Individual Results
31st Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 6, 2001 Boys Varsity (Red) 3 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:14:19.0 by Steve Rosenbloom of Niles West on October 3, 1981 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Highland Park Scot Frazin (Sr) 0:15:45.2 2 2 Lake Park Chris Bosworth (Sr) 0:15:58.3 3 3 Brother Rice Joe King (Jr) 0:16:02.3 4 4 Deerfield Jeff Bailey (Jr) 0:16:07.0 5 5 Barrington Victor DelRosso (Sr) 0:16:08.5 6 6 Farragut Jose Macias (Sr) 0:16:10.0 7 7 Barrington Michael Dorazil (Jr) 0:16:11.6 8 8 Hinsdale Central Alan Jackson (Jr) 0:16:14.8 9 9 Highland Park Chris Baldwin (Jr) 0:16:19.4 10 10 Grayslake James Centella (Sr) 0:16:27.8 11 11 Argo Eric Koslowski (Jr) 0:16:29.0 12 12 Lake Forest Ryan Weinstock (Jr) 0:16:32.9 13 13 Barrington Chase Edgerton (Sr) 0:16:35.3 14 14 Deerfield Ken Mansfield (Jr) 0:16:36.4 15 15 Hinsdale South Chris Chiros (Jr) 0:16:41.5 16 16 Lake Park Hunter Norris (Sr) 0:16:42.7 17 17 Barrington Jeffrey Larson (Jr) 0:16:46.7 18 18 Barrington Brian Robertson (So) 0:16:48.3 19 19 Highland Park Aaron Strellner (Jr) 0:16:49.7 20 20 Brother Rice Brian Hague (Jr) 0:16:51.7 21 21 Dundee-Crown Edgar Ramirez (Jr) 0:16:53.4 22 22 Argo Paul Zavala (Jr) 0:16:54.2 23 23 Lake Park Drew Hatzold (So) 0:16:57.5 24 24 Brother Rice Jim Piszczor (Sr) 0:16:57.9 25 25 Dundee-Crown Eric Saxton (Jr) 0:16:59.0 26 26 Hinsdale South Duke Begy (Jr) 0:17:01.2 27 27 Deerfield Scott Mansfield (Jr) 0:17:01.6 28 28 Mount Carmel Joseph Reblin (Sr) 0:17:02.3 29 29 Brother Rice Brent Cunningham (Jr) 0:17:04.7 30 30 Hinsdale Central Matt Chalifoux (Sr) 0:17:06.8 31 31 Hinsdale South Mike Romano (Sr) 0:17:07.1 32 32 Hinsdale South Brett Bucholz (Sr) 0:17:09.3 33 33 Brother Rice Kevin Deegan (So) 0:17:10.0 34 34 Marian Central Catholic Steve LaBracke (Jr) 0:17:10.5 35 35 Latin Robert Miner (Jr) 0:17:12.6 36 36 Barrington Patrick Selinger (Jr) 0:17:14.0 37 37 Barrington Nick Smith (Jr) 0:17:16.8 38 38 Latin Jeff Ivester (Sr) 0:17:17.3 39 39 Mather Samuel Hadgu (So) 0:17:19.0 40 Barrington Charlie Noble (Sr) 0:17:21.2 41 40 Hinsdale Central Chris Rose (Jr) 0:17:24.3 42 41 Glenbrook South Jimmy Frey (Sr) 0:17:25.8 43 42 Lake Park Jon Virgilio (Sr) 0:17:26.1 44 43 Marian Central Catholic Jared Petras (Fr) 0:17:26.5 45 44 Foreman Deny Aguilar (Sr) 0:17:26.9 46 45 Brother Rice Pat Dospoy (Jr) 0:17:27.3 47 46 Hinsdale South Ken Stachorek (Jr) 0:17:27.9 48 47 Mather Mohamed Ahmed (Jr) 0:17:29.1 49 48 Deerfield Jon Schlesinger (So) 0:17:29.5 50 49 Marian Central Catholic Chris Champagne (Jr) 0:17:29.9 51 50 Hinsdale Central Conor Weber (So) 0:17:30.7 52 51 Lake Park Eric Thude (Sr) 0:17:32.4 53 52 Brother Rice Dan Reed (Sr) 0:17:33.4 54 53 Dundee-Crown Shawn Hilgart (Jr) 0:17:34.2 55 54 Lake Forest Jim Curley (Jr) 0:17:34.8 56 55 Dundee-Crown Russ Bennett (Sr) 0:17:37.9 57 56 Hinsdale Central Ryan Filarski (Sr) 0:17:38.7 58 57 Glenbrook North Marty Keene (Sr) 0:17:39.2 59 58 Hinsdale Central Brad Jenkins (Jr) 0:17:39.9 60 59 Glenbrook South Ryan Dohnal (Jr) 0:17:40.4 61 60 Glenbrook South Andy Reder (Jr) 0:17:40.9 62 61 Hinsdale Central Chris Fennell (Jr) 0:17:42.2 63 62 Lake Park Joel Reimenschneider (Jr) 0:17:42.8 64 63 Lake Forest Warren Renken (So) 0:17:43.9 65 64 Hinsdale South Jeff Bayers (So) 0:17:44.6 66 65 Lincoln Park Shawn Prakash (Jr) 0:17:45.1 67 66 Deerfield Nick McConnell (Sr) 0:17:45.5 68 67 Argo Alvaro Hernandez (Sr) 0:17:45.9 69 68 Leyden Tony Aceyes (Sr) 0:17:46.3 70 69 Leyden Kevin Jarzab (Jr) 0:17:46.7 71 70 Grayslake Tim Hamilton (So) 0:17:47.5 72 71 Marian Central Catholic Dave Evans (Jr) 0:17:50.7 73 Brother Rice Joe Jackson (Sr) 0:17:52.4 74 72 Argo Chad Croucher (Sr) 0:17:55.1 75 73 Deerfield Nate Stopps (Sr) 0:17:55.4 76 74 Highland Park David Lipsky (Jr) 0:17:57.1 77 75 Leyden Bob Wettstein (Jr) 0:18:00.0 78 76 Lake Park Vishal Patel (Sr) 0:18:01.2 79 77 Grayslake Sean Reap (Sr) 0:18:01.7 80 78 Glenbrook North Steve Sear (Sr) 0:18:02.3 81 79 Argo Marvin Sanchez (Jr) 0:18:04.8 82 Barrington Brian Corr (Jr) 0:18:07.5 83 80 Deerfield Miles Schermerhorn (So) 0:18:07.9 84 81 Highland Park Aaron Hersh (Jr) 0:18:08.4 85 82 Lake Forest Ryan Lee (Fr) 0:18:08.9 86 83 Mount Carmel Chris Jones (So) 0:18:09.3 87 84 Lake Forest Robert Long (Fr) 0:18:10.8 88 Lake Park Phil Sarullo (Sr) 0:18:11.9 89 Lake Park Josh Parker (Jr) 0:18:12.4 90 85 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI Jim Lenz (Sr) 0:18:13.0 91 86 Dundee-Crown Adam Andriano (Jr) 0:18:15.9 92 87 Marian Central Catholic Tony Lada (Fr) 0:18:18.4 93 88 Lake Forest Walter Kim (Sr) 0:18:22.1 94 Hinsdale Central Michell Voss (Jr) 0:18:24.0 95 Lake Park Matt Pike (Jr) 0:18:24.6 96 89 Lake Forest David Pieczonka (Sr) 0:18:26.2 97 Barrington Benjamin Harburg (Sr) 0:18:27.4 98 90 Latin Zach Feiger (Sr) 0:18:29.4 99 Lake Forest Ryan Pertz (Jr) 0:18:30.1 100 91 Grayslake Matt Reynolds (So) 0:18:30.7 101 92 Mather Amaury Rosales (Sr) 0:18:33.1 102 93 Mount Carmel Roman Barraza (Jr) 0:18:34.2 103 94 Argo Mike Dominguez (Jr) 0:18:37.2 104 95 Mather Adrian Tamayo (Jr) 0:18:37.7 105 96 Mather Chris Wilhite (So) 0:18:38.1 106 Lake Park Anthony Hodges (Jr) 0:18:39.4 107 Hinsdale Central Tej Buch (Jr) 0:18:39.9 108 97 Hinsdale South Samuel Rivier (Jr) 0:18:40.4 109 Brother Rice Ryan Fitzpatrick (Jr) 0:18:41.7 110 98 Argo Marcus McLin (Jr) 0:18:43.0 111 99 Glenbrook North Ari Rosenberg (So) 0:18:43.6 112 100 Leyden Dominic Rossi (Jr) 0:18:44.4 113 101 Farragut Jesus Castaneda (Sr) 0:18:50.4 114 102 Latin John Kuczmarski (Sr) 0:18:53.9 115 103 Glenbrook South James Burke (Sr) 0:18:56.3 116 104 Mather Fuzel Shethwala (Jr) 0:18:58.6 117 105 Leyden Leo Jimenez (Jr) 0:18:59.7 118 106 Glenbrook South Peter Burke (Sr) 0:19:00.4 119 107 Grayslake Josh Anderson (So) 0:19:02.4 120 108 Dundee-Crown Junior Ruiz (Sr) 0:19:03.6 121 109 Farragut Fransisco Correa (Sr) 0:19:08.7 122 110 Glenbrook South Andy Beasley (Jr) 0:19:09.7 123 111 Latin Jason StPeters (Sr) 0:19:10.2 124 112 Leyden Jaziel Escobedo (Jr) 0:19:10.7 125 Deerfield Judd Kiddie (Jr) 0:19:11.2 126 113 Mount Carmel Conor Ryan (Sr) 0:19:11.6 127 114 Marian Central Catholic Sam Nothnagel (Fr) 0:19:12.1 128 115 Jones Magnet Charles Whitfield (Jr) 0:19:13.5 129 Lake Forest Tim Hutson (Jr) 0:19:20.2 130 116 Mount Carmel Martin Walsh (Fr) 0:19:20.6 131 117 Jones Magnet Brandon Caples (Jr) 0:19:21.1 132 118 Farragut Oscar Gutierrez (Jr) 0:19:22.8 133 Lake Park Tom Laratto (Sr) 0:19:24.0 134 119 Dundee-Crown Travis Cleveland (Jr) 0:19:25.5 135 Dundee-Crown Roy Zesati (Sr) 0:19:28.0 136 120 Mount Carmel Ryan Bolger (Jr) 0:19:31.6 137 121 Grayslake Jeff Hanson (Jr) 0:19:35.8 138 122 Latin Zach Chen (Jr) 0:19:36.6 139 123 Farragut Juan Arriola (Jr) 0:19:38.8 140 124 Grayslake Dave Krause (So) 0:19:40.2 141 125 Highland Park Matt Miller (Jr) 0:19:42.5 142 126 Highland Park Alex Stransky (Sr) 0:19:44.0 143 127 Glenbrook North John Burke (Jr) 0:19:50.0 144 128 Latin Jonathan Levine (Sr) 0:19:50.9 145 Dundee-Crown Joe Edwards (Jr) 0:19:51.9 146 129 Glenbrook South Matt Wrobel (Jr) 0:19:52.5 147 Dundee-Crown Erik Gullickson (Sr) 0:19:54.6 148 Lake Forest David Tabor (Jr) 0:19:55.1 149 130 Mather Matthew Wilhite (Sr) 0:19:56.9 150 Lake Forest Michael Stolzman (Jr) 0:19:57.3 151 131 Leyden Erik Hodges (Sr) 0:19:58.0 152 Brother Rice Jim Finno (Jr) 0:19:58.7 153 Brother Rice Frank Riesbeck (Jr) 0:19:59.4 154 Argo Bob Bohaczyk (Sr) 0:20:01.6 155 Argo Julian Julius (Jr) 0:20:02.6 156 Hinsdale South Mike Deguzman (Jr) 0:20:03.1 157 132 Mount Carmel Andrew Labahn (Jr) 0:20:03.5 158 Dundee-Crown Mike Kreciak (Sr) 0:20:04.4 159 Mount Carmel Bryan Rogers (So) 0:20:05.5 160 Latin Christophe Lagrange (Jr) 0:20:08.8 161 Mather Eric Paniogua (Jr) 0:20:12.0 162 Lake Forest Benjamin Brown (Sr) 0:20:13.4 163 133 Jones Magnet Jonathan Coleman (Jr) 0:20:16.9 164 Hinsdale Central Taylor Hanscom (Jr) 0:20:19.2 165 Glenbrook South Matt Marquardt (Jr) 0:20:20.6 166 Barrington Sasha Down (Jr) 0:20:20.9 167 Hinsdale Central Ben Tiemstra (Jr) 0:20:21.4 168 Hinsdale Central Chris Groh (Jr) 0:20:21.9 169 134 Jones Magnet Rogelio Martinez (Jr) 0:20:23.0 170 Hinsdale South Prashant Donthamsetti(Sr) 0:20:23.6 171 Latin David Smith (Sr) 0:20:24.1 172 135 Farragut Israel Bustos (Jr) 0:20:24.8 173 Hinsdale South Ryan Chiu (Jr) 0:20:26.5 174 Glenbrook South Robert Alpern (Jr) 0:20:27.4 175 136 Farragut Luis Medina (Jr) 0:20:28.2 176 Lake Forest Andres Tack (So) 0:20:29.7 177 137 Jones Magnet Lashaun Crosby (Jr) 0:20:30.5 178 Mather Eric Nieves (Jr) 0:20:31.2 179 Lake Forest Joseph Oddo (Jr) 0:20:31.6 180 Deerfield Jeff Villano (Jr) 0:20:32.9 181 Mather Imran Merchant (Jr) 0:20:38.3 182 138 Glenbrook North Rob Greenberg (Jr) 0:20:38.7 183 Hinsdale South Craig Miller (Jr) 0:20:39.8 184 Hinsdale Central Jon Chan (Jr) 0:20:43.1 185 Lake Forest Andrew Franklin (So) 0:20:43.6 186 139 Lincoln Park Yong Chang (Jr) 0:20:47.2 187 Lake Forest Alexander Phillips (Jr) 0:20:49.6 188 140 Jones Magnet Eddie Solis (Jr) 0:20:56.6 189 141 Glenbrook North Eric Dean (Jr) 0:20:57.9 190 Latin Stefan Love (Sr) 0:20:59.2 191 Glenbrook South Jimmy Leblanc (Jr) 0:21:01.5 192 Glenbrook South Alex Spektor (Sr) 0:21:02.3 193 Deerfield Kevin Clay (Jr) 0:21:05.1 194 Lake Forest Eric Swanson (So) 0:21:06.7 195 142 Lincoln Park Brandon Goldberg (Fr) 0:21:07.3 196 Mount Carmel Wyatt Fahrenwald (So) 0:21:11.9 197 Hinsdale South Mike Poon (Jr) 0:21:14.7 198 Lake Forest "Jac" Currie (Sr) 0:21:16.8 199 Grayslake Justin Gass (Jr) 0:21:19.5 200 Lake Forest Tom Amarantos (So) 0:21:22.3 201 143 Jones Magnet Kenshutz Nakashima (Jr) 0:21:24.3 202 Dundee-Crown Jim Gray (Jr) 0:21:25.6 203 144 Glenbrook North Greg Marsh (Jr) 0:21:26.3 204 Glenbrook South Jason Rho (Jr) 0:21:28.5 205 Lake Forest Jesse Feinburg (Jr) 0:21:34.5 206 Highland Park Nathan Jacobs (Sr) 0:21:36.1 207 Lake Forest Michael Vigiletti (Sr) 0:21:36.7 208 Latin Geoffrey Ong (So) 0:21:45.1 209 Mather Pradeep Tondor (Jr) 0:21:53.0 210 Latin Ben Rosenberg (Jr) 0:21:56.7 211 Latin Rafael Yah (Jr) 0:21:57.0 212 Argo Jesus DeLaTorre (Jr) 0:22:01.5 213 Hinsdale South Jeff Ahlborn (Jr) 0:22:02.0 214 Latin Ty Kamin (Sr) 0:22:02.6 215 Dundee-Crown Raul Hernandez (Jr) 0:22:02.9 216 Argo Eric Glowacki (Sr) 0:22:03.9 217 Grayslake Scott Seaholm (Sr) 0:22:06.9 218 Lake Forest Matthew Sperzel (So) 0:22:07.3 219 Mount Carmel George Bruggenthies (Jr) 0:22:09.3 220 Mount Carmel Michael Lindsey (Jr) 0:22:12.5 221 145 Lincoln Park Greg Walker (Jr) 0:22:13.3 222 Lake Forest Kaazim Naqvi (So) 0:22:15.2 223 Grayslake Robert Waddelow (Sr) 0:22:37.6 224 Glenbrook North Brian Brown (Fr) 0:22:38.1 225 Dundee-Crown Sean Treanor (Jr) 0:22:52.6 226 Grayslake Doug Sunker (Jr) 0:23:12.5 227 Mount Carmel Dan Farrell (Jr) 0:23:28.2 228 Lake Forest Brent Whitehead (So) 0:23:42.5 229 Lake Forest William Aldinger (Jr) 0:24:15.6 230 146 Lincoln Park David Biorn (So) 0:24:20.6 231 Lake Forest Michael Montgomery (Jr) 0:24:26.6 232 147 Lincoln Park Eric Gastevich (Jr) 0:24:46.6 233 148 Lincoln Park Orlando Centeno (Sr) 0:24:56.5 234 Leyden Louis Alsouri (Sr) 0:24:58.0 235 Hinsdale Central Jeff Sayre (Jr) 0:25:06.5 236 Lincoln Park Michael Rodriguez (Jr) 0:25:24.4 237 Leyden Chris Boomer (Sr) 0:29:49.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 60 5, 7, 13, 17, 18, 36, 37 2 Brother Rice 109 3, 20, 24, 29, 33, 45, 52 3 Lake Park 134 2, 16, 23, 42, 51, 62, 76 4 Hinsdale South 150 15, 26, 31, 32, 46, 64, 97 5 Deerfield 159 4, 14, 27, 48, 66, 73, 80 6 Hinsdale Central 184 8, 30, 40, 50, 56, 58, 61 7 Highland Park 184 1, 9, 19, 74, 81, 125, 126 8 Dundee-Crown 240 21, 25, 53, 55, 86, 108, 119 9 Argo 251 11, 22, 67, 72, 79, 94, 98 10 Marian Central Catholic 284 34, 43, 49, 71, 87, 114 11 Lake Forest 295 12, 54, 63, 82, 84, 88, 89 12 Grayslake 355 10, 70, 77, 91, 107, 121, 124 13 Mather 369 39, 47, 92, 95, 96, 104, 130 14 Glenbrook South 369 41, 59, 60, 103, 106, 110, 129 15 Latin 376 35, 38, 90, 102, 111, 122, 128 16 Leyden 417 68, 69, 75, 100, 105, 112, 131 17 Mount Carmel 433 28, 83, 93, 113, 116, 120, 132 18 Farragut 457 6, 101, 109, 118, 123, 135, 136 19 Glenbrook North 499 57, 78, 99, 127, 138, 141, 144 20 Jones Magnet 636 115, 117, 133, 134, 137, 140, 143 21 Lincoln Park 637 65, 139, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148 22 Foreman 640 44, 149, 149, 149, 149 23 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI 681 85, 149, 149, 149, 149 24 Crane No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Curie No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Gordcon Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 Lane Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Leo No Score - Had only 0 finishers 29 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 82:28 16:30 0:40 16:08, 16:11, 16:35, 16:46, 16:48, 17:14 2 Brother Rice 84:04 16:49 1:08 16:02, 16:51, 16:57, 17:04, 17:10, 17:27 3 Lake Park 84:35 16:55 1:34 15:58, 16:42, 16:57, 17:26, 17:32, 17:42 4 Highland Park 84:58 16:60 2:23 15:45, 16:19, 16:49, 17:57, 18:08, 19:42 5 Deerfield 84:58 16:60 1:38 16:07, 16:36, 17:01, 17:29, 17:45, 17:55 6 Hinsdale South 85:25 17:05 0:46 16:41, 17:01, 17:07, 17:09, 17:27, 17:44 7 Hinsdale Central 85:52 17:10 1:24 16:14, 17:06, 17:24, 17:30, 17:38, 17:39 8 Argo 87:07 17:25 1:35 16:29, 16:54, 17:45, 17:55, 18:04, 18:37 9 Dundee-Crown 87:18 17:28 1:22 16:53, 16:59, 17:34, 17:37, 18:15, 19:03 10 Lake Forest 88:07 17:37 1:38 16:32, 17:34, 17:43, 18:08, 18:10, 18:22 11 Marian Central Catholic 88:13 17:39 1:08 17:10, 17:26, 17:29, 17:50, 18:18, 19:12 12 Grayslake 89:47 17:57 2:35 16:27, 17:47, 18:01, 18:30, 19:02, 19:35 13 Mather 90:36 18:07 1:19 17:19, 17:29, 18:33, 18:37, 18:38, 18:58 14 Glenbrook South 90:41 18:08 1:35 17:25, 17:40, 17:40, 18:56, 19:00, 19:09 15 Latin 91:01 18:12 1:58 17:12, 17:17, 18:29, 18:53, 19:10, 19:36 16 Leyden 91:15 18:15 1:13 17:46, 17:46, 18:00, 18:44, 18:59, 19:10 17 Mount Carmel 92:16 18:27 2:18 17:02, 18:09, 18:34, 19:11, 19:20, 19:31 18 Farragut 93:08 18:38 3:28 16:10, 18:50, 19:08, 19:22, 19:38, 20:24 19 Glenbrook North 94:52 18:58 2:59 17:39, 18:02, 18:43, 19:50, 20:38, 20:57 20 Jones Magnet 99:43 19:57 1:17 19:13, 19:21, 20:16, 20:23, 20:30, 20:56 21 Lincoln Park 106:12 21:14 6:35 17:45, 20:47, 21:07, 22:13, 24:20, 24:46 22 Crane No Score 23 Curie No Score 24 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score 18:13 25 Foreman No Score 17:26 26 Gordcon Tech No Score 27 Lane Tech No Score 28 Leo No Score 29 Luther South No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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