13, 31, 48, 49 3 Hinsdale Central 84 8, 11, 19, 22, 24, 40, 53 4 Lane Tech 100 10, 12, 15, 20, 43, 56, 87 5 Dundee-Crown 143 17, 25, 28, 32, 41, 51, 69 6 Foreman 171 7, 14, 46, 47, 57, 67, 72 7 Hinsdale South 196 21, 27, 39, 44, 65, 68, 73 8 Lake Park 238 16, 26, 42, 55, 99 9 Leyden 260 29, 30, 37, 74, 90 10 Jones Magnet 316 23, 35, 61, 97, 100 11 Brother Rice 331 58, 59, 62, 70, 82 12 Argo 332 36, 54, 79, 80, 83, 86, 98 13 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI 398 18, 77, 101, 101, 101 14 Leo 399 64, 76, 81, 84, 94, 96 15 Grayslake 405 60, 63, 88, 93, 101 16 Deerfield 409 50, 66, 91, 101, 101 17 Mather 427 71, 75, 85, 95, 101 18 Glenbrook North 430 38, 89, 101, 101, 101 19 Marian Central Catholic 433 52, 78, 101, 101, 101 20 Highland Park 449 45, 101, 101, 101, 101 21 Farragut 496 92, 101, 101, 101, 101 22 Crane No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Curie No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Gordcon Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Lake Forest No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Latin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 Lincoln Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 29 Mount Carmel No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 56:57 11:23 1:14 11:04, 11:05, 11:12, 11:18, 12:18, 12:20 2 Glenbrook South 58:01 11:36 1:04 11:11, 11:19, 11:33, 11:43, 12:15, 12:35 3 Hinsdale Central 59:33 11:55 0:42 11:28, 11:40, 12:06, 12:09, 12:10, 12:25 4 Lane Tech 59:39 11:56 0:51 11:37, 11:42, 11:45, 12:07, 12:28, 12:54 5 Dundee-Crown 60:58 12:12 0:33 11:52, 12:11, 12:13, 12:17, 12:25, 12:39 6 Foreman 61:07 12:13 1:31 11:24, 11:43, 12:32, 12:33, 12:55, 13:13 7 Hinsdale South 62:23 12:29 1:00 12:09, 12:12, 12:24, 12:29, 13:09, 13:14 8 Leyden 65:24 13:05 2:43 12:13, 12:14, 12:23, 13:38, 14:56 9 Brother Rice 66:45 13:21 1:19 12:57, 13:01, 13:07, 13:24, 14:16 10 Lake Park 66:51 13:22 5:41 11:51, 12:11, 12:26, 12:51, 17:32 11 Argo 67:19 13:28 1:57 12:22, 12:51, 13:51, 13:56, 14:19, 14:23 12 Leo 70:56 14:11 2:27 13:08, 13:41, 14:12, 14:20, 15:35, 15:49 13 Jones Magnet 71:21 14:16 5:35 12:10, 12:21, 13:04, 16:01, 17:45 14 Crane No Score 15 Curie No Score 16 Deerfield No Score 12:37, 13:10, 14:59 17 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score 11:56, 13:44 18 Farragut No Score 15:00 19 Glenbrook North No Score 12:24, 14:30 20 Gordcon Tech No Score 21 Grayslake No Score 13:02, 13:07, 14:27, 15:24 22 Highland Park No Score 12:32 23 Lake Forest No Score 24 Latin No Score 25 Lincoln Park No Score 26 Luther South No Score 27 Marian Central Catholic No Score 12:39, 13:47 28 Mather No Score 13:32, 13:40, 14:23, 15:41 29 Mount Carmel No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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