View detail info about the meet. Individual Results
Frosh/Soph Boys Results October 2, 2010 1. Marmion 44 (6 8 9 10 11 13 27) 2. Illiana Christian 53 (1 2 15 16 19 22 33) 3. Riverside-Brookfield 96 (4 17 20 25 30 42 46) 4. St. Francis 102 (5 18 21 26 32) 5. Romeoville 143 (7 12 38 39 47 48 58) 6. Providence Catholic 146 (3 24 34 36 49 62 63) 7. Herscher 172 (14 31 35 41 51) 8. Nazareth Academy 217 (28 43 44 50 52 59 60) 9. Reavis 223 (29 40 45 54 55 56) 10. Lisle 231 (23 37 53 57 61 64)
1 Tony Wondall (Fr) Illiana Christian 14:27 2 Jordan Dekker (So) Illiana Christian 14:36 3 Steve Sismelich (Fr) Providence Catholic 14:36 4 John Keen (So) Riverside-Brookfield 14:37 5 John Lyons (So) St. Francis 14:49 6 Kevin Hoss (Fr) Marmion 14:55 7 Eddy Rubio (So) West Chicago 14:56 8 Tyler Kesner (Sr) Luther North 15:06 9 Johnathan Kosiek (Fr) Romeoville 15:07 10 Nick Delaney (So) Marmion 15:08 11 Bobby Wagner (So) Marmion 15:10 12 Eric Anderson (So) Marmion 15:12 13 Dan Stompor (So) West Chicago 15:13 14 Max Kelly (So) Marmion 15:13 15 Joshua Sopczak (So) Romeoville 15:15 16 Chris Burrows (So) Marmion 15:17 17 George Luhman (Fr) Herscher 15:18 18 Christian Beezhold (So) Illiana Christian 15:19 19 Marcus Ottenhoff (Fr) Illiana Christian 15:21 20 Ken Sprague (So) Riverside-Brookfield 15:30 21 Andrew Groenewold (So) Timothy Christian 15:32 22 Mike Deaton (Fr) St. Francis 15:36 23 Dustin Pluhard (So) Illiana Christian 15:37 24 Dan Curtin (Fr) Riverside-Brookfield 15:39 25 Nick Vilimek (Fr) St. Francis 15:42 26 David Browning (So) Illiana Christian 15:52 27 Mike Robertson (Fr) Westmont 15:54 28 Jefferson Chan (Fr) Lisle 16:00 29 Mike Monroe (Fr) Providence Catholic 16:05 30 Kevin Faje (Fr) Riverside-Brookfield 16:05 31 Christian Rasmussen (So) Timothy Christian 16:06 32 Dan Reczek (Fr) St. Francis 16:07 33 Robert Wenzel (So) Marmion 16:10 34 Jimmy Larkin (So) Timothy Christian 16:19 35 Mitchell Rubino (So) Nazareth Academy 16:22 36 David Kasprzak (Fr) Reavis 16:22 37 Anthony Rangal (Fr) Riverside-Brookfield 16:23 38 Thomas Walsh (Fr) Herscher 16:35 39 Nick Kolker (Fr) St. Francis 16:42 40 Jared Haan (So) Illiana Christian 16:42 41 Bobby Wallace (Jr) Christ the King Jesuit 16:45 42 Jack Doyle (Fr) Providence Catholic 16:48 43 Ryan Compton (Fr) Westmont 16:49 44 Zach Devereaux (Fr) Herscher 17:07 45 Dan Vaughn (Fr) Providence Catholic 17:07 46 Connor Corrigan (Fr) Lisle 17:08 47 David Van Meertan (Fr) Romeoville 17:10 48 Daniel Quan (So) Romeoville 17:11 49 Edurdo Flores (So) Reavis 17:16 50 Kyle Luna (So) Luther North 17:18 51 Ian Miller (Fr) Walther Lutheran 17:23 52 Aidan Witheft (So) Herscher 17:24 53 Ian Clarke (Fr) Riverside-Brookfield 17:25 54 Andrew Brown (So) Nazareth Academy 17:30 55 Jack Stanton (So) Nazareth Academy 17:30 56 Zachery Kilmczak (So) Reavis 17:35 57 Nick Nikolov (So) Riverside-Brookfield 17:37 58 Brandon Ranchero (So) Romeoville 17:50 59 Jacob Kushiner (Fr) Luther North 17:50 60 Ricardo Juarez (So) Romeoville 17:55 61 Jake Sierzega (Fr) Providence Catholic 17:56 62 Wallace Muhammad (So) Rich South 17:57 63 Trenton Mitchell (So) Nazareth Academy 18:00 64 Alan Riley (So) Herscher 18:07 65 Matt Sullivan (Fr) Nazareth Academy 18:08 66 Tyler Kirtley (So) Lisle 18:17 67 Eyad Zeid (So) Reavis 18:22 68 Malik Bouie (So) Rich South 18:30 69 Roshawn Treadwell (Jr) Christ the King Jesuit 18:36 70 Bill Sliwinski (So) Reavis 18:38 71 Colin Gaerlen (Fr) Walther Lutheran 19:20 72 Malik Moulton (Fr) Providence St. Mel 19:23 73 Isaiah Aguirre (So) Reavis 19:32 74 Steven Lawless (Fr) Streator 19:34 75 Joseph Chernov (Fr) Lisle 19:44 76 Edward Williams (Fr) Rich South 19:48 77 Zachary Palomo (So) Romeoville 19:49 78 Nathan Wollach (So) Nazareth Academy 19:50 79 Bobby Titzer (Fr) Nazareth Academy 19:53 80 Ryan Zurek (Fr) Lisle 20:02 81 Joe Schaefer (Fr) Providence Catholic 20:12 82 Jake Black (Fr) Providence Catholic 20:13 83 Dan Brondyke (Fr) Lisle 20:17 84 Zach Pastirik (Fr) Streator 21:14 85 Dominic Sole (Fr) West Chicago 21:21 86 Marshaun Carlisle (So) Rich South 21:57 87 Shaquille Gant (Jr) Christ the King Jesuit 21:57
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