Individual Results
31st Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 6, 2001 Girls Fr/So (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Argo Stephanie Sorn (So) 0:12:40.5 2 2 Hinsdale Central Danyelle Somerfield (Fr) 0:13:16.1 3 3 Dundee-Crown Courtney Hilgart (Fr) 0:13:16.8 4 4 Hinsdale Central Esther Yi (Fr) 0:13:19.8 5 5 Glenbrook North Catlin Lee (So) 0:13:22.2 6 6 Dundee-Crown Kaylin Rowland (So) 0:13:29.0 7 7 Hinsdale Central Margaret Barr (So) 0:13:29.4 8 8 Hinsdale Central Alaina Lasinski (Fr) 0:13:35.1 9 9 Hinsdale Central Mandy Letizia (So) 0:13:36.7 10 10 Hinsdale Central Audrey Evans (So) 0:13:39.1 11 11 Hinsdale Central Anique Walters (So) 0:13:53.8 12 Hinsdale Central Elizabeth Renwick (Fr) 0:13:59.0 13 12 Dundee-Crown Amber Peszat (Fr) 0:14:07.1 14 13 Leyden Kelly Naborowski (Fr) 0:14:08.8 15 14 Lane Tech Ursala Szecmecto (Fr) 0:14:11.1 16 15 Dundee-Crown Holly Bertram (So) 0:14:11.6 17 16 Highland Park Jessica Calihan (So) 0:14:14.3 18 17 Dundee-Crown Genna Byrd (Fr) 0:14:17.1 19 18 Argo Nicole DiGangi (So) 0:14:17.5 20 19 Highland Park Elsea Luna (So) 0:14:19.9 21 Hinsdale Central Anna Skala (So) 0:14:22.5 22 20 Glenbrook North Brittney Spaulding (So) 0:14:25.4 23 21 Hoffman Estates Tia Craig (So) 0:14:25.9 24 22 Leyden Lizzy Sponholtz (So) 0:14:30.8 25 23 Marian Central Catholic Nora Evans (Fr) 0:14:34.7 26 24 Highland Park Shannon Elkins (So) 0:14:41.1 27 25 Highland Park Ashley Wolin (So) 0:14:44.1 28 26 Argo Yivette Vazquez (Fr) 0:14:45.7 29 27 Evanston Township AmyJo Kiamm (So) 0:14:48.3 30 28 Highland Park Chloe Rossen (So) 0:14:49.5 31 Hinsdale Central Christine Caver (Fr) 0:14:50.6 32 29 Evanston Township Emily Cornwell (So) 0:14:51.6 33 30 Argo Lizet Martinez (So) 0:14:52.3 34 Hinsdale Central Amy Malo (So) 0:14:53.1 35 31 Hoffman Estates Jackie Lamb (So) 0:14:53.7 36 Hinsdale Central Adriana Andreou (So) 0:14:54.1 37 32 Grayslake Kelsey Nordine (Fr) 0:14:54.6 38 33 Dundee-Crown Ashley Nickels (So) 0:14:58.4 39 34 Grayslake April Kaminski (Fr) 0:15:02.6 40 35 Evanston Township Leslie Eme (Fr) 0:15:07.5 41 36 Dundee-Crown Vera Sutfin (Fr) 0:15:14.1 42 37 Deerfield Danielle Kudas (Fr) 0:15:16.3 43 Hinsdale Central Sara Lyons (Fr) 0:15:21.1 44 38 Immaculate Heart of Mary Theresa Gabel (So) 0:15:22.2 45 39 Jones Magnet Yael Mayer (Fr) 0:15:27.7 46 40 Hinsdale South Jodi Stalman (So) 0:15:28.0 47 41 Grayslake Danielle Todd (Fr) 0:15:28.3 48 42 Highland Park Cara Edelstein (So) 0:15:28.8 49 43 Highland Park Alexi Vahlkamp (Fr) 0:15:29.3 50 44 Hoffman Estates Jenny Samankowski (So) 0:15:31.2 51 Hinsdale Central Margaret Szadzinski (So) 0:15:33.7 52 45 Immaculate Heart of Mary Michelle Duplancich (Fr) 0:15:35.3 53 46 Hinsdale South Kelly Costa (Fr) 0:15:35.6 54 47 Hinsdale South Anneliese Mangrum (So) 0:15:40.1 55 48 Evanston Township Savanah Albert (Fr) 0:15:44.3 56 49 Evanston Township Alison Ossyra (So) 0:15:44.9 57 50 Evanston Township Lorrie Roche (So) 0:15:45.7 58 51 Evanston Township Tanya Gottlieb 0:15:46.2 59 52 Deerfield Jennifer Kolb (Fr) 0:15:46.6 60 53 Glenbrook North Michelle Parks (Fr) 0:15:47.0 61 54 Marian Central Catholic Ellen Garvin (So) 0:15:47.4 62 55 Marian Central Catholic Michaella Parker (Fr) 0:15:48.2 63 56 Deerfield Elana Fisher (Fr) 0:15:48.7 64 Evanston Township Julia Shiplett (Fr) 0:15:49.3 65 57 Leyden Marlena Rosado (Fr) 0:15:50.2 66 Evanston Township Hannah Carre (Fr) 0:15:51.0 67 58 Grayslake Lynett Napier (Fr) 0:15:54.6 68 59 Lane Tech Jessica Melhuse (Fr) 0:15:55.6 69 60 Lane Tech Laura Pitiwos (Fr) 0:15:57.9 70 Hinsdale Central Nicole Poulos (Fr) 0:15:59.5 71 61 Leyden Anita Monge (Fr) 0:16:00.5 72 62 Hinsdale South Christine Hoganson (So) 0:16:01.3 73 63 Grayslake Angelica Smith (Fr) 0:16:03.5 74 Dundee-Crown Alejandra Guzman (So) 0:16:04.9 75 Evanston Township Amy Gilbert (Fr) 0:16:05.4 76 Evanston Township Kathie Janvier (So) 0:16:05.9 77 Evanston Township Karis Stone (Fr) 0:16:06.4 78 Dundee-Crown Brittany Miller (So) 0:16:06.9 79 Evanston Township Kaitlyn Duan (Fr) 0:16:09.5 80 Evanston Township Tracey Driscoll 0:16:10.0 81 64 Hinsdale South Stephanie Lucak (So) 0:16:11.1 82 Evanston Township Cara Kenney (Fr) 0:16:11.6 83 65 Mather Christina Jordan (Fr) 0:16:13.1 84 Dundee-Crown Cynthia Sanchez (So) 0:16:13.9 85 Evanston Township Rebecca Lipson (Fr) 0:16:16.6 86 66 Mather Stefany Bernabe (Fr) 0:16:17.4 87 67 Lane Tech Krysti Severson (So) 0:16:18.8 88 Evanston Township Hannah Steilmann (Fr) 0:16:21.8 89 68 Jones Magnet Cristen Wilson (So) 0:16:22.5 90 69 Marian Central Catholic Sarah Marcheski (Fr) 0:16:22.9 91 70 Deerfield Alex Riesche (Fr) 0:16:23.3 92 71 Deerfield Becky Gistenson (So) 0:16:23.6 93 Highland Park Mary Lee (Fr) 0:16:25.4 94 72 Leyden Becky Villalobos (Fr) 0:16:26.1 95 73 Argo Doranely Cortez (So) 0:16:28.0 96 74 Lane Tech Jessica Rodriguez (Fr) 0:16:28.5 97 75 Hoffman Estates Lauren O'Halloran (So) 0:16:31.0 98 Evanston Township Patricia Decoster (So) 0:16:31.6 99 76 Hinsdale South Christie Symeonides (So) 0:16:33.2 100 77 Leyden Kari Dayton (Fr) 0:16:35.7 101 Evanston Township Carrie Seur (So) 0:16:38.6 102 78 Jones Magnet Clare Miller (Fr) 0:16:39.6 103 79 Marian Central Catholic JennaBeth Klein (Fr) 0:16:43.9 104 Evanston Township Natalie Gottlieb 0:16:44.3 105 Highland Park Eden Halprin (Fr) 0:16:46.6 106 80 Hoffman Estates Carrie Belford (So) 0:16:47.6 107 81 Lane Tech Jennifer Hughes (Fr) 0:16:50.7 108 Hinsdale Central Laura Tattersall (So) 0:16:53.8 109 82 Deerfield Ari Stegel (So) 0:16:54.7 110 83 Deerfield Jessica Palay (So) 0:16:55.1 111 Evanston Township Elly Deutoh (So) 0:16:58.3 112 Hinsdale Central Briana Kush (Fr) 0:17:02.8 113 84 Lane Tech Brenda Bautista (So) 0:17:14.1 114 Highland Park Michelle Mor (Fr) 0:17:15.2 115 85 Mather Aida Sabanovic (Fr) 0:17:16.0 116 Evanston Township Jamie Newberger (Fr) 0:17:17.6 117 86 Immaculate Heart of Mary Penny Perez (So) 0:17:20.0 118 87 Marian Central Catholic Kathy Sieracke (Fr) 0:17:26.2 119 Lane Tech Heather Onilson (Fr) 0:17:26.6 120 Lane Tech Sarah King (Fr) 0:17:31.0 121 88 Hinsdale South Ally Polancic (So) 0:17:34.0 122 89 Leyden Arielle Ogorek (Fr) 0:17:35.5 123 Evanston Township Amanda Baumgart (So) 0:17:37.5 124 Deerfield Lisa Brown (Fr) 0:17:38.0 125 Deerfield Courtney Dayno (Fr) 0:17:39.1 126 Deerfield Rebecca Shaoul (Fr) 0:17:47.5 127 90 Mather Jeannette Vazquez (Fr) 0:17:56.0 128 91 Mather Johanna Li (Fr) 0:17:56.6 129 Leyden Melissa Heitz (So) 0:17:57.3 130 Evanston Township Hannah Berkenstock (Fr) 0:17:59.5 131 Evanston Township Lindsay Rothe (Fr) 0:18:00.0 132 Evanston Township Erice Chatz (Fr) 0:18:03.3 133 92 Immaculate Heart of Mary LisaMarie Songco (Fr) 0:18:03.8 134 Highland Park Sarrina Wad (Fr) 0:18:06.5 135 Leyden Jamie Geiger (Fr) 0:18:14.2 136 93 Jones Magnet Chantel Moore (So) 0:18:17.2 137 Lane Tech Laura Meoterau (Fr) 0:18:22.0 138 94 Jones Magnet Brittany Mosley (Fr) 0:18:22.3 139 95 Glenbrook North Tracy Hragneha (Fr) 0:18:27.6 140 Evanston Township Laura Alfredson (So) 0:18:31.0 141 Leyden Nelly Montengro (So) 0:18:33.8 142 Lane Tech Holly Davis (Fr) 0:18:34.3 143 Evanston Township Valeria Alt (So) 0:18:37.9 144 Hinsdale Central Lara Ekblad (So) 0:18:41.7 145 Lane Tech Serena Alzate (So) 0:18:51.1 146 96 Immaculate Heart of Mary Tasha Hacholski (Fr) 0:19:12.3 147 97 Jones Magnet Worlynn Ow (Fr) 0:19:12.6 148 Evanston Township Hannah Gelder (So) 0:19:13.1 149 Evanston Township Alex Roveda (So) 0:19:19.0 150 98 Mather Natasha Fernandez (Fr) 0:19:21.8 151 99 Hoffman Estates Kelly Anderson (Fr) 0:19:22.3 152 100 Hoffman Estates Jamie Henson (So) 0:19:27.7 153 Evanston Township Amy Handler (So) 0:19:29.9 154 101 Immaculate Heart of Mary Suzie Chlapecka (Fr) 0:19:38.3 155 Evanston Township Brecon Riley (So) 0:19:41.5 156 102 Immaculate Heart of Mary Rachel Quartullo (Fr) 0:19:55.9 157 Evanston Township Elise Anderson (Fr) 0:19:58.8 158 Lane Tech Vivian Ayala (Fr) 0:20:43.5 159 103 Lincoln Park Daisy Perez (So) 0:20:47.9 160 Evanston Township Joanna Johnston (Fr) 0:20:54.4 161 104 Lincoln Park Easa Smith (Fr) 0:21:09.8 162 Immaculate Heart of Mary Rosa Sanchez (Fr) 0:21:46.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hinsdale Central 30 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 2 Dundee-Crown 53 3, 6, 12, 15, 17, 33, 36 3 Highland Park 112 16, 19, 24, 25, 28, 42, 43 4 Argo 148 1, 18, 26, 30, 73 5 Evanston Township 188 27, 29, 35, 48, 49, 50, 51 6 Leyden 225 13, 22, 57, 61, 72, 77, 89 7 Grayslake 228 32, 34, 41, 58, 63 8 Hoffman Estates 251 21, 31, 44, 75, 80, 99, 100 9 Hinsdale South 259 40, 46, 47, 62, 64, 76, 88 10 Lane Tech 274 14, 59, 60, 67, 74, 81, 84 11 Glenbrook North 278 5, 20, 53, 95, 105 12 Marian Central Catholic 280 23, 54, 55, 69, 79, 87 13 Deerfield 286 37, 52, 56, 70, 71, 82, 83 14 Immaculate Heart of Mary 357 38, 45, 86, 92, 96, 101, 102 15 Jones Magnet 372 39, 68, 78, 93, 94, 97 16 Mather 397 65, 66, 85, 90, 91, 98 17 Lincoln Park 522 103, 104, 105, 105, 105 18 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Farragut No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Good Counsel No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Lake Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Latin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Maria No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hinsdale Central 67:15 13:27 0:20 13:16, 13:19, 13:29, 13:35, 13:36, 13:39 2 Dundee-Crown 69:20 13:52 1:01 13:16, 13:29, 14:07, 14:11, 14:17, 14:58 3 Highland Park 72:47 14:33 0:35 14:14, 14:19, 14:41, 14:44, 14:49, 15:28 4 Argo 73:02 14:36 3:48 12:40, 14:17, 14:45, 14:52, 16:28 5 Evanston Township 76:14 15:15 0:56 14:48, 14:51, 15:07, 15:44, 15:44, 15:45 6 Leyden 76:54 15:23 2:18 14:08, 14:30, 15:50, 16:00, 16:26, 16:35 7 Grayslake 77:21 15:28 1:09 14:54, 15:02, 15:28, 15:54, 16:03 8 Hoffman Estates 78:07 15:37 2:22 14:25, 14:53, 15:31, 16:31, 16:47, 19:22 9 Lane Tech 78:49 15:46 2:17 14:11, 15:55, 15:57, 16:18, 16:28, 16:50 10 Hinsdale South 78:55 15:47 0:43 15:28, 15:35, 15:40, 16:01, 16:11, 16:33 11 Marian Central Catholic 79:14 15:51 2:09 14:34, 15:47, 15:48, 16:22, 16:43, 17:26 12 Deerfield 79:36 15:55 1:07 15:16, 15:46, 15:48, 16:23, 16:23, 16:54 13 Jones Magnet 85:07 17:01 2:55 15:27, 16:22, 16:39, 18:17, 18:22, 19:12 14 Immaculate Heart of Mary 85:32 17:06 3:50 15:22, 15:35, 17:20, 18:03, 19:12, 19:38 15 Mather 85:38 17:08 1:43 16:13, 16:17, 17:16, 17:56, 17:56, 19:21 16 Deerfield-Cambridge,WI No Score 17 Farragut No Score 18 Glenbrook North No Score 13:22, 14:25, 15:47, 18:27 19 Good Counsel No Score 20 Lake Park No Score 21 Latin No Score 22 Lincoln Park No Score 20:47, 21:09 23 Luther South No Score 24 Maria No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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